The War of Resistance

Chapter 1408: Lucky hit

Latest URL: "Those fish didn't provoke you, why did you provoke them? Besides, we are serving as sentries now, and you made water sounds and water patterns, and you were discovered by the Japanese devils again." Big Boss said so.

If you listen to the content, the big old stupid means to blame, but how can there be any sense of admonition in his gentle tone?

"Do you think there are any Japanese devils in front?" Bian Xiaolong retorted without looking back.

How can the big stupid usually be the master of training people? It's just that he said Bian Xiaolong's sentence just now, which is something that has never happened in normal times.

When he was with Qingfeng Li, he was the only one who listened to what Qingfeng Li said.

When he joined Shang Zhen's team, which soldier would provoke him because of his ability?

The so-called "bullying an honest man is a crime" is most clearly reflected in him, not to mention that all the soldiers, including Shang Zhen, don't have all the skills of a big fool, who dares to bully him?

It's just that what he said now is tantamount to talking in vain, Xiaolong who is at the water's edge still pokes the fish in the water with a straw stick, but he doesn't touch the water surface, so he can only stare blankly.

Fortunately, although the old stupid is honest but not pedantic, he saw that it was not possible to persuade Bian Xiaolong, so he continued to meditate cross-legged, looking like an old monk in meditation.

Now Big Old Stupid and Bian Xiaolong are hiding behind a mound near the water at the foot of the mountain.

The mound is neither high nor big, and behind it is a piece of shallow water reaching the foot of the mountain.

The water is very clear, there are green aquatic plants in it, and there are small fishes that either swim or stay still.

It was Bian Xiaolong's choice to use this place as a checkpoint for secret sentries.

When choosing a place earlier, the old man even raised objections.

Big Boss has followed the method taught by the veterans. The place where the secret sentry is hidden should be hidden, and the situation ahead should be able to be observed. The field of vision should be wide, and it should be easy to retreat.

Then according to the above requirements, diving behind them is not suitable for retreating.

Imagine that if an enemy is really coming, if they want to retreat silently, they have to pass through the shallow water. Wouldn't it make water splash?

It's just that Bian Xiaolong, who has never fought a war, disagrees with this.

According to him, the water surface in other places is very narrow, and it is very close to the hill. If they are close, their secret whistle will lose its meaning.

Besides, there is no ideal hiding place in other places.

The old fool thought so too.

If the Japanese army really attacked, the two of them would also shoot. Then the shallow water behind them was no different from the grassland, at least the mound behind them could still be used as a cover.

So he agreed.

But he didn't know that Bian Xiaolong was just greedy for the fun of the fish in the shallow water.

Seeing that the old man stopped talking, Bian Xiaolong continued to stab the fish in the water with a straw stick.

It's just that a slow-moving turtle would run away after being poked like this. After he poked for a while, the water rippled and all the fish swam away.

He was about to chase along the water's edge with a straw stick, but he was softly called back by the old man.

Bian Xiaolong stopped helplessly, but when he turned his head, he saw that the old man was still sitting there cross-legged, with his eyelids half-closed, as if he hadn't looked at him at all just now.

"Huh? You're still sitting on the lotus seat!" Bian Xiaolong seemed to have discovered the new land, he stopped playing with the fish, and took advantage of the cover of the mound to get close to the big old stupid.

The lotus seat is commonly known as the double disc.

Ordinary people sit cross-legged, regardless of whether the left foot is pressing the right foot or the right foot is pressing the left foot, the feet are all under the calf.

But the double cross is not, but the left and right feet are pressed on the corresponding thighs.

This is kung fu.

Regardless of whether it is a Buddha or a Taoist, or a so-called inner strength practitioner, it is said that this meditation method can open the meridians in the body.

Except for a few people with different talents, it is really difficult to do this if they have not practiced.

It's just that for Bian Xiaolong's surprise, the old man didn't respond, and still sat there cross-legged, but how could the lively and active Bian Xiaolong let him go? He had already seen that the old man was surprisingly good-natured.

