The War of Resistance

Chapter 1491: Chongguan 1 Anger turns into beauty?

Latest website: A young Northeastern Army officer in the battalion headquarters quietly looked at the man in a long coat in front of him, listening to the man's story, and occasionally he would ask a question.

Finally, when the man in the long coat finished speaking, the young officer fell silent.

The man in the long gown was Lao Chen, the anti-Japanese guerrilla traffic officer who was with Mo Jianchen a few days ago.

The traffic officers of the Eighth Route Army usually have their identities covered, but that old Chen's identity was exposed a few days ago.

That day when he went to Zhu Laoliu's stronghold was the last time he appeared as a traffic officer behind enemy lines.

It is precisely because of this that he will appear in front of Zhu Laoliu's puppet army. Otherwise, if the puppet soldiers recognize him and he will be a traffic officer in the future, he will definitely be caught and dipped in cold water.

At this time, Lao Chen looked at the pensive young officer in front of him, feeling a little curious and a little uneasy.

I was curious because it turned out that the young Northeast Army officer in front of me was the fiancé of my guerrilla political commissar Leng Xiaozhi.

The Lunan guerrillas may not necessarily admire Mo Jianchen, but they all admire Leng Xiaozhi.

A girl's family was a college student, and then she went to the countryside to lead them in the resistance against Japan. She spoke with a crisp voice, was never sloppy in doing things, cared about her colleagues in every possible way, and at the same time she was someone who dared to love and hate. people.

All of them knew that the current acting captain Mo Jianchen liked Leng Xiaozhi.

But Leng Xiaozhi has always treated Mo Jianchen as a comrade. In other words, our young and beautiful political commissar really doesn't like Mo Jianchen, the acting captain.

But if you look at it from another perspective, without talking about the value of force, Lao Chen now believes that in terms of personal conditions, Mo Jianchen is definitely stronger than the ordinary-looking Northeastern Army officer in front of him. Too much too much.

Lao Chen was an old man in the guerrillas. He knew how Mo Jianchen looked without a beard. He looked so handsome and handsome, even as a man, he felt that he was really eye-catching.

Now if Mo Jianchen shaves off that beard, even if there are scars on his face, he will still be much stronger than the ordinary Northeast Army officer in front of him.

If Mo Jianchen looked a bit too pretty and unmanly when his face was not injured, but after he got the scar, he turned into a mature man!

So much so that every time they followed Mo Jianchen to a fellow villager's house, the older girl from the fellow villager's house would secretly glance at Mo Jianchen.

How could Chen, at his age, not understand that this was the sign of a young girl who had never experienced love affairs?

But the young Northeastern Army officer in front of him was so ordinary, so ordinary that it felt like he would be forgotten as soon as he saw him.

He has an average build and average appearance, with no distinguishing features. His skin is neither white nor black, just like an ordinary potato among a pile of potatoes.

When he heard himself talk about Leng Xiaozhi's experience before, he didn't interrupt casually, and only asked occasionally.

And this may be what he thinks is the only advantage of this young man at present, that is, he doesn't have the chattering energy of Northeastern people.

So, what does his political commissar Leng Xiaozhi like about this kid?

There are more than a hundred people in the Lunan guerrillas, and there are sixty or seventy young people. There are many people who like the cold political commissar.

Moreover, as a former traffic officer, Lao Chen also knew that there were many people among superior leaders who liked the cold political commissar.

When he went to deliver the news to his superiors, someone was asking him overtly or covertly. As far as he knew, the leaders were not ordinary, they were all seniors. It was said that some of them had climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands. .

So, how can this kid make Yi Zhihua of our Lunan guerrillas like him so much? How can he prove that he is not that piece of cow dung?

As for the anxiety in Lao Chen's heart, he was worried that Political Commissar Leng's fiancé would not lead his team to fight the Japanese army, so wouldn't his trip be in vain?

But their acting captain Mo Jianchen said that as long as he followed his instructions and passed on the message, the business commander would definitely take people there.

It's just that now people don't say anything after listening to me, and their faces don't show any joy, anger, sorrow, or joy. So what are they planning?

To Lao Chen's surprise, the young officer in front of him thought for a while and then asked him again: "Are you familiar with the way the little devil walks and the surrounding terrain?"

"Of course, we are all natives of our hometown." Lao Chen replied quickly.

"What if we walk at night?" the young officer asked again

"We can touch it back with our eyes closed." Lao Chen then came back.

"Okay, let's set off when it's almost dark. I'll lead two companies." The young officer said calmly again.

"Ah? Okay." Lao Chen, who had experienced rough waters since he became a traffic officer for the Lunan guerrillas, became unsteady.

He really didn't expect that this young officer, the fiancé of their political commissar Leng, would answer so quickly.

Because the answer came quickly, it made Lao Chen, a mature and prudent person, wonder if the other party's promise was a little too hasty? Because it was so easy to achieve his goal, he almost didn't believe his ears!

The battalion commander named Shang Zhen, the fiancé of their political commissar Leng, was so surprised that Lao Chen was so surprised that this decision came so quickly. So when it was almost dark and he was taking the Northeastern Army on the road, he There is also a feeling of wandering in a dream.

Seeing that this guy has a pretty calm personality, why did he just say yes? Did our political commissar Leng go with the wrong person?

Alas, forget it, who knows what the business manager is planning?

Besides, they haven't been together for several years. Who knows if Political Commissar Leng has another man in mind? I really don’t care too much about it!

"What? Your company is the only one left here?" When Mr. Wang asked Cheng Peng in surprise, Shang Zhen had already set off with the two companies.

"Then our battalion commander is going to save his wife. Who among us can stop this? Where are you going to stop it?" Cheng Peng replied to Mr. Wang.

Wang Lao Mao was speechless.

Yes, can you stop it just by yourself? Shang Zhen went to save his wife.

Mr. Wang only found out that Leng Xiaozhi had sent someone to deliver a message, saying that their Lunan guerrillas were in danger, and Shang Zhen led two companies to rescue him, so he rushed over from his wife to ask.

How could he, Old Man Wang, not take part in such a big operation like theirs?

But what if he comes? Then I have married a little daughter-in-law, who is about to give birth to a baby now.

He still knows that he cares about his wife, so what right does he have to stop Shang Zhen from saving his wife?

"But based on the words of the person who came, he has to take two companies. Isn't he afraid that there will be other problems?" Wang Lao Mao is Wang Lao Mao. After a while, he asked again, but he still felt uneasy. .

What does Shang Zhen mean by doing this? The feeling given to Mr. Wang was like what was said in ancient books. It was said that someone came over with some kind of military talisman and immediately transferred the troops.

He always felt that this was too childish If Leng Xiaozhi showed up and they often dealt with Leng Xiaozhi, then he would agree.

But is such a big move now just based on some **** "three lifetimes"?

"The battalion commander was afraid that you would be worried, so he actually left a message." At this time, Cheng Peng said, "The battalion commander said, how could others know what he and Leng Xiaozhi said? Anyway, no matter whether Leng Xiaozhi came or not, we They all have to fight the devils.

The battalion commander also said that he would control the person who came and not lead us into the pit, so the battalion commander asked our people to move until it was almost dark. "

As soon as Cheng Peng said this, Mr. Wang finally felt relieved and muttered: "This little **** still knows how to save something."

"Oh, by the way, where are they going?" asked Mr. Wang, who was relieved and lit his cigarette again.

"It's said that more than a hundred miles further north, there is a place called Woniu Town, which is the guerrilla zone of the Lunan guerrillas." Cheng Peng replied.

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