The War of Resistance

Chapter 1473: Mo Jianchen's confusion

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There was a man limping on the road carrying a bag full of grain.

He has a big beard and a scar from a bayonet on his face. He is Mo Jianchen.

I have to admit that in later generations' terms, Mo Jianchen's name is very cool, and of course it can also be said to be very popular.

Do you think what names do other Chinese people have nowadays? The more pleasant ones are called Zhang Fugui, Ma Laicai, and Liu Deli, while the unpleasant ones are called Gou Sheng and Erlu. However, Mo Jianchen could have such a name, but he didn't choose it himself, and this is from another aspect. It shows that their family also has cultural heritage.

As his name suggests, at least a few years ago, he gave people the impression of being heroic.

But after he really fought against the Japanese and entered rural combat work, when survival became the first priority, then "coolness" had to give way.

His bearded face was buried in Batai's face without washing it, just to cover up his pretty face that a man should not have.

Then, during a battle, his face was scratched by a Japanese bayonet.

When his comrade Leng Xiaozhi looked at his ugly face in surprise, he felt inexplicably proud.

Look, who dares to call himself a "white face" this time?

Isn’t it because you, Leng Xiaozhi, don’t want to marry me because you think I’m not manly? This time I have it!

Of course, talking about these is all in the past now.

Now he was rushing to the Wumeng town ahead, because there was the contact point of their Lunan guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army.

He thought he would die if he was caught by Li Tantou's puppet army this time, but he did not expect that he would be saved in such an unexpected way, by an old friend from a few years ago.

Of course he had met Shang Zhen, a few years ago in the Lu Cao Department of the Northeast Army. At that time, he and Leng Xiaozhi were pretending to be a couple, but they happened to meet Shang Zhen and his group.

He knew about the relationship between Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi, that of boyfriend and girlfriend.

But he couldn't figure out how to call the relationship between Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi, fiancée? It seems too early, it seems that those two people haven't reached that stage yet, let alone the husband and wife.

Say dear? Or as he knows, a girl whose name is "Man" calls her husband whose name is "Mo" "Momo".

He felt disgusted by the overly sweet name, and it was probably impossible for the uneducated Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi to call each other this way.

Anyway, when Li Gui saw Li Kui, he felt sore inside.

But who would have thought that this time he would be saved by this "Li Kui"!

As a member of the Lunan guerrillas of the Eighth Army, he knew that the Northeastern Army entered central Shandong and southern Lunan to fight guerrillas.

But he didn't expect Shang Zhen to come.

He couldn't figure out what kind of mental state he was in, and he didn't step forward to recognize Shang Zhen immediately. First, he was not with Leng Xiaozhi now. Second, the current anti-Japanese situation in Shandong is complicated, and various armed forces are mixed.

So how to grasp the relationship with Shang Zhen's Northeast Army? It's better to ask the organization for their opinions after returning!

Mo Jianchen walked very slowly, and he was carrying the few rations he had carried before leaving from Zhumapo. He was limping and looked like a stooped old man from behind.

There was no way, Li Tantou's puppet soldiers suspected that he was an Eighth Route Army soldier, and after catching him, one of his legs had already been injured.

If Shang Zhen and the others hadn't saved him by some mistake this time, then if he hadn't been able to escape from Zhumapo, he would have died sooner or later.

Mo Jianchen was walking when he suddenly heard the sound of rapid horse hooves behind him. He subconsciously stepped to the side of the road and looked back. He saw a carriage chasing him from behind.

Could it be that Li Tantou's people knew that Zhumapo was captured by the Northeast Army, and they rushed back to report the news? Mo Jianchen was guessing in his mind, but his expression still looked like he had been tortured and lifeless.

However, Mo Jianchen guessed wrong.

When the carriage approached, he realized that the carriage was actually someone from the Northeast Army.

As a result, Mo Jianchen became even more curious.

It had been a while since he came out of Zhumapo, and a few miles further on was Wumeng Town, where the Japanese troops had already been stationed.

Why is the Northeast Army driving a carriage toward Wumeng Town? Could it be that they had just won a battle and were about to surrender to the Japanese puppets and become traitors? This seems unlikely, right?

It was only when the carriage ran up to him and someone shouted "Oh--" to stop the carriage that Mo Jianchen realized that he was wrong. They were going to Wumeng Town, but they were here to find him.

"Hey, stop! Don't go forward, come with us!" The person on the carriage shouted.