"I see, you used to be a monk, little monk, are there no Buddhas in Nian Nan?" Bian Xiaolong asked again.

The old man still ignored him.

"There is no Buddha in the south, so we have to go north." Bian Xiaolong said with a smile.

"There are Buddhas in all the worlds in the ten directions." Now that the belief of the old man was touched, the old man finally spoke.

"What Buddhas are there in the ten directions?" Bian Xiaolong asked.

"In the Buddha's Amitabha Sutra, the Buddha said that the upper world has—" At this point, the old man suddenly stopped talking.

The old man was just being honest, he was not stupid, and at this moment he realized that Bian Xiaolong was just teasing himself.

The old fool in front of him didn't speak, and his eyelids drooped again, Bian Xiaolong asked: "Do you think there are any Buddhas in the world in the ten directions?"

But since the old fool had seen through his mind, he ignored him at all.

Who has the ability to compete with the big stupid?

After that, no matter what topic Bian Long was talking about, the old man ignored him.

It's just that when Bian Xiaolong tried to go to other places, he was stopped by the big boss, and even the big boss moved out of the military discipline.

As soon as the old man moved out of military discipline, Bian Xiaolong had no choice.

Just because he's not afraid of the old stupid doesn't mean he's not afraid of other veterans, so he can only stay behind this mound.

The fish in the water were scared away by him, and when they gathered, he stabbed them away with straw sticks. He tried every means to make the old man talk, but the old man pretended to be deaf and dumb, and just ignored him.

In this way, more than two hours passed, noon had passed, Bian Xiaolong just wanted to tell the old man that I was hungry, but the old man seemed to know what he was thinking, but he took it out of his arms. The dry food was handed to him.

Seeing that the old fool took care of himself again, Bian Xiaolong started to talk again, but at this moment the old fool said to him, "Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep."

Bian Xiaolong was helpless, after chewing a piece of dry food and scooping up water to drink happily, he suddenly thought of a way to make the old stupid talk.

"I don't know how to shoot a gun yet, teach me how to shoot a gun!" Bian Xiaolong said to the old man.

This is possible, the eldest wife looked at him without drooping her big eyelids.

Bian Xiaolong picked up the rifle in his hand, recalled the shooting essentials taught to him by the veterans, and pointed forward.

But before he leveled the gun, the big old stupid stretched out his thick hand and directly pressed the gun down.

"How can you aim from the mountain? What if the people on the mountain misunderstand." The old man said anxiously.

Bian Xiaolong said "oh", turned the gun around and climbed up the mound.

But at this moment, a smug expression appeared on his little face.

How could he not know that the guards were all on the hill behind, and he was just deliberately teasing the old man to talk.

"Hey, why did your hands turn white?" When Bian Xiaolong lay down behind the ridgeline of the mound and set up his rifle in a dignified way to the distance, the surprised voice of the old man rang in his ears.

When the old man said this, Bian Xiaolong's hand holding the gun trembled slightly.

But then his hand stabilized, and what he said was: "Do you have it? Do I have it? Why didn't I notice it? Hey, look, there seems to be someone on the other side!"

What does a sentinel do? Of course it is on guard, so if the large army behind finds that there is an enemy but the sentinel doesn't find it, what should the sentinel do?

As soon as Bian Xiaolong said that there was an enemy on the opposite the big stupid didn't teach Bian Xiaolong to shoot, so he looked at the opposite side intently.

But when Bian Xiaolong saw that the old stupid's attention was diverted from his hand, he quickly put down the gun and rubbed his hand on the top of the mound.

Then the back of his hand turned black again.

If he knew what water I was drinking, Bian Xiaolong scolded himself and glanced at the old stupid.

The big old stupid is naturally observing the situation on the other side.

He's so naive, I don't know I'm lying to him. Bian Xiaolong was complacent, and secretly amused seeing the serious look of the old stupid.

But the big old stupid looked forward for more than ten minutes.

Bian Xiaolong finally couldn't hold back his temper, but when he moved again, the old stupid suddenly said in a low voice: "Don't move, there are really people in front!"

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