The War of Resistance

Chapter 1489: Credit for sending

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"The murderer? The Lunan guerrillas?" For a moment, Mo Jianchen and his team members felt like they had a short circuit in their brains.

If it was the Lunan guerrillas who killed these puppet troops and took away Zhu Laoliu's stronghold, then what are these genuine Lunan guerrillas?

When did people like me establish this stronghold? Did they come here while sleepwalking last night?

Several people were in a daze, but suddenly they shouted almost at the same time. They turned around and ran to the side of the gate of the wall.

When they ran here, they all felt that they had a burnt smell on their bodies, and even Mo Jianchen felt that his beard was about to grow!

But so what, it was just a severe roast and not life-threatening.

They ignored the puppet soldiers who were roasted and stuck to the wall. They were still thinking about the question, who was the person who killed Zhu Laoliu and this group of puppet soldiers?

It's just that the fire in Xiaodu Building is so big now that people can't get in, and it's impossible for them to find any traces of the arsonist.

"Those trophies are all in vain!" After a moment, the old guerrilla sighed.

The anti-Japanese guerrillas lived in poverty!

Things that seemed ordinary to the puppet army or other regular troops turned out to be good things to them.

The so-called "We are all sharpshooters, and every bullet destroys an enemy." To understand it from another perspective, that is, the guerrillas are really short of bullets. If they cannot destroy the enemy with the fewest bullets during the battle, then there will be All that's left is to fight with the bayonet.

As the saying goes, "If there are no guns or cannons, the enemy will make them for us." This is called the spirit of revolutionary Lezhiism, but in fact, isn't it still impossible for us to make it ourselves?

Otherwise, why would the people's army from the Red Army to the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army to the Chinese People's Liberation Army and even the Chinese People's Volunteers, which finally brought US imperialism to a halt, have "fire phobia."

Now Zhu Laoliu's small second floor has been set on fire. There must be a lot of good things in there that are too late to take out. Isn't that a waste of time?

When the old guerrilla said this, Xiao Axe suddenly turned around and asked the puppet soldier: "Where are your guns? Where have all your guns gone?"

Everyone is right!

Now that all the puppet troops have been annihilated (those who were captured can be considered part of the annihilation), Zhu Laoliu's puppet troops total more than thirty people, so where are their thirty or so long and short guns?

Killing a Japs and killing two Japs is called bleeding the enemy, but seizing the weapons is called producing blood for oneself!

"Report, sir, our guns and ammunition have been taken away by Lunan guerrillas!" replied a puppet soldier with no rag in his mouth.

There are only two people in the puppet army who do not have rags on their mouths, but this does not mean that their mouths were not blocked before.

They just tried their best to get the rag out of their mouths, but who would have thought that Mo Jianchen and the others would arrive next.

If your hands and feet are **** and your mouth is stuffed, how can you get the rag out of your mouth? You can't always catch each other with your eyelids.

But having said that, human potential is endless. People can always think of these methods, even the puppet troops are the same.

They had these two who got the rags out of their mouths. If it wasn't for Mo Jianchen and the others, they would have arrived next. If there was more time, there would have been more puppet soldiers to get the rags out of their mouths.

And once the mouth is freed, then each other can use their teeth to bite off the rope tied to the other person's hand.

Sometimes, when it comes to whether there is a move, it just depends on whether you are forced to do so.

"How many are there in total?" asked the old guerrilla.

"More than ten!" the puppet soldier replied.

"What?" The guerrillas didn't believe their ears.

He killed several puppet soldiers and captured all the rest without firing a single shot. There were only a dozen of them?

"That's true, sir, I didn't lie. This is what we saw." The puppet soldier quickly swore.

"Yes, sir, there are really only more than ten of them. Anyway, what we saw was really more than ten people." Another puppet soldier who spoke hurriedly provided evidence.

Looking at the other puppet soldiers, even though their mouths were still gagged, they all nodded desperately, proving that what these two companions said was true.

