The War of Resistance

Chapter 1520: We almost succeeded by 1 o'clock (1)

Latest website: It was already dusk. A Japanese commander pointed the Japanese sword in his hand. Under the cover of the machine gun, several Japanese soldiers stepped forward carefully with rifles with bayonets attached.

There was a small village in front of it, with about thirty or fifty households.

The village is dilapidated and there is no smoke as imagined.

But at this time, the Japanese commander became nervous. He told his machine gunners to be ready to fight at any time. It cannot be said that he was frightened by the guerrilla warfare of the Chinese army, but he was also extremely annoyed by the beating. .

Fortunately, his soldiers had already moved closer to the house, and no gunshots were fired.

But the Japanese officer still did not relax his vigilance. Although they responded to their emperor's call to open up territory for His Majesty, he also understood that this was not the home of their Yamato nation.

His men had entered the village, and he could see his soldiers still searching through the gaps between the houses.

"No gunshots, no explosions." The Japanese commander muttered to himself, but when he finally breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a "pop" gunshot from the village!

At the sound of gunfire, the Japanese officer and the thousands of Japanese soldiers outside the village trembled almost at the same time, and the machine gunners responsible for covering had their fingers directly on the trigger.

Just when all the Japanese thought that the Chinese army had attacked them again, Japanese soldiers ran out of the village.

The soldier reported to his captain that there were no Chinese troops in the village, and there was only an old Chinese man. The old man dragged his old body and tried to attack them, but they shot him dead!

At this point, the Japanese officer finally relaxed.

But then he cursed the soldier who came to report the news to him. The reason is that if you can solve it with a bayonet, don't use bullets!

The small island country is short of resources, and saving resources has been integrated into the bones of every Japanese. Otherwise, why would their Type 92 heavy machine gun focus more on precise shooting of short bursts.

And the design of the Type 92 heavy machine gun is the only one of its kind in the world today.

Originally, according to the plan, the Japanese army should not camp here, but along the way they were harassed by the Chinese army, of course the 51st Army of the Northeast Army.

It doesn't matter if they fire a shot or a platoon gun, or simply give them a sudden fire attack. Although they are unlikely to suffer heavy casualties, they always have to stop their march to attack the intruders. Bar?

It's just the same every time. They can't achieve any results at all. The Chinese army runs very fast. In their eyes, those Chinese soldiers are like rabbits turned into spirits. They run too fast!

Repeatedly, their marching speed was delayed, and they did not reach the designated camping place—a large town—before dark, so they could only camp in this small village.

Of course, they could continue moving forward, but it was already dusk now and it would be dark soon. They were already harassed by the Chinese army. Wouldn't the risk be greater if they walked at night?

Smoke quickly rose in the village. It was the Japanese soldiers who were setting fire to cook. Or to be precise, it should no longer be considered as smoke, but as wolf smoke, but it was not the wolf smoke lit by the Chinese, but wild beasts. The beacon fire caused by the wolves invading China!

Japanese sentries began to stand with guns drawn on the commanding heights around the village. They were sentries arranged by the Japanese army. God knows whether the Northeastern Army would come to continue the harassment tonight, so the Japanese sentries had many arrangements.

And at this time, under the afterglow of the setting sun in winter, a horse walked in the distance.

The Japanese soldiers standing with guns shouted when they discovered the horse, but the man on the horse did not respond.

And when the horse walked up to the Japanese sentry under the slowly moving muzzle, they saw clearly that there were two soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army on the horse, yes, two.

The one in front of the two soldiers was lying on the horse, and the one behind was lying on the back of the soldier in front. Both of them had blood stains on their bodies.

"***", the Japanese sentry began to shout. Even if these two soldiers were not from their own brigade and did not know the password, they could always answer something in Japanese.

But what happened next shocked him.

The companion in front immediately stood up and raised his head, and the Japanese sentry saw an almost ferocious face covered in blood!

But that's all. The Japanese soldier in front stood up, but there was another Japanese soldier behind him.

The first one got up and naturally brought the one behind him with him. Perhaps the two of them were too seriously injured and were unable to support their bodies. Think about it, if they could support their bodies by themselves, why would they lie on the horse? ?

And the result was that the two men trembled and fell off the horse at the same time!

But just after the two of them fell off their horses, the Japanese sentry noticed that they had ropes tied to them!

I don’t know whether the two of them were captured by the Chinese army and the rope they escaped was tied by the Chinese, or whether they were both injured and tied themselves together for fear that one of them would fall!

At this point, the Japanese sentry shouted without doubting that he was there, so two more Japanese soldiers ran out around him, and they ran down from the commanding heights.

In their eyes, this is their companion of the Imperial Japanese Army!

A total of three Japanese soldiers surrounded their two companions who had fallen to the ground.

But just when one of the Japanese soldiers reached out to help the wounded, an accident suddenly happened. The ropes on the two wounded beneath them suddenly broke!

Maybe it opened because the rope was tied with a hook. If it broke, it would be very slow to open the rope if it was just tied with a hook. If it broke, it meant that the rope had a place where it was going to break. You just need to use a little force to break the rope. It's broken.

Anyway, the two wounded men who were bound by ropes suddenly became free.

And what happened in an instant, besides the other person becoming a free body, the two people suddenly had a bayonet in each hand and stabbed them!

The conscience of heaven and earth, the Japanese soldier who went to help the ferocious-looking companion really did not escape, and at this moment his mind went blank. At the moment when the bayonet was inserted into his heart, he only remembered the ferocious face. Face!

How could there be such an ugly face in this world?

This was the last thought of the Japanese soldier before he was stabbed to death.

But as the cold bayonet penetrated his hot heart, the thought disappeared, and his world became the world of the dead.

If you don’t know life, how can you know death? In this world, it is unclear whether people are alive or not. Who can understand what happens after death?

The dead have passed away, but the living must live, and the living must work hard not to die.

Another Japanese soldier, who was also defenseless, was also stabbed.

At this time, the third Japanese soldier finally screamed with this little time buffer. UU Reading

But at this time, he had no time to react. He just instinctively opened the safety on his Type 38 rifle, and then pulled the trigger.

So a "bang" gunshot broke the tranquility of the dusk, as if the tranquility in this war-torn era was an illusion. Only the sound of gunfire and the blood of soldiers from both sides were the theme of this era!

But just after this "bang" shot, there was a "bang bang" sound of the box cannon firing.

The third Japanese soldier also fell.

And the box cannon was brazenly held in the hands of the so-called Japanese wounded behind, who was Shang Zhen's company commander Cheng Peng.

As for the man with a ferocious face, even if it was a disguise, it was just a bit of blood on top of the original ugliness, that was none other than Hou Kanshan!

(End of chapter)


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