The War of Resistance

Chapter 1521: We almost succeeded by 1 o'clock (2)

Latest website: "What a pity!" Cheng Peng shouted.

At this time, Hou Kanshan loaded the leather box on his box cannon and rushed up the **** to the right.

By the time he lay down, the box of cannon was already on his shoulder, and just a few dozen meters away, two Japanese sentries were rushing towards him with Type 38 rifles.

When Cheng Peng and Hou Kanshan came over dressed as Japanese soldiers, the two Japanese soldiers could see them, but when they got closer, due to the obstruction of the hillside, the two Japanese sentries could not see them.

But the two Japanese soldiers heard the gunfire. They were also veterans, and they heard that it was not the sound of a Type 38 rifle. If they didn't come over to check, what would they do as sentries?

When Hou Kanshan saw these two Japanese soldiers, the two Japanese soldiers naturally also saw Hou Kanshan.

But the two Japanese soldiers were also surprised that one of their companions suddenly appeared on the hillside in front of them, and under the same hat as them was a ferocious face.

That face is so ugly, not even the Japanese are so ugly!

At this time, Hou Kanshan didn't know that the two Japanese soldiers only noticed his ugly face but didn't notice his box cannon!

He saw the rifles of the two Japanese soldiers pointed at him. He was afraid that if someone pointed at the sight of the rifle, his life would be lost!

Then why doesn't he shoot quickly?

So the two Japanese soldiers were knocked down by the bullets fired by this ugly man in their eyes!

When the two Japanese soldiers were shot and fell one after another, the Japanese light machine guns in the village not far away also rang out, and not just one!

The Japanese army was really afraid of being harassed by the Northeastern Army, so they had so many sentries on the outside.

However, as the Japanese light machine guns started firing, bullets were also fired from behind the trees and rocks on the hills not far away. Two Japanese machine guns were silenced one after another.

There were still soldiers from the Northeast Army in the woods. Although there were not many of them, their marksmanship was very accurate when there were veterans there.

But then the shooting sound of the Japanese army took over, and bullets flew into the distance like locusts, causing branches and leaves to fly in the woods.

"Holy shit, get out!" Cheng Peng didn't expect such a big fight to happen. He greeted Hou Kanshan, but the two of them didn't even care about the bag of horse materials hanging on the horse. The individual took advantage of the cover of the hillside to retreat.

It turned out that the horse's horse feed bag contained a bundle of cluster grenades!

The firepower of the Japanese army became more and more powerful.

The Japanese army did not expect that these Northeastern troops were so bold and launched an attack on them before it was dark.

At this time, he had just entered the village and spread out the map on a broken table in a house. The Japanese captain rushed out before his buttocks were warm.

The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army cannot be underestimated. The middle and lower-level officers of the Japanese army are also brave and often take the lead in charging.

The Japanese captain went directly to the room. After observing for a while, he came to the conclusion that the Chinese army did not have many troops. He immediately began to mobilize troops without even lowering the roof.

Just because he found that the Chinese army that was harassing them this time was relatively close to them, so he couldn't let them escape this time no matter what!

At this time, on the other side of the village, four more wounded Japanese cavalrymen were riding into the Japanese "circle"!

But the four Japanese soldiers were still pretending to be soldiers from the Northeast Army. They were Wang Xiaodan, Bian Xiaolong, Tian Xing, and Gu Xihuai.

Tian Xing and Gu Xihuai were both members of the former security company.

The only reason why they can dress up as Japanese soldiers is because they are short.

Now no one of the four people on the horse is thinking about how they got into the Japanese army just now. It would be good for Cheng Peng and Hou Kanshan to get into the Japanese army, but if they can't get in, it will serve as a cover. effect, and vice versa for them.

Cheng Peng divided the platoon he led into two parts, one on each side.