"Why, why?" Mo Jianchen still played his role as a common man.

"Why? Feed me! If I can let you go, I can arrest you!" The Northeastern soldier's answer was indeed very Northeastern.

Obviously, people recognized his beard and the scars on his face.

Mo Jianchen remained silent.

In today's age, it is hard for ordinary people to explain why they are justified when encountering soldiers. The barrel of a gun is the reason. Do you dare to say "no"?

A soldier jumped off the carriage and directly put him on the carriage. Then Mo Jianchen saw the leading soldier looking to the north and ordered: "Turn around!"

The soldier driving the cart really used his whip to urge the horse pulling the cart to start turning around.

broken! Did he just come out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den? Mo Jianchen felt something was wrong.

Could it be that Shang Zhen had already questioned the prisoners and found out that he was suspected of being a member of the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party, so he also wanted to put himself on trial?

No wonder Mo Jianchen thinks so.

The 51st Army of the Northeast Army has just entered the Northeast, but the 113th Division of the 57th Army has been operating in southern Shandong.

Although there were times when the Northeastern Army was extremely determined to fight the Japanese, it cannot be said that the Northeastern Army was monolithic and there were no traitors in the middle.

For the sake of one's own survival or interests, sometimes whether a unit surrenders to the enemy or not is just a matter of the commander of that unit's mind.

How did Mo Jianchen know that several years had passed, and what kind of anti-Japanese attitude did Shang Zhen and the others have now?

But at this moment, Mo Jianchen knew that it was useless to think too much and could only take one step at a time.

He was already considering whether he should reveal the identity of his "old friends" with Shang Zhen if Shang Zhen really wanted to torture him to extract a confession.

But then, Mo Jianchen found that he had made a wrong judgment again.

After the carriage pulled him a few hundred meters back, the soldier who drove the carriage stopped the horse and everyone got off the carriage. However, the soldier who drove the carriage called "drive" but he was driving. The carriage returned towards Zhumapo.

What is this for? Why catch yourself alone? Should I ask for a confession, or should I be executed on the spot if I can't get a confession? Mo Jianchen became confused again.

But what puzzled him was what was behind him. He was escorted by the Northeastern Army soldiers into the field beside the road. After walking into the woods more than 200 meters away from the road, the leading soldier said : "Wang Xiaodan, watch him, don't let him run away."

Then those soldiers walked away. As for where to go and what to do due to the obstruction of the trees, he had no idea.

That Wang Xiaodan stood more than ten meters away from him, holding a rifle and ignoring him. Instead, he took out some peanuts from his pocket and ate them with relish.

The two of them stayed like this for more than half an hour. Finally, Mo Jianchen pretended to be cowardly and asked: "Boss, why did you bring me here?"

But Wang Xiaodan just glanced at him and said, "If you don't want to die, you'd better keep your mouth shut!" But he immediately gave him a gag order.

Turns out I didn’t notice it, why are Shang Zhen and his gang so nagging! And looking at it now, that boy Shang Zhen is now the battalion commander. I wonder if Xiaozhi will come to him if he knows that Shang Zhen is the battalion commander in the Northeast Army?

Hey, forget it, it's useless to think about it, it's impossible for me and Leng Xiaozhi.

The key point is that Shang Zhen let himself go but then brought him into the wild forest. What was he doing?

Mo Jianchen racked his brains and thought about it.

He was going to Wumeng Town. There were Japanese and puppet troops in Wumeng Town. Shang Zhen had captured Zhumapo. If the Japanese and puppet troops in Wumeng Town didn't come in the morning, they would definitely arrive at noon or afternoon.

If he goes to Wumeng Town, he is very likely to bump into the Japanese and puppet troops, and then the Japanese and puppet troops will interrogate him about the situation here.

Shang Zhen did this to protect himself!

But that's wrong. Even if he reports to the Japanese and puppet troops in Wumeng Town, it won't be his turn. There must be puppet troops who slip through the net. So why did Shang Zhen send people to chase him out?

Thinking of this, Mo Jianchen was not far away from the truth.

After a moment, his heart skipped a beat, and he figured out why Shang Zhen sent people to arrest him before returning to Zhumapo.

It can be said that Shang Zhen did this to protect himself, but the most important thing was that he was afraid of leaking the news. Didn't he want to come over to reinforce the ambush of the Japanese puppet troops stationed in Mapo?

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