The War of Resistance

Chapter 1408: whereabouts leaked (2)

Latest website: The team is still marching in the mountains.

Although the pioneers were still cautiously watching the situation ahead, the team behind was a little more relaxed than usual.

After all, the battle is over again.

The team didn't move fast because a few people in the team walked very slowly, they were Shang Zhen, Bai Zhan and Li Qingfeng.

The three of them were too sleepy. At first, they were very happy to meet everyone and talked a little bit, but as the march started, they became more and more sluggish, and their heads drooped as they walked, as if knocking on the plane. Keep going down the same way.

In the end, at a certain moment after their team had only walked a few miles, they heard a "plop", and Bai Zhan plunged headfirst into the ground.

The people next to him were naturally surprised, but the one closest to Bai Zhan was a recruit. The recruit squatted down and took a look at Bai Zhan. He probably didn't see what was going on, so he yelled, "He, He's dead!"

Hearing the new soldier's yelling, the old soldiers quickly came up to him. Qin Chuan squatted beside Bai Zhan, glanced at him, stretched out his hand, and breathed out Bai Zhan's breath.

"This panting, although it's not as thick and long as the big old stupid's internal energy, but it's also frighteningly straight. He just fell asleep." Qin Chuan is Qin Chuan. Kung fu came in.

At this time, Old Mao Wang also saw that Bai Zhan had just fallen asleep due to overwork. He was so angry that he stretched out his hand to grab the recruit and cursed, "Fuck off, you can't tell if someone is dead or asleep?"

"It's so comfortable to lie down and sleep." Li Qingfeng, who also leaned up, glanced enviously at Bai Zhan who was still asleep on the ground.

Bai Zhan was lying on the ground, and the person who wanted to see how Bai Zhan was doing wanted to squat down.

So, after Li Qingfeng glanced at the sleeping Bai Zhan, he "Baden" and he also lay down, and then he also fell asleep with his heavy and long breathing.

How did this fall asleep again? The surrounding soldiers were immediately dumbfounded, and they subconsciously looked at the company commander Shang Zhen again.

Seeing Shang Zhen coming over, although he was not asleep, his eyelids drooped on a rock beside him.

"Fuck, what a fart!" Wang Laomao was both amused and distressed towards the three people.

Old Mao Wang is about to turn fifty, so he must have been in the army for more than forty years.

At first, he was chased by the army as a beard in the mountains, and then he became an officer and started to chase the beard, and then of course it was the post-September 18th who fought the Japanese devils, but was chased by the Japanese devils most of the time.

Old Mao Wang's military career was so rich, but it was the first time he saw a soldier fall asleep while walking! .

"Okay, let's not go, the Master will support them, quickly find a place for them to sleep!" Old Mao Wang ordered.

This order was carried out immediately, and some people ran to the front to tell the vanguard to find a suitable place.

What is the right place?

It is clear that the vanguards are all veterans. They are concealed, easy to defend and difficult to attack, easy to dry, and there must be a water source nearby for picnics. How long might this sleep last?

The team continued to move forward, and soon Yu Zuolong, one of the pioneers, came back to tell that there was a considerable place.

When the team went further up a high hill, they saw a few small hills in front of them. The grass and trees in the hills were still very dense and airtight, and there was still a faint glint of water at the foot of the hills. .

And the distance behind the mountain bag is still endless mountains and fields, and there is no smoke rising from the kitchen.

"That's right, they can be horns for each other." Old Mao Wang nodded in approval, so the team continued to move forward, while he was still looking at the surrounding terrain.

This is Wang Laomao's professional habits, what professional habits? Let's not care about whether it is a beard or a soldier, it is better to be careful anyway.

When being careful became a habit, of course he didn't feel it.

When walking down from the high hill, Wang Laomao stretched out his hand and pointed to the front right and said: "Big old stupid! Big old stupid!"

"It's here." The old man hurriedly approached him.

"I remember that you have dry food on you, you take someone to find a hidden place in front of the hill to hide as a spy." He ordered again.

Big Boss let out an "oh", and when he was about to find a companion, Bian Xiaolong who had been by his side said anxiously, "I'll go with you!"

The old man was originally an easy-going and honest person. Normally, he might find Li Qingfeng, a young Taoist priest, as his partner, but now Li Qingfeng is still asleep while being carried on his shoulders by others.

So it doesn't matter who goes with me.

Big old stupid strode forward without saying a word, and Bian Xiaolong happily followed after seeing that big old stupid did not object.

But Old Mao Wang's order was still not finished, he casually pointed at the two recruits and said, "You two."

When the two recruits saw the officer calling for help, they also responded: "Here."

"The officer has to say 'yes', what are you talking about? Do you think you are still ordinary people?" But then they didn't wait for Old Mao Wang's order, but they waited for Old Mao Wang's reprimand first.

"Just, just now, that—" a recruit started to groan.

In fact, everyone understands what this recruit wants to say. He wants to say, didn’t the big stupid guy just say that, why didn’t you train him?

"Just now, what a fart just now!" Old Mao Wang scolded, "You can only say 'yes' to whatever the officer says in the future! You two go to the hillside over there to be sentinels!"

After Wang Laomao said this, the two recruits naturally didn't dare to say anything, turned around and ran to the place Wang Laomao pointed to.

But they hadn't moved their feet yet, but Qin Chuan shouted with a stern face: "The commander has finished giving the order, you have to say 'yes', why did you forget it after you finished speaking?"

When the two recruits heard Qin Chuan say this, they hurriedly stood up straight and said "yes", and then went to the distance.

Wang Laomao and his team continued to march towards the hill ahead, and at this moment, a smile appeared on the faces of the veterans.

Veterans, if veterans don't toss and toss recruits, then they are not called veterans!

Just now that blind guy was comparing himself with the big stupid, and asked why the big stupid didn't say "yes"

You idiots, you two, no, ten or eight of you together can catch up with the big stupid one, who can be as good as the big old stupid?

If Mr. Wang said that the old man's farts are delicious, then the veterans would definitely not raise any objections!

Under Gao Gang, Old Mao Wang and the others went farther and farther, UU reading www.uukanshu. com stature is also getting smaller and smaller.

But just when they were about to reach the watery place in front of the hill, a few heads appeared on the high hill they had stepped on before!

"Those guys are right there, look!" Someone pointed at the backs of the guards and said loudly.

"Keep your voice down, I'm listening, I'll shoot you later!" A person next to him hastily reminded.

The man was so frightened that he quickly shut his mouth.

Now there are two people, the first person to speak is naked on the upper body, but wearing a pair of women's floral pants on the lower body, but he is the one who was scolded the most by Wang Laomao and the others forcibly snatching his clothes villagers.

While the other one was neatly dressed, but still dressed like a commoner.

The most important thing here is the few remaining ones. Although they all hid behind the ridgeline of the hill and showed their heads on their stomachs, it can be seen that they are not tall, and their eyes are indifferent and contemptuous. The posture of the living being.

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