The War of Resistance

Chapter 1399: recruits

Another shell fell on the city wall, this time the density and strength of the shells were much higher than before, probably because the Japanese army found that the plainclothes team they entered the city was in a bad situation!

With Shang Zhen's idea, Company Commander Fu took their men to hide under the city wall. Although some soldiers would be injured by the bricks blasted from the top of the city, they avoided major casualties after all.

In fact, this situation is the same as that of reverse **** fortifications.

The shell either flew over the city wall, or hit the city wall. It was impossible to hit the root of the wall on this side of the city wall.

The defense of Gaocheng is about to begin.

At this time, somewhere in Gaocheng, the guard company of the 337th Brigade was hiding in some houses and courtyards.

"We are so densely populated, aren't we afraid of the shells of the Japanese devils?" a recruit asked in a yard.

"The little devil is attacking the city wall now, what are you doing with the shells inside?" Some veterans replied indifferently.

So the recruit felt relieved.

At this time in another yard, the big cow was staring at the rifle in his hand in a daze.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Seeing that Daniel was in a daze, Bai Zhan asked which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted?

Daniel shook his head.

"Have you ever killed a chicken?" Bai Zhan asked hesitantly.

Daniel then shook his head.

"Chicken, duck, goose, dog, Mahu, you must have killed one, right?" Bai Zhan didn't intend to let Daniel go.

But Daniel still shook his head, even though he didn't know what Mahu was.

"Fuck, can someone like you serve as a soldier?" Bai Zhan unceremoniously expressed the doubts of a veteran.

"But the Japanese killed my brother, I want to avenge my brother!" Daniel said firmly.

"That's true, boy, you have the guts!" Bai Zhan stretched out his hand and patted Daniel on the shoulder and said, "I haven't killed anyone before, but my seven aunts and eight aunts were all killed by the Japanese devils. The enmity will be great!"

"Then how many Japanese devils have you killed in total, sir?" A recruit asked next to him.

"He has killed fourteen Japanese devils now, and he almost avenged his aunt." Before Bai Zhan could reply, Qian Chuan'er suddenly answered the question beside him.

Just the sentence in the previous string caused a veteran who was drinking water next to him to spit out all the water with a "puchi".

The seven aunts and eight aunts add up to fifteen and only his aunt is missing. Isn't that fourteen?

Then another soldier interjected: "Don't ask him how those uncles and uncles are doing, they are all dead to avenge his aunts and uncles!"

The veterans laughed hahaha, but Bai Zhan didn't care, so he also laughed.

As for Bai Zhan's background, he was a wanderer in the rivers and lakes since he was a child. He couldn't even remember what his parents looked like. I don't care about my relatives who I said I have never met or heard of.

Amidst the laughter of the soldiers, Qian Chuan'er stepped forward and pinched Bai Zhan's collar, then walked aside and said, "You who fought in front of them just let your voice go in this place, are you annoying? Throw it out for nothing!"

Bai Zhan followed Qian Chuan with a smile and didn't care, but when he reached the gate of the courtyard, when Qian Chuaner didn't want to go forward, Bai Zhan whispered: "Follow me."

Qian Chuaner glanced at Bai Zhan and saw that Bai Zhan no longer had that playful smile on his face, and he knew that Bai Zhan had something to do, so he followed him out.

After going out, Bai Zhan said in a low voice: "Actually, I saw the body of his younger brother. It wasn't killed by the Japanese devils. It should have been killed by our people by mistake."

"Huh? How do you know?" Qian Chuaner asked with a little surprise in his heart.

"Just think about how far our people were from that group of talents at that time, about fifty meters. That kid was pierced by a bullet, and there were bullet holes in the front and back." Bai Zhan said in a lower voice.

Qian Chuan'er looked at the mysterious Bai Zhan, and after thinking for a moment, he replied in a low voice: "Just pretend you didn't see anything, and rot this secret in your stomach."

Seeing Qian Chuan'er's attitude, Bai Zhan knew that Qian Chuan'er wanted to understand what was going on, so he said loudly: "Okay! I'll go take a **** right away, and there will be nothing when I take it out. Already!"

"Get lost!" Qian Chuan'er scolded with a smile.