Now Wang Xiaodan and the others are all focused on the place more than a hundred meters ahead. They are surrounded by Japanese troops. Moreover, due to the harassment from Cheng Peng and the others at the other end of the village, the entire Japanese military station cannot be said to be in chaos, but it cannot be said to be chaotic either. They were in good order, and no Japanese army paid special attention to them.

Just over a hundred meters ahead there were two carriages.

There was a wooden box on the carriage, and they also saw something covered by a canvas. Due to the obstruction of the canvas, they were naturally unable to see the whole thing, but the dumbfounded arm should have a tube-shaped object. If they guessed correctly, it should be a Japanese mortar!

Target found! What are these people doing here? Isn't that just for the Japanese mortars? As the company commander, Cheng Peng said this before!

Bian Xiaolong subconsciously wanted to see his companion's face, but then he stopped his inner impulse.

Now they have entered the Japanese invaders' den. Although their faces are disguised, such as being stained with dirt or blood, their every move must look like Japanese invaders.

Moreover, the Japanese soldiers were so close to them, even just a few meters away from her, that it was impossible for them to speak.

At this time, even if they have a look that is different from the Japanese and arouse the suspicion of the Japanese, then they will reveal their secrets!

What they need to do now is just to sneak in next to the two carriages, and then make a noise for the Japanese army, a noise like a big firecracker!

The four war horses each carried their four "wounded people" of different shapes and continued to move forward.

It’s just that what is supposed to happen will happen eventually.

Being able to break through the dragon's pond and the tiger's den is certainly a heroic breakthrough, but it is also a kind of pride.

But really, in most cases it's just a kind of pride, otherwise wouldn't heroes become cabbages on the streets?

It is said that the most dangerous place is the safest, but that is more of a saying in literature and drama. The two words before the so-called safety also include danger!

"***", just as the four of them were advancing, a Japanese soldier spoke to them.

God knows what was said to them, but let alone the four of them, even Shang Zhen didn't have a single person who was proficient in Japanese in the entire camp. He couldn't even understand what he was saying, let alone speak it.

The four people's eyes followed the Japanese soldier's voice and then he saw a Japanese soldier walking forward and intercepting Tian Xing's horse at the front.

Not to mention the appearance of the Japanese soldier, they saw the eye-catching white sleeve band on the Japanese soldier's left arm with a red "cross" on it.

They still recognized Wang Xiaodan, but even if they didn't, they had heard that the people with this sign were Japanese army health corpsmen.

It is estimated that this Japanese health soldier really regarded them as wounded. Although he may not have the medicine to treat them, he should be able to do some simple bandaging.

By this time, Wang Xiaodan and the four of them had a bad feeling.

Tian Xing, who was lying on the horse at the front, raised his head slightly, pretending to be weak, and opened his mouth but didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't dare to say anything.

He tugged on the horse's reins, trying to get the horse around the pesky Japanese soldier.

But if his thoughts were childish, how could he escape now that they were coming?

Seeing Tian Xing's horse's head being avoided, the Japanese soldier took another step forward and reached out to grab the reins of Tian Xing's horse.

This Japanese soldier really came to care about these injured cavalry companions, but at this moment, his eyes collided with Wang Xiaodan's.

There is no denying that there are differences in temperament between Chinese and Japanese. The Japanese soldier at UU Kanshu was stunned the moment he saw Tian Xing's eyes.

Then he looked at Tian Xing up and down!

By this time, these four Northeastern Army soldiers, who were already deep in the tiger's den, would they be stupid if they still couldn't realize that something was wrong?

Now that we have come to this point, where is there any way out? This is what Tian Xinxing thinks.

So he no longer pretended to be a wounded man and suddenly shook the reins and clamped his calves on the horse's belly. The horse started running forward, but directly knocked the Japanese soldier to the ground!

"Charge up! Blow him up!" Tian Xing shouted, and Gu Xihuai, who was following him, quickly urged his horse, and the two horses rushed forward!

At this time, Wang Xiaodan, who was in third place, also reacted quickly, but what he whispered was: "Run back quickly!"

(End of chapter)


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