The War of Resistance

Chapter 1422: Adventures on the pier

After giving Bai Zhan a hint, Shang Zhen ignored him and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

And when he passed by the group of people who were still gathered together, he specifically glanced at Ma Erhuzi, and saw that Ma Erhuzi was still unaware of what he was passing by.

Shang Zhen gritted his teeth bitterly and pretended not to see Ma Erhuzi walking by like the wind, but for the first time in his heart, he felt the urge to come up to Ma Erhuzi's **** The urge to kick!

Soon, Shang Zhen, led by Bian Xiaolong, found the old man standing by the river.

By the time we got here, the crowd had become very sparse.

This place is one of the busiest piers across the river. People who want to cross the river are naturally on the pier, so who would come to a place where no boat can dock?

Shang Zhen pretended to pick up his shoes and squatted down. When he looked back, he saw that there were not many people behind him. Anyway, he couldn't tell if anyone was secretly following him.

"Did you see that boat? I saw that the boat was filled with food!" Big Old Man said in an excited tone that was rare in Shang Zhen's opinion.

"Eat?" Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment and then corrected, "Is it food?"

"Yes, it's food. You're fooling me!" The old fool corrected his mistake when he realized it.

Shang Zhen laughed silently.

That means saying something wrong.

The old man is not from the Northeast, but now he has learned the Northeastern dialect almost well. There is no way, the Northeastern dialect is so contagious, no wonder the sketches performed by the Northeastern people will become popular in later generations.

"How do you know I came out here to find food?" Shang Zhen asked curiously.

"Hehe." The old man smiled sheepishly, "Because I can eat, so I am interested in food."

You see, Big Boss has always been so honest. He won't lie at all. He will say whatever he thinks. If there is something he really can't say, he will remain silent but he will never lie.

The so-called "the straight heart is the dojo" may refer to honest people like Big Lao Si.

"It's easy to do it if you have food. You can always find a way." Shang Zhen said.

The old man said loudly "Yeah".

At least seeing that the food was there, Shang Zhen turned around to take a look. At this time, Ma Erhuzi followed, but Bai Zhan disappeared.

Shang Zhen glanced at a few people not far from him and said nothing, but Ma Erhuzi walked up to him and lowered his voice in a tone like an underground worker's joint: "Bai Zhanji said, there is indeed someone." Following you, he thinks you are Japanese devils and traitors!"

Hearing what Ma Erhuzi said, Shang Zhen's right eyelid twitched. There was actually a spy from the Japs.

But at the same time, he felt a little funny about Ma Erhuzi's slightly nervous look.

It seems that Bai Zhan must have discovered the abnormality under his own hint, and then he sent Ma Erhuzi to inform him.

Ma Erhuzi is also a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles, but isn't his expression and tone when talking to him a bit breathless, UU reading a bit too exaggerated?

My brother Huzi is a good soldier in fighting, but it seems that he really needs to learn how to enter the world.

"Bai Zhanji also said." Ma Erhuzi continued to report, "He, Qingfeng Li, and Xiucai are lying in wait in the alley in front, asking you to go over and attract those little spies."

Shang Zhen was about to ask, if the fight started in the alley, wouldn't it accidentally hurt the people?

But Bai Zhan had obviously thought of this, and Ma Erhuzi went on to say: "The Japs don't have many spies. Now that we are here, they don't dare to follow us. If we go to the alley, it will be even worse for us." Forget it!"

Bai Zhan thought carefully, and Shang Zhen responded, which meant that he agreed. Since the little devil's spies dare to follow him out, let's just ride on the donkey and read the ledger - we'll see.

So under the guidance of Ma Erhuzi in front, Shang Zhen, Laobeng and Bian Xiaolong walked back again.

At this moment, Shang Zhen noticed that just as they turned around and walked back, there were a few people not far from them who, although they did not look directly at him, their eyes that drifted towards him intentionally or unintentionally also made him laugh. He was sure that those people were definitely not ordinary people.

These guys were really serious, and they followed me just because they said something in Northeastern dialect.

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