The War of Resistance

Chapter 1492: The "cat" caught by the "fishy"

Latest website: In a forest, Lao Chen then faced the silent Shang Zhen.

And this is already considered the junction area between southern Shandong and central Shandong. It is also a mountainous area. Through the woods, you can see the undulating mountains in the distance that are not high, as well as the mountains rising in a mountain depression not far away. Some smoke came out.

Shang Zhen arrived here with his two companies. When Lao Chen said that there were still more than 10 miles away from Woniu Town, he asked the troops to stop in this wilderness.

At this point, although Lao Chen remained silent, he already had a new understanding of the Northeastern Army led by Shang Zhen. What Shang Zhen did was different from what he had originally imagined.

Shang Zhen was very happy when he agreed to rescue Political Commissar Leng or the Lunan guerrillas in crisis, but he chose to travel day and night.

They marched all night and rested at dawn.

Therefore, no matter which territory they visited, they never found such an army entering or passing by quietly.

Shang Zhen didn't lose his temper just because he said something about his fiancée.

Besides, Shang Zhen's military discipline is very good and his style is very tough.

No one made any unnecessary noise when marching at night, and no one complained when hiding during the day.

Moreover, the two companies together had almost 300 people, but there was no fire for cooking. In this early winter season, everyone only ate their own dry food!

The water they drank was either carried by themselves or taken directly from puddles in the wilderness.

Because of this, Shang Zhen's two companies spent two nights of rapid marching to get here.

After arriving here, Lao Chen asked Shang Zhen why he didn't leave? But instead of answering his question, Shang Zhen said to him, please don't move around casually. .

Then there were two more "bodyguards" beside him, one on the left and one on the right. Even when he was peeing, they were always with him.

Lao Chen is not a fool. Can a fool serve as a traffic officer for the guerrillas?

At this point, Lao Chen understood that he had lost his freedom in life.

In this regard, Lao Chen also remained silent and did not protest. Instead, his interest in Shang Zhen suddenly increased.

This is right, this is how a military commander should be vigilant when he goes to an unfamiliar place!

When Shang Zhen sent people out to investigate, Lao Chen seemed to have accidentally mentioned the surrounding situation to Shang Zhen and the others. For example, less than four miles northwest of where they were now, there was another man named Yu Zeng. The realm of blessed bandits.

While waiting in silence, Lao Chen glanced at the tall man who had been on his right. He heard the soldier call that man, and that man was called Da Laobeng.

It can be seen that although the old man is tall and powerful, he is very young and has a simple and honest face. He is also wearing a military uniform that is a little too small, which gives people the impression that he is an honest child.

Just now, Lao Chen specifically asked Big Laoban whether all Northeastern people are so tall.

The old man replied naively, I am not from the Northeast.

So how did you join the Northeast Army? Lao Chen asked next.

The old man smiled honestly, but this time his answer was that the battalion commander was not allowed to speak in the team.

At this point, this brief conversation ended.

In this era, as a traffic officer, Lao Chen saw all kinds of people.

Although he felt that his eldest wife was very honest, he also knew that some people would change their attitude as soon as they said they would.

Everyone has said that the battalion commander is not allowed to speak in the team. Wouldn't it be boring to speak by myself? Or what if someone falls out?

It's like a murderer never writes the words "I know how to kill" on his face.

"You said Woniu Town is about ten miles ahead, but not far from here is the bandit's territory. So won't there be a conflict between your two families?" At this time, Shang Zhen's voice sounded behind Lao Chen. .

"It turned out that we had two fights, but no one could eat the other, or in other words, if someone ate the other, the casualties on our side would be too great, so it would be a waste of time." Lao Chen replied.

"How is it possible?" At this time, Lao Chen heard Shang Zhen mutter to himself, "Is it possible that a hero who upholds justice for heaven and a bandit who robs families and bullies men and women can live in peace and harmony as neighbors?"

Lao Chen was speechless, what Shang Zhen said was undoubtedly right.

In fact, the two families are only temporarily in peace with each other.

As far as Lao Chen knew, Yu Zengfu and his group of bandits were trying every means to contact the Japanese and puppet troops, because Japanese troops had already arrived in Yishui County, the nearest town to them.

