The War of Resistance

Chapter 1472: Shang Zhen’s new ideas

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"I don't think it can go so well this time!" Shang Zhen patted his forehead in annoyance to cheer himself up, after all, he had not slept all night again.

He slapped her hard this time, and the sound was "pia", so that the surrounding officers and soldiers looked over.

"You don't look like a battalion commander, everyone is looking at you!" said Mr. Wang.

"Then what's it like to be a battalion commander? Do you regret not patting your forehead and patting your butt?" Shang Zhen said dissatisfied.

"Hey, you little brat, why are you talking to your Uncle Wang?" Wang was about to brag to Zhang Yingjie about how he drank "Human Heart Slice Soup" when he was a beard, but Shang Zhen beat him up. It was broken, and I felt unhappy.

"Uncle Wang, please help me think about it. What can we do with so much food?" Shang Zhen couldn't bear to argue with Mr. Wang in front of so many officers and soldiers. Of course, he rarely talked with him in private. Wang Lao Mao argued.

"Pull it back, how can we fix it, or will it burn again?" Mr. Wang said matter-of-factly.

"Who doesn't know how to pull back, but where is the car?" Shang Zhen said angrily.

When Shang Zhen said this, Wang Lao Mao grew eyes.

Yes, as Shang Zhen said, who doesn’t know how to pull back, but what about the car?

This is why Shang Zhen regrets it.

Shang Zhen was thinking about how to defeat Zhumapo.

He relied on his own combat experience to figure out how to capture Zhumapo to the extreme, how many troops he would use, how many troops the opponent had, how the opponent's troops were controlled, how he would march long distances, how he would fight when he arrived, and what to do if an emergency occurred. .

And the result was just as he had planned. They completely defeated this group of puppet troops and wiped out more than a hundred enemies. Not to mention the weapons they captured, they also captured two warehouses of the boss in terms of food.

But what Shang Zhen is facing now is how to bring back the grain in these two warehouses!

He had also thought about this issue in his original plan, because the intelligence said that there was a large convoy of puppet troops here, and there were more than a dozen horse-drawn carts.

But now that the battle was over and it was dawn, they realized that there were no more than a dozen horse-drawn carts. There were only four carts in total, and two of them were not horse-drawn carts.

They also asked the prisoners that the large convoy of their puppet army was indeed here a few days ago, but the day before yesterday, except for the remaining few vehicles, all others were transferred away!

The result now is that the food captured by the puppet troops is piling up in mountains, but the transportation means are not enough.

It would be nonsense to use the existing carriages to transport the grain back to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse. Just this morning or noon, reinforcements from the Japanese and puppet troops arrived more than ten miles away!

No matter how thorough Shang Zhen planned this battle, it was useless. After all, this place was considered a den for puppet troops. After all, some puppet troops still escaped from the village.

Even now, there are several puppet soldiers who do not match up with the puppet soldiers they killed or captured.

Speaking of which, they can also burn the food that cannot be transported.

But, how is it possible? Who would be willing to do that? Not to mention that this food is not enough for their camp to survive this winter, but it can be taken back to other troops, or simply shared with the common people, which can also earn a good reputation.

However, under the current situation, there is no need to think about dividing it among the common people, because after Li Tantou's puppet army occupied Zhumapo, the surrounding common people avoided them like a scourge and had long since disappeared.

According to Shuan Wazi, there is a small village a few miles away from Zhumapo where dozens of families with old, weak, sick and disabled people live.

But Shang Zhen also understood that the captured grain could never be given to that village.

In that case, they are not helping that village but harming that village.

When the Japanese and puppets come back, they will definitely take revenge. Even if the village does not get food, it will not be able to harvest it. And if they dare to collect food, the short big devil and the tall second devil will not be able to destroy that village. Kill all the chickens and dogs and leave nothing behind!

Now that Shang Zhen has mentioned the car, Mr. Wang has stopped talking about it. How can he still be in the mood to show off in front of Shang Zhen?

Managing the army is actually a systematic project. This is Shang Zhen's first time managing hundreds of people, and he has no experience in this area.

In fact, neither did Wang Lao Mao. At that time, Wang Lao Mao was so excited about "robbery" that he did not expect to encounter the current situation.