With what Bai Zhan said just now, Qian Chuaner immediately realized what was going on.

At that time, they were ambushing the Japanese plainclothes team.

In the Northeast dialect, the weapons used by both the enemy and the enemy are reversed.

In order to pretend to be Chinese, the Japanese plainclothes team did not bring 38-type rifles at all, and the 38-type rifles were too long to be carried into the city.

Therefore, the Japanese army used short guns obtained from the Chinese army, and the longest ones were nothing more than flower organs.

Although Shang Zhen and the others used box cannons, more people used tax-paid 38-type rifles.

Since Er Niu, the younger brother of the big cow, was shot twice in the eyes, only the 38-type rifle can have that kind of penetrating power.

Therefore, it is speculated that the Erniu should have been killed by mistake by members of the guard company opposite Shang Zhendanu and the others at that time!

As a commoner, Daniel doesn't understand, but veterans do.

Because of this, Bai Zhan was just a reminder, and Qian Chuaner figured out what was going on.

But so what? It is a troubled time nowadays, not to mention the Japanese devils killing the Chinese people, even the Chinese army has killed the people, and it is not uncommon for them to be punished by military discipline.

Some people may not agree with this, but the current national army is really like that.

To give the simplest example, such as a certain general of the national army who was praised by later generations as a famous anti-Japanese general.

Of course, whether he was really a famous anti-Japanese general or a general in history is another matter.

So let's talk about the officer.

The officer suspected that his daughter-in-law had an affair and killed his daughter-in-law.

Things got serious, but at that time, he was only sentenced to a few years in prison, and before the sentence expired, he was taken out and led soldiers to fight.

Coincidentally, in another army, there was a general who killed the object he didn't get, and the general was shot!

This is the difference in the nature of the troops!

These things are facts, and there is nothing to make up.

Well, Daniu's younger brother, Er Niu, died just like that, and Daniu also picked up a gun and joined the army in order to avenge his younger brother, so the account of his younger brother's death can only be counted on the head of the Japanese devils!

But at this time in another courtyard, Li Qingfeng was curiously asking another small recruit: "Bian Xiaolong, I'm wondering how did you call out that Japanese devil? What do you think?" Is there something wrong with that person?"

Bian Xiaolong, a small man, originally Qingfeng Li was not very tall, but Bian Xiaolong was a few heads shorter than Qingfeng Li, and his age seemed to be about the same as Qingfeng Li.

And it was Bian Xiaolong who discovered the Japanese soldier hidden among the people.

He managed to make the Japanese soldier yell, and was discovered by Shang Zhen and the others. In the end, the guy was smashed to death by Hu Zhuzi with a gun butt.

To Shang Zhen's surprise, this time they actually recruited more than forty people from the common people to join the army, and all of them were voluntary.

As for why such a situation occurred, it was because these more than 40 people had their own family members killed by the Japanese army.

Just like what Daniel said, he didn't even kill chickens, ducks, geese and dogs, but the Japanese devils killed his own brother, so he will take revenge!

The Chinese nation's emphasis on family affection is unmatched by other nations in the world.

There may not be the bravest fighters in the world, but everyone has the most beloved relatives. When the most beloved relatives are killed by the invaders, the survivors are likely to become the bravest fighters.

So fighting brothers, this is how father and son soldiers come into battle.

At this time, Li Qingfeng asked Bian Xiaolong how he made the Japanese soldier scream?

Bian Xiaolong didn't say a He just stretched out his hand and made a twisting motion towards Li Qingfeng's waist.

When he finished this action, not only Li Qingfeng, but also the big stupid who was watching from the side laughed.

If it is cold, you have to scream, but if you change it to anyone, you have to scream, twisting the tender meat on the waist, it really hurts!

"Okay. You have enough brains, you'll follow me from now on." Li Qingfeng said loudly.

It was Bian Xiaolong with a slightly dark complexion, who just glanced at him, and then looked at the tower-like old stupid sitting beside him, showing interest.

Although Bian Xiaolong is a bit darker, his eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth are still very delicate, especially those **** and white eyes that have a neutral beauty when looking at people.

What is neutral beauty?

A girl who looks like a boy is called a tomboy, a boy who looks like a girl is called a sissy, and in Northeast dialect it is called Eryizi.

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