The War of Resistance

Chapter 1421: Soldiers will not invade the rivers and lakes

Today's China is undoubtedly backward, but there are exceptions. For example, there is the Shili Foreign Market in Shanghai.

Shanghai was once an international metropolis. In terms of urban appearance, it can definitely compete with metropolises like New York and London.

As for the reason, it is of course because China was weak in modern times, and Shanghai, as the center of China's import and export, had concessions from various countries.

What is a concession? The country is China, so there is no shortage of finance, insurance, multinational companies, and brothels. How could it not be prosperous?

Nowadays in China, if you see a country girl wearing a cheongsam with white thighs exposed in the countryside, she will definitely be regarded as an alien. If you are more serious, you will be drowned by the country people with saliva. The important point is That's immoral, and that's going to end up in a pig cage.

But in Shanghai, this is a common thing.

What's this called? This is called abnormal prosperity.

At this time, on a pier outside the Dabie Mountains, there were rarely many people. Although the mountain people did not dress as fashionably as those in Shili Foreign Market, there were still many people.

At this time, Shang Zhen and others were among them.

Of course, saying "mixed up" is just a matter of convenience. Except for Bai Zhan, none of them were from farmers, and they specially disguised themselves, so others couldn't tell their identities as soldiers at all.

The dialect here is not obscure, but Shang Zhen and the others can still understand it. As long as they don't speak with their Northeastern accent, who will care about them?

Since he could understand, Shang Zhen had figured out why there were so many people here.

That's of course because the Japanese army recently crossed the Baisha River and massacred two villages. Many people were worried that their homes would also suffer disaster, so they crossed the river outside the Dabie Mountains to avoid the disaster of the war.

But what is home? Born here, raised here, and died here, this is called home.

If you have been away from home for a long time and have nothing to eat, what will happen if you don't go home?

But if you want to go home, you have to inquire about the movements of the Japanese, whether your village has been burned and robbed, and whether your few acres of thin farmland have been trampled by the invaders' iron hoofs.

This pier is the only place to cross the river, so people naturally gather here.

Shang Zhen was squatting in the corner of a house with a tattered bundle in his arms. His appearance was no different from that of ordinary people who had left their homes.

But his eyes were always paying attention to everyone he could see, and he thought to himself, I wonder if there are also Japanese spies among these people.

It stands to reason that now that the 51st Army is inside the Dabie Mountains and the Japanese army is outside the Dabie Mountains, this is the place where the enemy and we meet. It is reasonable for the enemy and us to put some intelligence personnel here.

However, Shang Zhen had been looking at the people for a long time but couldn't find anyone who looked like a Japanese devil.

Forget it, we're here for a walk anyway, so why are we so nervous? Maybe the Japanese army sent here were traitors this time, Shang Zhen thought.

I don’t know where to get some food, Shang Zhen thought again.

This old fool said that this person's fate in his previous life determines his relationship in this life.

I don’t know what the fate was between that **** fat man and my group in the previous life. UU READING Why do we pinch each other when we meet in this life? As a result, the guard company now has to eat food with stones.

But now the 51st Army is stationed in the Dabie Mountains. Although it is not the deepest part, where can the food in the Dabie Mountains come from besides military supplies?

Not wanting to get into trouble with Fatty Wang, but also wanting to get food, Shang Zhen thought of fighting to support war. Where could he go to bring some food back? So even though he said he was taking people out for a walk, he was actually just out to look for them. Of grain.

This river is quite wide. I wonder if the people here use water to transport food. Is it possible that any big family would like to have their own guards even carry a boatload of food?

Shang Zhen, who was deep in thought, had a dull expression like a farmer, but his head was spinning like a whirlpool in the water.

When a person is deep in thought, his mind will inevitably wander. Shang Zhen, who was looking down and thinking, was suddenly awakened by a sharp call: "Shang Zhen, so you are here!"

Shang Zhen looked up when he heard the sound and saw a girl with short hair standing in front of him.

The girl has **** and white eyes and a slightly darker skin. She is not the showy type but is definitely good-looking. This is Bian Xiaolong who has resumed women's clothing.

Shang Zhen was surprised for a moment and then responded: "Yes, I have been looking for you for a long time. How did I see you?"

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