The War of Resistance

Chapter 1462: Originally born from the same roots

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"Bah bang bang", the gunshot rang out, it was a burst of box cannon fire. Although the gun was fired into the sky, the noisy scene finally came to a standstill.

A group of tall soldiers looked at the two soldiers in front of them.

One of them is taller than them. Their average height is more than 1.70 meters, and the tallest one is 1.8 meters, but that one is half a head taller than their 1.8 meters.

The other soldier was shorter than them, not even 1.6 meters tall, and with his thin eyebrows, he looked like a female soldier.

The soldier who was taller than them had just knocked down six of them. Although they did not see his movements clearly, they felt that they just stretched out their hands and pulled, two, and three, and then their men fell down one after another.

Although the soldier who was shorter than them was half a head or even a head shorter than them, no one dared to look down on him, just because she was the one who fired the burst just now.

The big man knocked down six of them, so when did these Northeastern soldiers suffer in a group fight? What's more, they had to swarm up and fight in a group.

But at this moment, a gunshot rang out.

When the gun fired, they saw the muzzle of the box cannon in the female soldier's hand that had a wooden box as the **** pointed to the sky, and then the muzzle was pointed at them.

They were also veterans, and when they saw a gun being pointed at them, they also raised their guns.

But how can I put it, after all, it is half a step too slow. If the other party shoots sincerely, then there will definitely be no fewer people who fall under the gun, because the female soldier is holding a twenty-shot box cannon!

The female soldier didn't stop them from touching the gun, and obviously she might not dare to actually shoot.

But just when they were touching their guns, the big soldier who "pushed" the six of them down had already touched one of the grenades on his body!

What if they could take down the big man under the threat of the female soldier's gun?

As soon as they hesitated, the big man who looked like a black iron tower hooked the string of the grenade on his finger, and then he raised the grenade, but his back was against the female soldier.

That undoubtedly means that if you dare to bully the minority with more, then whoever is not afraid of death will be better than you!

So, when this situation is formed, it is no longer a fight but a desperate one. In a fight, the one with more people will undoubtedly have the advantage, but no one can afford to offend anyone who fights desperately and dares to die together!

"Put down your guns and grenades." After a moment of tense confrontation, an officer from Bingduo's group stood up and spoke. He was the highest ranking officer in their group, a battalion commander.

"Why? Since it's been raised, we can't put it down until our men arrive." The big man didn't say anything, but the female soldier who was not very old or looked like a girl without her uniform answered.

Yes, there are few of them, and precisely because of the small number of people, it is impossible for the two of them to put down their weapons now.

Because the situation was like this, if they put down their weapons, they would probably be beaten by the group of officers and soldiers on the opposite side.

If there are fewer people, you have to use your guns ruthlessly to regain the advantage gained by the opponent's large number of people. From the point of view of the point of view of the enemy, there is nothing wrong with it!

"Which department are you from?" the officer asked with a frown after trying to persuade him to no avail.

"I told you we are from the 51st Army." The female soldier did not give in.

"Hahaha." The officer laughed angrily, and when he stiffened his face and stopped laughing, he said angrily, "You are from the 51st Army, so where is our accent?"

"We came later." The big man spoke honestly.

It's just that the female soldier was much sharper and sharper than the big man, and she said sarcastically: "Are you also from the 51st Army?

In Northeastern dialect, pull it down quickly!

A group of Northeastern men went to people's homes to rob things, and even kicked an orphan and a widowed mother into a bad situation. We Northeasterners don't do such things! "

What this female soldier said made the officers and soldiers on the third and third floors across from them somewhat believe it. It seemed that these two people were really from the Northeast Army.

Although this female soldier did not learn the Northeastern dialect very well, and the words "Pull her down" were fine, but the words "We Northeasterners don't do such things" were heart-breaking words.

Northeastern men rarely bully women, because this matter is so embarrassing!

But this also shows from the side that he is really from the 51st Army, otherwise it would be impossible to know the habit of men from the Northeast not to bully women. !

So when people said this, even the battalion commander couldn't help but feel feverish when said by the female soldier.

But so what? They all came from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield. They only care about life and death, and nothing else matters.

"Which section are you from?" The battalion commander asked again, relying on himself to be the commander, in order to relieve his embarrassment.

"What do you care? This is the defense area of ​​our battalion." The female soldier sneered, then she glanced at the surrounding soldiers who were also holding guns and loaded ammunition and said, "Don't even think about taking action. If you dare to bully the minority with more, , then the internal affairs of our 51st Army will be big.

Either you leave, or you wait for our commander to come! "

After finishing speaking, the female soldier shut her mouth.

Walk? That was impossible. The battalion commander knew that they who had just arrived here were still hungry. UU read www.

beat? That's not realistic either.

It seems that these two soldiers are really recruited from the Northeast Army. If they just beat them up, it will be very troublesome if they really kill people. It's just the two people opposite, but he These people under his command were the remnants of their battalion's **** battle with the Japanese. If there were any casualties, he, the battalion commander, would not be able to bear it.

The battalion commander frowned, already a little annoyed.

He has seen life and death a lot, but today he was actually controlled by two soldiers, especially one of them was a female soldier. How can he bear this? But I can't bear it, but I have to bear it.

However, fortunately, just before his violent temper broke out, there was a commotion outside.

This time, the battalion commander knew even without looking that the real master had arrived.

Why has the real master arrived? Of course, the real owner of this town has arrived, and the battalion commander didn't even think that there were troops stationed here.

They just withdrew from the front overnight and came here to grab some supplies.

"Everyone put down their guns. They are all from the 51st Army. It is not appropriate for them to use knives or guns!" shouts rang out, "We from the 113th Division, among you, we didn't use our guns and you still held your guns." ?”

"I am Zhang Yingjie, from the 114th Division. All our people put down their guns!" The other party reported that they had changed their numbers. They were really from the same army. So what else can't be discussed? The battalion commander also gave the order loudly.

For a moment, the tense situation just now calmed down.

"Come on, come on, our battalion commander is here!" Someone opened the way in front.

The Northeastern officers and soldiers, whose military uniforms were already in tatters, were crowded together and moved to both sides. At this time, Shang Zhen really squeezed in through the gap under the protection of his own soldiers.

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