The old guerrilla looked at Mo Jianchen with a puzzled look.

As the saying goes, "Look at someone so brave, whose subordinates are they?"

At this time, Mo Jianchen had a thoughtful expression. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the puppet soldiers and asked, "Have you noticed anything special among these people?"

"I didn't see anything special. They also spoke Shandong dialect." The two puppet soldiers who could speak looked at each other and one of them replied.

Mo Jianchen frowned, this was different from what he had imagined!

But at this time, a puppet soldier suddenly shouted "woo woo woo".

His mouth was also stuffed with rags, but he had something to say, so didn't he have to "woo woo woo"?

The small ax came forward and pressed his forehead, pulling out the rag from his mouth.

When he looked at the rag again, Little Ax almost burst into laughter. It turned out that they were two socks.

The bottom of the sock is already shiny. I don’t know how many days it has been since I washed it. What does it smell like?

But how could the puppet soldier who was captured think about this?

He hurriedly opened his mouth wide and took a few breaths, but all he inhaled at this time was the choking smoke.

Then all of them are being roasted by the fire now.

"Speak quickly! If you can't say anything new, I'll plug your mouth again!" Xiao Ax said angrily.

Only then did Xiao Huzi figure out something. This puppet soldier was actually very smart.

Regardless of whether the clues he provided would be valuable, at least he had removed the rag from his mouth first!

Otherwise, the traitor can cheat and cheat at any time.

"What's special is that they use box cannons with more than twenty rings." Not to mention, this puppet soldier actually said something useful.

"By the way, there is another big man! How tall can that big man be? If it is not one foot, it must be eight feet away!" This puppet soldier is interesting. He probably listens to storytelling a lot.

So high? The guerrillas began to recall whether they had seen such a person.

But none of them noticed that Mo Jianchen's eyes suddenly lit up.

As soon as he heard that there was such a big man eight feet away, Mo Jianchen felt that he already knew who the group of people who destroyed this stronghold in the middle of the night were.

After thinking for a moment, he asked again: "Did you see which direction they went?"

"They walked away from the back door. We didn't see them go out from the main door." The three puppet soldiers who could already open their mouths rushed to Ying, Axe, you two keep an eye on them. The rest of you go out with me to have a look. "Mo Jianchen said.

Now it was the order given by the guerrilla captain. Even though the little axe was unhappy, he could only stay.

Mo Jianchen took the remaining four people and walked around in another direction on the second floor of the small building.

Seeing that there were only two people guarding them, the scarves stuffed with cloth started to stir. The three soldiers who had already gone to Rag also helped to plead for mercy.

"Shut up! If you talk again, I will throw you all into the fire!" Little Axe was not happy.

The fact that Little Ax was scaring the puppet troops was just one thing. On the other hand, he was still dissatisfied with Mo Jianchen. He felt that Mo Jianchen had some good deeds and didn't take him with him. Why did he stay to watch the prisoners?

Besides, has Mo Jianchen considered this matter carefully?

Zhu Laoliu's stronghold was on fire, and the black smoke was already rising straight into the sky. Maybe the nearby Japanese army would come to help at some point, so what's going on now that the two of them stayed to watch the prisoners?

But Xiao Axe and the guerrilla named Liu Ying only stayed there for more than twenty minutes. Another guerrilla who had followed Mo Jianchen ran back and whispered to them: "Follow me." Let’s go, we’re rich again this time! We found the gun that the gang hid!”

Upon hearing what the team member said, Xiao Axe's eyes lit up. Just as he was about to leave, the man named Liu Ying asked: "Has the captain said what to do with these prisoners?"

"The captain said that they should be tied here and roasted like this. If they are not roasted to death, even if they pick them up, this is the price of being a puppet army. By the way, the three who can open their mouths to speak must also be stuffed. !" the team member replied, and at this time his voice became louder.

(End of chapter)

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