Correspondingly, the CCP is also selecting and deploying a large number of cadres to Shandong.

In terms of the number of troops, at least now the Chinese Communist Party's troops are definitely not as good as the national army, nor can they compare with the various armed forces in various places.

But the Chinese Communist Party can rely on the people. Every person sent here is a seed, deeply planted among the people, and will soon pull out the team.

It's just that Lao Chen doesn't want to tell Shang Zhen about these situations yet.

When the conversation stopped, Lao Chen and Shang Zhen fell into silence again.

But not long after, they heard a sudden gunshot from the northwest.

Although Old Chen was agitated at the sound of gunshots, he also noticed that the Northeastern officers and soldiers who were resting in the woods subconsciously reached out to touch their guns.

He turned to look at Shang Zhen again. Shang Zhen didn't move, his face was calm and he still looked happy and worry-free.

At this time, Lao Chen suddenly realized that the fiancé of Political Commissar Leng, Battalion Commander Shang Zhenshang, was not only not simple, but should also be a very powerful character.

The reason is simple. In times of war, there are only two types of people who don't react when they hear the sound of gunshots. One type is a fool who knows nothing, and the other is a capable person who has experienced everything.

Just imagine that Shang Zhen cannot be the former, then he can only be the latter.

More than twenty minutes later, the investigation team sent by Shang Zhen came back and brought back two people with rags stuffed in their mouths.

As soon as he saw the two men, Old Chen knew that they were bandits under Yu Zengfu.

But what surprised Lao Chen was that there was a woman among the people who came back.

The woman is not old, she looks like a big girl from the looks of her face, and she has a floral cloth on her head, but she is still a woman, so how can her figure be as slender as that of a man?

Is this a woman from Shanwa Village? Why can’t I remember whose family had a daughter like this? Lao Chen was confused.

Of course he is familiar with the place where the smoke rises, and is familiar with every household there, just because he is an orphan and grew up in that Shanwa village eating Baijia milk.

But then something even stranger happened to Lao Chen.

He saw the eldest girl, stretched out her hand to wipe off the flower cloth on her head, revealing her short hair, and said in a crisp voice: "Batalion Commander, what do you think of the two prisoners we captured for you? When we arrived at that village, Just in time, some bandits came over, and these two desperate people looked at me and chased me."

Oh I got it!

Only then did Lao Chen realize that this woman turned out to be a soldier under Shang Zhen!

No wonder they caught two bandits back easily.

People often use the phrase "cats are not greedy" to describe the relationship between men and women.

From a cat's point of view, it is an instinct to like to eat meat and catch mice. Whether it is fishy or meat, it has an irresistible temptation for cats.

But for today's bandits, the same is true for women.

As far as Lao Chen knows, among the various bandits in Shandong nowadays, how can any of them not harm women?

The bandit is the cat, and the woman is the smell in the cat's nose.

What was Political Commissar Leng's fiancé doing to capture two bandits? Is this asking for a confession?

It seems that I am indeed not trusted. I still underestimated the business manager after all!

Oops, isn't that right? Without two members of Yu Zengfu's group, they will definitely put the account on the Lunan guerrillas!

But no matter what Lao Chen thought, he could only think. He knew that it was not appropriate for him to remain silent at this time.

But if he doesn't speak, someone will naturally speak.

"Well Shang Zhen first praised his men, and then said to the two bandits: "Since you take the initiative to bully good women, then I won't have any psychological burden if I kill you two. . "

The eyes of the two bandits flickered. Originally, they wanted to announce the names of their bosses after the rags were pulled from their mouths.

Of course, this is from Shang Zhen's perspective. After all, Northeastern Beards only call their heads the boss.

But when the two bandits saw that there were fully armed soldiers in the woods, they were dumbfounded.

"I heard that your boss has many tricks." Shang Zhen spoke.

I don't know why, but Lao Chen, who was already used to Shang Zhen's precious words, suddenly heard a chill from these words.

“Boiled in fire, disembowelled, gutted, lit with sky lanterns to release smallpox from the ceiling, cut into eight pieces, and executed at a very late hour, these are never pleasant deaths.

Then come on, let you Shandong thieves have a taste of Northeast Beard's methods. "

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