The War of Resistance

Chapter 1036: Shang Zhen's sigh

Latest URL: When Shang Zhen discovered that his own cavalry attacked the retreating Japanese army, he actually regretted it in his heart.

He regretted that he should have taken his ten or so people farther.

How far did you run? At least they don't have to participate in this battle.

And all this is only due to the most straightforward truth, that is, how can people not die in battle?

He didn't know how many of the eleven of them would survive in this battle, but he couldn't stop fighting.

If they do not fight, it means that the Chinese cavalry who have turned around and charged the Japanese army will be shot by Japanese machine guns.

Soldiers like Xu Shenwei with little combat experience can think of the cavalry charge and be careful of the Japanese heavy machine guns, how could Shang Zhen not think of it?

If Shang Zhen led his troops to flee far away, he would have ignored how the battle was going if he was out of sight and out of mind, but he didn't go away after all. Since he didn't go away, even if someone like him knows how to save lives Can veterans of the Tao really stay out of it when their own cavalry is about to be massacred by enemy machine guns?

As Ma Erpao said, we are also soldiers, and we are not here to watch the fun.

As Xu Shenwei shouted, we are fighters, not spectators!

So when his own cavalry charged, Shang Zhen, who realized that the cavalry casualties would be heavy, had already started to move quickly to the side. The reason why he wanted to move a little farther away from his own soldiers was that in his heart he hoped that only himself would participate. Fighting but his own soldiers are also out of the way.

Even though he knew it was almost impossible!

But when he was aiming and shooting at the Japanese army, all his thoughts were forgotten by him.

Some people say that life is like reading a book, there is a process of reading thin, thick and thin.

But why not the growth of a soldier?

When I was just a soldier, I was on the battlefield where bullets and shrapnel were flying everywhere. I saw my comrades were shot and fell down, and even a living person was directly turned into the wreckage of limbs by the guns. A feeling of bewilderment.

And no matter whether it is washed by big waves or refined into steel, when the recruit survives each battle, he will have his own understanding of the battle.

Once a battle starts, you must fight the enemy with all your heart, and let go of everything that has nothing to do with life and death, even the life and death of your own companions. Everything "is like a geese flying through the sky without leaving a trace."

And all these words "like geese flying through the sky without leaving a trace" are of course not what Shang Zhen can say, but they were recited by the old man casually when he meditated with the old man to learn how to clear his mind.

But Shang Zhen didn't care which virtuous and eminent monk said this sentence, in his opinion, since it was said by the old stupid, it must be the truth invented by the old stupid master.

And at this stage, he has been able to maintain his rationality as much as possible, and Shang Zhen, who has enough combat survival experience, naturally knows how to protect the advantages and avoid the disadvantages.

It must be admitted that the Chinese are very tolerant. In order to survive, they can endure what many peoples in the world cannot bear.

But if you just bear it but don't know how to resist, wouldn't you really be a slave, a shrinking turtle?

Just like another song written by the great musician who composed the music for "Yellow River Cantata": "Blow the trumpet, da di da di da. Play the small bronze drum, get the dragon, get the dragon. Hold the small knife and gun , charge to the battlefield. Slash the traitors with one sword, and shoot Dongyang with one shot. Don't be afraid of being young, just be afraid of not resisting!"

As far as this kind of song is called for the whole nation to resist the war, all children should understand it. How can adults like Shang Zhen not understand it?

Shang Zhen can only avoid unnecessary sacrifices for himself and his soldiers as much as possible, but when it comes to the life and death of the enemy and ourselves, it is necessary to resist, after all, to "use our lives to build a new Great Wall" !

Seeing that the shooting line in front was blocked, Shang Zhen glanced to the front left, which was the hill they had evacuated earlier.

Glancing at this, it was just the subconscious of a veteran of his.

And with this glance, he turned around and pointed the rifle towards the hill.

Just because he saw Japanese soldiers running towards that hill with guns, and even two Japanese soldiers had already climbed halfway up the hill.

Aiming the gun, the eyes penetrated the void, so the muzzle of the gun locked on the Japanese army struggling to climb up the mountainside with a light machine gun just like the eyes.

That hill is less than 200 meters away from Shang Zhen. With Shang Zhen's marksmanship, even standing up and shooting with no support is enough to take the opponent's life, not to mention that he is still lying on the ground now. of.

With a "snap" gunshot, the Japanese soldier on the far mountain suddenly let go of his body and threw his gun and hit the hillside.

Shang Zhen stopped the breech bolt again and pushed it again, he turned his gun slightly and pointed at the second Japanese soldier again.

The Japanese soldier saw his companion being shot, knowing that their actions were discovered by the Chinese army.

But that hill is bare, that is, there is a tree on the top of the hill, so where can he hide?

He could only run desperately up the mountain.

It’s just an exaggeration to say that it’s a race against death. In the physical world, humans who can only run more than ten meters in one second even on flat ground, how can they run faster than a bullet that flies hundreds of meters in a second? head?

The Japanese soldier also crashed into the mountain amid Shang Zhen's gunshots, and followed in the footsteps of his companions.

But at this time Shang Zhen stopped shooting, and he glanced at the terrain on his left, rolled over and hid himself behind a ridge that could barely cover his body.

If the marksmanship is too accurate and kills too many enemies, God will be jealous, right? It's better to change the shooting position.

Now the road is in a mess, anyway, their own cavalry has already rampaged on that road.

The Japanese army was eager to retreat before, so they should have ignored the hill.

But now that the Japanese army has been besieged, it has become an urgent action for the Japanese army to avoid passively seizing the hill that is the only commanding height here. If that hill is really occupied by the Japanese army, relying on that hill, then The casualties of the Chinese army can only be greater.

And realizing this was the so-called subconsciousness of Shang Zhen's previous glance at the hill.

Now he has been shooting at this position for a Anyway, there are no enemies behind them now, he hides himself behind the ridge that can block the lying self and looks at the one in the distance hills.

And with the cover of this ridge, he could see the Japanese army on the hill, but the Japanese army on the road couldn't see him. This was also his subconscious.

The subconscious always comes too fast, but it is much easier than saying it!

The gunshots from the rear of the road were getting closer and closer. It was the infantry of the Chinese army approaching with the support of the cavalry. Maybe there were Japanese troops defending on the other side of the hill, but the Japanese army was defeated and finally gave up. Instead of resisting on the spot, he rushed northward desperately.

And when the gunshots became sparse and scattered until finally they ceased to sound, there were hundreds of Chinese officers and soldiers with guns standing on the battlefield, as well as the few horses standing next to the dead cavalry and snorting.

Shang Zhen sat up from his shooting position. When footsteps sounded behind him and someone called him "sir" again, Shang Zhen didn't turn his head. Instead, he sighed and asked, "Our people How many more died?"

(end of this chapter)

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