The War of Resistance

Chapter 1540: Friendly armies don't like each other!

Latest website: “Load the bullet, don’t turn the safety on, but be ready to fight at any time.

That is to say, when we go over, you can't point your gun at the other party, but you have to observe the other party more and ensure that when you need to shoot, you can raise your hand to shoot. "This is the order Shang Zhen gave to his people.

Zhang Zhen's order was so detailed and strange that amidst the clatter of rifle bolts, Cheng Peng asked Shang Zhen the doubts of the entire company's officers and soldiers: "What, isn't the battalion commander facing friendly troops? "

However, Shang Zhen ignored Cheng Peng's question, and then gave another order: "Our company will be divided into three parts in platoon units. I will lead the first platoon, and the second platoon will be in the middle. Cheng Peng, you will lead the third platoon." Array.

There should be a certain distance between the three rows, as long as they are not out of sight of each other.

Separate the horses we captured and take a few to each platoon.

It is true that the other party is our friendly army, but it may not be friendly to us.

As for the specific reason, I will explain it to you after we cross the river. "

Since Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers naturally had to carry it out.

Orders don't just have to be executed if you understand them, but you still have to execute them if you don't understand them.

Since Shang Zhen had something to say, the soldiers in the platoon following Shang Zhen were naturally alert.

They met up with the leading soldiers in front and walked onto the small bridge. There were already people from the security brigade on the other side of the river.

There must be one company by the river, and two companies in the area between it and the woods. Looking behind those two companies, there are still people in the woods behind. As the sharp soldier said, there are people from the security brigade this time. There are quite a few!

"Which regiment of the 113th Division are you from?" When Shang Zhen and the soldiers walked off the bridge, a security brigade officer standing on the other side of the river spoke.

"We are from the 586th regiment." Shang Zhen answered calmly.

"Then where is your commander? We are all fighting against Japanese invaders. If we meet each other, we can talk more and chat more!" the officer said enthusiastically.

However, because of Shang Zhen's reminder, the soldiers noticed that the soldiers in the security brigade looked at them in a not very friendly way, and they also looked wary.

"Our commander is at the back and is busy with military affairs, so I won't talk to him anymore." Shang Zhen continued to deal with it.

To say that Shang Zhen was dressed the same as an ordinary soldier at this time, he was not wearing an officer's uniform.

Shang Zhen himself is a cautious person. No matter when he is commanding a battle or marching, he wears the same clothes as an ordinary soldier. He only wears officer's clothes in front of the division commander Liu Chengyi.

The helmet that Shang Zhen wears now is the same as that of the soldiers, both of which are flat Tony-style helmets.

The only thing that can prove that his identity is different from ordinary soldiers is that Shang Zhen is now carrying a twenty-ring box cannon on his body and a nine-dragon belt hanging on his body.

But what does this mean?

We all belong to the large army, so we must not think that just because the person has a short gun on his body, he must be an officer. He may be from the guard or the special agent company.

It's like a person wearing a well-dressed Mao suit with a pen in his jacket pocket.

You can say that he is different, but you cannot say that he is definitely a big shot.

Maybe he is just an ordinary teacher or a clerk in a company, or he has too many pens, or he may be a pen repairer!

Since Shang Zhen did not admit his identity, the officer opposite would naturally not know about it. Moreover, Shang Zhen said that he had military affairs, so the officer could only let Shang Zhen and the others leave.

However, Shang Zhen did not go along the original road at this time. The original road was already filled with people from the security brigade.

However, Shang Ba led the soldiers of that platoon and walked forward along the river.

Shang Zhen and the others walked more than a hundred meters and finally stopped on the other side of a hill by the river. They just placed a few soldiers on the top of the hill.

Seeing Shang Zhen and the others standing still, they had reached the second row on the bridge before continuing to walk down.

But just when the people in that platoon arrived at the hilltop, Shang Zhen took most of the people in the platoon further and were already at a willow bush by the river.

When the second platoon stopped at the hillock, Cheng Peng took the last group of people, the third platoon, down the bridge.

After they arrived at the bridge, they said something to the officer of the security brigade as usual.

But at this time, the security brigade officer's face had lost all enthusiasm, and suddenly became as cold as frost.

But when the security brigade officer looked at the two platoons that had passed by earlier, he saw that all the people there were lying down. Although he said that he did not point his gun at them, no one believed him that he was not preparing for a fight.

