The War of Resistance

Chapter 1463: homesick

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The soldiers withdrew from the scene of the incident in an orderly manner, and all raised weapons were put down, including Bian Xiaolong's box cannon and the grenade in Da Laobeng's hand, but the two battalion commanders stayed in place.

Next, the battalion commander of the 114th Division, Zhang Yingjie, was fortunate enough to see how Shang Zhen was handled by the 113th Division.

Shang Zhen asked Zhang Yingjie to pay for the things that were broken by Zhang Yingjie's soldiers, and Shang Zhen asked them to return the things that were stolen by them. The premise was that Shang Zhen directly promised Zhang Yingjie that he would feed their entire company. Eat and deliver food to them and let them return to their troops.

And just when Shang Zhen walked out in the eyes of everyone, he saw a little boy nestling in his mother's arms, with tears still on his face. He had been beaten by Zhang Yingjie's soldiers earlier.

"Who still has candy in their hand?" Shang Zhen asked his soldiers, and one of the soldiers took out a red candy.

"Little guy, stop crying, I'll give you a candy bar to eat!" Shang Zhen put the candy bar into the little boy's hand with a pleasant look.

"Thank you, sir." The mother thanked him hurriedly.

Shang Zhen didn't say anything, he just waved his hand, and then made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Yunjie, which was undoubtedly asking Zhang Yingjie to go first.

The situation in front of him made Zhang Yingjie feel surprised. When Zhang Yingjie walked out, he also noticed that an old officer who had been following Shang Zhen curled his lips, which meant he disapproved.

He probably felt that there was no need for Shang Zhen to be too polite to Zhang Yingjie.

But just after they came out, the older officer buried Shang Zhen and said: "I don't know where you dug out such a candy bar. The weasel gave New Year greetings to the chicken, or you learned from the Japanese devils and handed out candy everywhere." piece!"

Zhang Yunjie saw Shang Zhen smile slightly and replied, "Our old uncle Wang said that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests."

There must be some allusion to it. The older Jun gritted his teeth bitterly, but said nothing more.

But at this time, Shang Zhen introduced him instead: "The deputy battalion commander of our battalion, Mr. Wang, Lao Mao and Mr. Wang, was also my old platoon leader when I first joined the army."

Although the deputy battalion commander is half a step shorter than the battalion commander, Wang Lao Mao is still there in age, and since they have come off the battlefield, they naturally do not have the habit of saluting military salutes.

No wonder, Zhang Yingjie suddenly realized that the deputy battalion commander turned out to be the old platoon commander.

And then Shang Zhen kept his word. He asked his people to cook in his camp, arranged for Zhang Shijie's company to have a full meal, and promised to let Zhang Shijie's people stay in the house tonight. His people slept outside, and they still had food to take when they left.

If that's the case, that's all. Shang Zhen also specially arranged a table of wine to treat Zhang Shijie to dinner.

Now that we have met again, although there is some unpleasantness, but everyone is originally from the Northeast Army, and they all fought against the Japanese from outside the pass to inside the pass, and no one was injured this time, so there is nothing to say.

From this perspective, we should be grateful to Da Laobeng and Bian Xiaolong.

If the two of them hadn't decisively used their weapons, which made Zhang Shijie and others afraid, then the two sides would have fought.

Once someone on both sides is injured, it will be difficult for the chief officials of both sides to suppress the matter. It is really hard to say how this matter will turn out.

Therefore, what Shang Zhen did was still based on his old friendship with the Northeast Army. By now, Zhang Shijie had been completely moved by Shang Zhen.

Soon a banquet was set up in Shang Zhenying's headquarters. Although it was called a banquet, there was no big fish or meat on the table. It was just some shredded potatoes, some peanuts, and a few dishes of pickles, anyway. It's a vegetarian dish, and it's great because of the large portion.

As for the wine, that's enough.

Shang Zhen had Wang Laomao and his three company commanders, including Qiu Bo, while Zhang Shijie had only one company commander and one deputy company commander besides Zhang Shijie himself.

The reason here is that Zhang Shijie's men have been maimed, and only this company is left in the whole battalion. The company commanders of those two companies have already died for the anti-Japanese war.

"Brother, I can't make Camp Commander Zhang eat well, but I can make you full. I'm really ashamed." As the host, Shang Zhen took the lead in raising his cup.

Yes, it's a wine cup, not a wine glass. Nowadays, if people drink alcohol, of course they use wine cups.

The wine in the wine cup was still warm at this time, because the jug had been heated in hot water.

"Why did the business manager say this?" Zhang Shijie quickly picked up the wine and replied, "People from the Northeast have a saying, it's called 'helping you is a matter of affection, not helping you is a duty.'

Commander Shang Shang was so generous today. As an elder brother, I won’t say much more. It’s all about wine. "Zhang Shijie is younger than Wang Laomao but older than Shang Zhen, so he calls himself his elder brother.

Having said this, everyone present naturally drank all the wine in the wine cup.

This can be considered the beginning of the wine, and then both parties will naturally drink wine. No matter what the person carrying the wine said, the wine will be drank one after another.

Anyone who drinks all the time knows that you can use a cup or a bowl when drinking, but it is most taboo to use a wine cup.

Just because no matter how big the wine container is, you can still decide how much you drink based on your own drinking capacity. UU read www.uukanshu. com

But the wine cup is too small. There are three-cent, four-cent, and five-cent bottles, no matter how much they are, you can always drink them in one gulp.

But the problem is that as one drinks, one's alcohol intensity increases, and when one finally forgets how much he has drunk, it is inevitable that he will drink more than he can handle.

The common memories of the Northeast, the common displacement, the common homesickness, the common experience of the Anti-Japanese War, the common battlefield fighting, and the common need to release the inner depression and emotions made everyone present drink too much very quickly.

At this time, the deputy company commander under Zhang Shijie suddenly slammed the wine in his hand on the table, and then burst into tears.

Zhang Shijie, who was already 70% to 80% drunk, was about to get angry when the deputy company commander suddenly shouted, "Mom, do you know how much I suffered outside? I want to go home!"

After saying that, he suddenly left the seat, faced north, knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed with a bang.

Don't say that men don't shed tears, it's just that they are not sad yet!

As the deputy company commander said before, mother, you know how much I suffered there, I want to go home! The eyes of everyone present turned red, and when he knocked his head down, the whole room was filled with tears, whether they were drinking or not.

If you don’t raise a child, you won’t know your parents’ kindness; if you don’t leave home, you won’t know your mother’s kindness.

In that cry, Shang Zhen was no longer as taciturn as before, and the people in Zhang Shijie's camp were no longer as domineering as when they were robbing people's things.

Even Mr. Wang, who usually has a **** like 2,580,000 yuan, cried.

And just after drinking, when a soldier pointed out to Mr. Wang, "Uncle Wang, you were crying too." Mr. Wang rarely acted rudely and said: "You can just cry. What can I do?" Yeah, I’m getting older and my tear sockets are shallow.”

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