The War of Resistance

Chapter 1400: New tactics of the Japanese army - partition

The sound of the cannons finally stopped, but then the "hole" sound of heavy machine gun fire rang out.

A few minutes later, the sound of heavy machine guns stopped, and the sound of light machine guns and rifles fired again

After that, the shooting sound also weakened, but it was matched by the explosion of grenades that were getting closer and closer.

At this moment, the faces of the guards who were still in Gaocheng, especially those veterans changed, even though they didn't say anything.

The recruits with newly issued guns in their hands were also listening attentively, the sound of the explosion still made them somewhat uneasy.

Everyone can guess that the Japanese devils attacked the city.

"We've been given guns, let's go too." At this time, a recruit in his forties said.

Yes, this man is in his forties, but he is a recruit.

The reason why he wanted to join the army was because his daughter-in-law and his two sons were killed by the Japanese army during the previous chase.

As an old man who had nothing to love in his life, and after being encouraged by Shang Zhen and his veterans, he simply picked up a gun, but he was the oldest of this group of new soldiers.

"Shut your mouth, if you want to die, there are opportunities." Hearing the recruits messing around, some veterans reprimanded them.

It was Ma Erhuzi who spoke, even though Ma Erhuzi was much younger than others.

But this is like worshiping a master, no matter how young he is, the one who joins the master first is also a senior brother, and the one who enters the master later, no matter how old he is, is also a junior, right?

All eyes turned to their chief Shang Zhen again.

Those old people who followed Shang Zhen always obeyed Shang Zhen's orders.

They were not surprised that Shang Zhen told them to go up now, and Shang Zhen asked them to retreat now.

As for what kind of ideas they themselves have, that doesn't matter.

Because this is the army, because their leader Shang Zhen always has ideas that are farther than theirs.

In the sound of the explosion getting closer, Shang Zhen suddenly said, no, we have to retreat.

So they followed the street and retreated westward.

During the retreat of Shang Zhen's guard company, some soldiers went east with ammunition and ammunition, and it was known without question that they were going to reinforce Company Commander Fu's company.

When those soldiers looked at Shang Zhen and the others, their expressions were a little surprised, even a little disdainful.

But Shang Zhen ignored it.

It was not their task to defend the city. The reason why their guard company did not withdraw from Gaocheng was because he still thought about the Japanese plainclothes team.

This time they only killed a few dozen Japanese soldiers. He knew that the plainclothes Japanese army must still exist.

"Just retreat back. Do you think the little devil will use plain clothes as a vanguard?" Old Mao Wang suggested to Shang Zhen when they stopped again in a dilapidated courtyard.

"I just don't give up." Shang Zhen replied after a moment of silence.

Hearing what Shang Zhen said, Old Mao Wang rarely challenged Shang Zhen, but instead said: "You are the company commander, you have the final say!"

Following the company commander and deputy company commander talking, the veterans naturally did not participate. However, Chen Hanwen said in a low voice, "How many people do you think are left in Company Commander Fu's company?"

No one came to answer Chen Hanwen's question, who knows how many people the deputy company commander will have left?

There was no difference in sound between the explosion of the grenade and the explosion of the grenade. Who knew whether Company Commander Fu and the others had blown up the Japanese troops who had entered the city, or they had been blown up by the Japanese troops, or both.

Shang Zhenzhen and the others waited at the same place for more than an hour, and at this time the sound of the explosion in front had gradually become weaker, and the Northeast Army must have suffered a lot of casualties.

Of course, Company Commander Fu and the others were only guarding one direction, and the Japanese army and the Northeast Army were also engaged in **** battles in other directions. .

At this time, Shang Zhen also began to hesitate. Should he lead the people out, or wait a little longer? But just as he was concentrating on it, Qian Chuan'er suddenly reminded him: "The direction of the company commander has changed."

Hearing what Qian Chuaner said, Shang Zhen just noticed it, didn't he? The direction of the wind changed, and the wind was blowing from east to west.

So what does Qian Chuaner remind me of? Will the Japanese army use poison gas again?

Under the watchful eyes of all the soldiers, Shang Zhen finally asked: "Who are those three gas masks? Qingfeng Li and I stayed here, and the rest of the people left the city."

Now that Shang Zhen issued a new order, the veterans naturally had nothing to say, and some people began to send gas masks forward, but the recruits were a little surprised.

The army they joined, which is said to be a guard company, seems to be different from the army they heard about. Normally speaking, shouldn't something happen that the officers are at the front and the soldiers are behind?

"Do you want to wear little devil's clothes?" Wang Laomao asked with concern.

Shang Zhen waved his hand, indicating that he would not wear it.

He didn't want to be a death squad, so why did he still wear the clothes of the Japanese army?

The gas masks of the Japanese army are of course good for anti-virus, but the problem is that the masks are fully closed when they are buckled on the face.

Anyone can understand this. The poisonous gas of the Japanese devils specifically stimulates the eyes, nose, and mouth, which is what they call pervasive.

In order not to be smoked by the poisonous gas, the Japanese army naturally designed the gas mask so that it could surround a person's face when they made the gas mask.

Otherwise, if any trace of poisonous gas penetrates into the nostrils, that person will suffer a great crime.

Because of this, Shang Zhen added another layer of consideration. If the Japanese soldiers were also wearing gas masks, if they got out of the poisonous gas, would the three of them be regarded as Japanese devils by their own people, or as themselves? people?

Shang Zhen and the three of them began to wear gas masks, while Wang Laomao led the rest and retreated.

And just when Wang Laomao and the others retreated away, and Shang Zhen and the others put on their gas masks, they suddenly heard the sound of a cannonball, and then a cannonball landed on the spot where they had stayed before.

It was really unfortunate that Shang Zhen and the others were hit. When the shell exploded, the whole area was filled with white smoke, and the Japanese army actually used poison gas.

In the midst of the poisonous atmosphere, Shang Zhen made a gesture to lead Li Qingfeng and Bai Zhan to move forward instead of retreating.

They only walked a few courtyards forward, and they were surprised to find that the Japanese army only hit them with poison gas, and the front was actually clear.

Speaking of Qinglang, it is only compared with the white smoke here, but the explosions there are one after another, and the blue sky is full of gunpowder smoke.

The Japanese offensive suddenly intensified.

The Japanese army used poison gas this time, and UU Reading turned out to be different from before!

At this time, Shang Zhen thought of the word "partition"!

This battle is not just the people led by Company Commander Fu, there are other front-line troops fighting in the front, and there are naturally second-line troops behind.

However, the Japanese army used this method of suddenly firing poison gas bombs to block the second-line troops from the first-line troops, or force the second-line troops to retreat.

And front-line troops like Company Commander Fu and the Japanese army are already in a stalemate.

Naturally, the Japanese army was unwilling to use poisonous gas to hurt its own people, but the second-line troops of the Chinese army had been driven away by the poison gas, but they were no longer able to provide reinforcements to the first-line troops.

Then, the enemy is strong and we are weak, so one can imagine the fate of those who are waiting for Company Commander Fu.

But this is just like Shang Zhen's advice to Fu Lianchang, they did have an extra chance to fight the Japanese army.

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