Of course, it can’t be said that they didn’t think about it at the time, but they just didn’t think about this issue in detail. That’s why it is said that people who have no long-term worries must have short-term worries!

The problem was already here, so Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao began to think of solutions.

But Zhang Yingjie, who had been by the side all the time, saw all this scene.

Now that Mr. Wang is no longer bragging, he is leaning forward with his hands behind his back and making circles with his eyes, while Shang Zhen is squinting his eyes and looking blankly.

Zhang Yingjie is also the battalion commander, but he has no idea about the current situation.

However, even though Mr. Wang's expression doesn't attract anyone's attention, it can still be seen that he is thinking about something, but what is Shang Zhen's expression? Isn't it his worried eyes staring blankly?

However, since he had no good solution, Zhang Yingjie would never say anything.

As the battalion commander Zhang Yingjie, who had also independently commanded many battles, he knew that it was useless to choke at this time, and chewing the steamed buns spit out by others was even more tasteless, and it would make others look down on him.

So, he thought too.

Naturally, the people around also heard the conversation between Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao, and the soldiers also began to think about recruiting.

It's just that fighting is not a magic trick. If I didn't think of this in advance, how could the carriage be like a magic trick by fluttering a piece of rag and conjuring a pigeon directly?

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Shang Zhen, who was squinting and looking blank, suddenly raised his eyes and said one word: "Fuck!"

Veterans all know that Shang Zhen rarely speaks foul language, but now that he suddenly used such a word, he must have an idea.

And when everyone around was looking at Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen already shouted: "Come here, Shuan Wazi!"

"What, what's the matter, sir?" Shuan Wazi hurried over.

In any case, this time Shuan Wazi can be regarded as Shang Zhen's guide. Naturally, the guide has to stay by the officer's side and listen to the instructions.

"Are you familiar with the road and terrain on the other side of Zhumapo?" Shang Zhen pointed to the north.

There is a big town called Wumeng Town more than ten miles north of Zhumapo. Japanese troops have already settled there. Shang Zhen and the others are anxious to leave after winning the battle. Isn't that because they are afraid that the Japanese and puppet troops will come and retaliate after hearing the news? Well!

"I'm really not familiar with this. I rarely go to UU Reading" Shuan Wazi was embarrassed.

However, Shuan Wazi also had a trick up his sleeve. When he turned around, he called someone again and shouted: "Zhang Kuaizui, you are selling goods here. Are you familiar with that end?" The guide was not familiar with the road, so the result was that the guide found a new one. Guided.

"I, I'm not familiar with it either!" Na Zhang was so nervous that he stuttered.

"How could you not be familiar with it? Isn't that where you always go when purchasing goods?" Shuan Wazi scolded Qin Kuaizui.

Shuan Wazi knew that with Qin Kuai Zui's mouth, it would be confirmed that he had colluded with the Northeastern Army this time, so he simply pretended to keep it till the end, at least he could scare Zhang Kuai Zui.

"I, how many times can I buy goods in a year? I am not familiar with the terrain, so I can't help the superiors and cause trouble." Zhang Kuai's mouth turned into stuttering, but it did not delay his explanation.

In fact, how could Zhang Kuaizui not be familiar with the terrain of Wumeng Town? He just didn't want to lead the way for the Northeast Army.

In Zhang Kuaizui's opinion, no matter how powerful and awesome the Northeastern Army is, it is just a passing dragon. Li Tantou and his gang are local snakes, and they have to leave a thin line for themselves in everything. Zhang Kuaizui really doesn't look at it. I have seen strong dragons that can overwhelm local snakes.

"You **** grandma's fart!" Shuan Wazi scolded Zhang quickly.

"Okay!" Shang Zhen said angrily. He didn't want to listen to these two bickering here. Then he said urgently, "Have those girls gone far? Go and ask if there are any local ones?"

As soon as Shang Zhen said this, his men naturally took action.

"Boy Shang, do you want to gaha?" Mr. Wang seemed to understand what Shang Zhen was going to do.

"Is that still possible? Since we have already traveled hundreds of miles for this trip, the big deal will happen. Anyway, if we let the little devils chase us away, it won't be just once or twice." Shang Zhen replied.

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