In the end, the security brigade officer could only wave his hand angrily and let Cheng Peng and the others leave to join the two platoons in front.

"What did the officer ask you?" Shang Zhen asked the second platoon leader when everyone gathered together.

"He asked where our commander is?" the second platoon leader replied.

"How did you answer him?" Shang Zhen asked curiously.

"I wanted to say that our battalion commander is in front, didn't you see? But when I thought about it, it was wrong. If you admitted it, he would ask me Gaha?

So I asked the official, didn’t the people in front of us tell you?

The official said it, and the people in front of you said it, your commander is behind you.

If he said that, it would be easy for me. I would also say that our commander is behind. "

"Okay, you are so smart as a platoon leader!" Shang Zhen praised sincerely.

Then Shang Zhen asked Cheng Peng, who came after him, "Then what did you say to them?"

"They also asked me the same question, where is our commander?

Of course I have to say, our commander is at the front. How big is the battalion commander? Who am I, a small company commander, to be a commander? "Cheng Peng replied.

As soon as the words came to this point, everyone present laughed.

How else can people like Shang Zhen and others tease people? Unknowingly, they "boiled" the officer from the security brigade! Although this is just a tacit understanding and not a deliberate arrangement.

But the officer in the security brigade definitely didn't think so. He definitely thought that Shang Zhen and the others were deliberately plotting against him.

It's no wonder that when Cheng Peng and the others were separated from the security brigade, their faces showed anger.

"Batalion Commander, what is going on?" Cheng Peng asked again.

At this point, Shang Zhen was naturally able to answer.

Although it was impossible for him to answer in detail, Cheng Peng and the others understood the general idea.

It turns out that this security brigade is a brigade under the SD Provincial Security Division.

The 51st Army was fighting guerrilla warfare in Shandong, and of course it was under the control of Yu Xiuzhong, the supreme commander-in-chief of the Northeast Army.

But that security brigade was recruited by SD Provincial Chairman Shen Junlie.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Yu Xiuzhong and Shen Junlie have many conflicts. This naturally involves the issue of who commands whom.

But aren’t all the upper echelons of the national army like this?

The old man divided the national army into three, six or nine levels, and Shen Junlie belonged to the old man.

But as far as the old man is concerned, Yu Xiuzhong still has value and can be regarded as a local powerful faction.

The person with the most power in the National Government did not initiate political orders, but changed them day and night according to his own interests. In other words, he was at odds with each other. How could there be no conflicts among the people below?

In other words, many times the conflicts among people below are artificially created by people above!

To put it bluntly, this is also a leadership pattern.

Some leaders came to power by forming cliques. After he becomes the leader, he will still let the people below him form cliques to create conflicts, in order to consolidate his own position.

It would be fine if only the Northeast Army and the Shandong Security Division had conflicts, but Shang Zhen got news from the Lunan guerrillas that the Shandong Security Division was also in cahoots with the Japanese army!

Shang Zhen is not surprised by this.

Nowadays, there are various anti-Japanese armed forces, anti-Japanese forces, and anti-Japanese forces.

Some people are resisting Japan today, but they will not be resisting Japan tomorrow.

Some of them are still voluntarily armed today, but will be incorporated by the National Army tomorrow, and will probably be persuaded by the Eighth Route Army the day after tomorrow.

It is more likely that some people were resisting Japan a few days ago and then became puppet soldiers a few days later.

The greatest test of national integrity is in the face of life and death. Who knows that saving the country through curves is not about fear of death or conserving strength?

So for the back and forth of various armies, UU read www.uukanshu. com Is it so easy to find a strong ally to resist Japan? How could Shang Zhen be so careless?

But Shang Zhen didn't know that at this time in the security team, the officer who had spoken to him earlier was reporting to their brigade commander.

“They are all humble and incompetent, and this group of Northeastern troops was not left behind.

But they were too careful, and their **** company split into three parts to cross the river!

We can't do it even if we want to. If we lose another person because of them, it won't be a crime. "

However, the brigade commander didn't care about the officer's statement. He stretched out his hand and waved his hand and said: "Since they don't want to visit our mountain, let them go. I don't believe that they can't walk along the river but cannot get on the road. "

When the brigade commander said this, the officer below's eyes lit up.

"I didn't say anything!" The brigade commander smiled enigmatically.


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