The War of Resistance

Chapter 1488: An enemy killer?

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While running up the mountain, they saw Mo Jianchen go back outside the wall and pick up the gun he had hidden.

what's the situation? Could it be that the fire made all the puppet soldiers confused? But how is that possible? It seems that the fire could not have started in the middle of the night, it could only have started after dawn.

That person will wake up after dawn. This does not distinguish between puppet soldiers and non-puppet soldiers. How could those puppet soldiers allow the fire to burn?

The guerrillas thought about running forward, but just after they ran a few dozen steps, while they were panting, they heard "Help" and "Help" coming from the other side of the wall. "You're going to kill me" and other shouts.

And when they reached the stronghold's wall gate, Mo Jianchen had already entered alone with a gun.

They instinctively followed up with guns drawn, and then they saw that more than 20 puppet soldiers were tied together on one side of the wall!

The puppet soldier's hands were tied up, and his feet were also tied up, but they were strung up with a rope and tied to a pillar next to the wall.

Moreover, most of the puppet soldiers still had rags stuffed in their mouths, and only two of them could shout.

Zhu Laoliu's puppet stronghold was rebuilt from a small second floor. It was not a dedicated bunker, so naturally more wood was used there.

Of course, if there is more wood, the fire will be more prosperous. The area on the top of the mountain is also limited. The distance between the wall and the second floor of the small building is less than 20 meters.

At this distance, the temperature of the flame is not enough to scorch people's hair and clothes, but it still makes people feel like they are in a furnace.

What's more, as soon as the fire on the second floor of the small building started, there would be sparks and sparks flying down. When the sparks fell on the puppet soldiers, they would move.

But not only were their hands and feet tied together, their mouths were also gagged.

Even if a spark falls on them, they can only suffer in silence.

There were only two people without rags on their mouths, and they were the ones who had just managed to spit it out.

They want to hide, but where do you hide? There is a wall behind, not to mention nearly twenty people tied together. What's the use of moving alone? Can you drag a dozen people with you? Can you run?

At this time, they saw that several more people with box cannons broke into their territory. For a while, the puppet soldiers were already in conflict.

Why do we say there is a conflict between the puppet army and the puppet army? Of the two people who could speak, one shouted "Help!" when he saw someone coming, while the other shouted "Spare my life."

However, in this situation, there is nothing wrong with shouting anything. Those who shout "help" are afraid of being burned to death, and those who shout "spare my life" recognize that the person is a guerrilla and are afraid that the guerrillas will shoot again. Kill them!

"Look at them!" Mo Jianchen ignored the puppet army's instructions, and then he took a gun and began to circle around the small second floor.

With this scene in front of me, whoever sees it is blinded?

The reason why Mo Jianchen was not fooled was simply because he saw this scene earlier than the other guerrillas.

Which army broke into Zhu Laoliu's stronghold? No gunshots were heard. How did they capture this stronghold? And where is the leader of the puppet army, Zhu Laoliu? Where are the guns of these puppet soldiers?

As for these questions, they all need to be solved. If you want to solve them, you won't be able to solve them by entering the second floor of the small building, but you can always get some clues by looking around.

When Mo Jianchen walked around to the back of the small second floor, he saw several puppet soldiers lying horizontally and vertically on the ground.

Some were lying face down on the ground, and some were lying on their backs, but no matter what, they were all dead, and they all died badly.

Some chests had blood stains on their chests, and some had their brains knocked out when they hit the rocks on the ground. You can guess this without asking. It must have been that the puppet soldier was directly knocked over on the second floor. Come down, rush down and hit the rock with your big head, and then it will "collapse", and the brain will come out.

"This is Zhu Laoliu!" Lao Chen, the traffic officer who followed Mo Jiancheng up, pointed at one of the soldiers and pointed his face at the puppet army officer lying on the ground.

Then, against the scorching temperature, he stepped forward and lifted the puppet soldier hard, naturally exposing his face.

The guy's eyes were open, and of course they were like dead fish, the kind that refused to rest in peace.

"Are you sure?" Mo Jianchen asked.

"Of course I'm sure. He worked as a long-term worker for his father when he was a child!" Lao Chen replied, "He has a mole on his face."

Mo Jiancheng took a closer look and saw that the dead man had a mole on his face and a hair growing on it.

There was already blood on his face, which you wouldn't be able to tell unless you looked closely.

"Who did this? No shots were fired!" The old guerrilla who was following Mo Jianchen was surprised.

At first he was excited when he saw the puppet soldiers being tied up. Zhu Laoliu's puppet soldiers had a grudge against their Lunan guerrillas, and their enemies had been dealt with. How could he not be excited?

But when he thought about the methods used to kill these puppet soldiers and tie up the people who tied them up, he was shocked.

According to their traffic officer, Lao Chen, and people in the village, there were no gunshots at all.

That is to say, someone broke into Zhu Laoliu's gun tower in the middle of the night. They killed these puppet soldiers with cold weapons, and then **** all the remaining puppet soldiers.

This matter is simple to imagine the process. If the gun towers of the Japanese and puppet strongholds were so easy to capture, would the Lunan guerrillas still use them to detect and outwit the situation?

How did you get over the six-meter high walls on both sides of the blockhouse? How could you not be discovered by the puppet sentries after entering the artillery building? After killing the sentries, he entered the gun tower, killed some of the puppet soldiers and captured most of the people.

Is this something that ordinary people can do?

After the old guerrilla said this, he looked at Mo Jianchen.

At this time, Mo Jianchen also turned his gaze. When the two people's eyes collided, what they saw were the shock and doubts in each other's eyes.

But at this moment, on the other side of the small second floor, Little Ax shouted: "Captain, come and see!"

The small second floor was built on the top of a mountain, and the area on the top of the mountain was destined to be limited, so the four walls built by the puppet troops were not equally far away from the building.

It would be fine if the building was not on fire, but of course the fire would become more intense the closer it was to the building.

It's about twenty meters away and people can stay there, but if the courtyard wall is less than ten meters away from the burning second floor of the small second floor, would that person dare to go there?

Now Mo Jianchen and the others are on the far side of the building, and they can barely endure the scorching fire, but what about the other side?

However, the urgency of Xiao Huzi's shouting made them have to go over, and several people ran madly through the blazing heat.

And when Mo Jianchen and the others looked at the inside of the wall under the guidance of the small axe, they couldn't help but froze.

Just now they were still thinking, who killed this group of puppet soldiers?

But then they saw clear black writing on the wall, and what was written on it was "The murderers are the Lunan guerrillas!"

(End of chapter)

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