The War of Resistance

Chapter 1035: Soldiers are not spectators!

The latest website: The next development of the battlefield situation was beyond the expectation of Shang Zhen and other onlookers, because the cavalry belonged to the Chinese army.

The horses' hoofs were clanging, and they saw a shadow of horses rushing out from the southwest of the road.

People with binoculars, such as Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng, could see clearly, but soldiers without binoculars could still imagine the cavalry on their side wielding shining sabers on the galloping horses.

It was almost noon now, and they saw not only the huge shadow of the horse, but also a shining cold light above the shadow of the horse.

As the saying goes, "the big knife cuts off the devil's head", who dares to say that the saber used by the cavalry is not a big knife, and the big knife used to cut the invader's head must be the machete used by the infantry?

"Excitement!" Ma Erpao, who has always had a bad temper, cheered loudly.

Although those shiny sabers hadn't hit the invader's head yet, he could imagine that when the cavalry rushed into the Japanese infantry line, the sabers chopped from top to bottom, and the heads of the Japanese devils were like watermelons in a watermelon field. Generally dripping and rolling.

"Slow down!" Lu Yifei, who was next to Ma Erpao, reminded him, but he had completely forgotten that he was also shouting "Slow down".

They have always seen devils showing off their power on the land of China, but have they ever seen their own sabers flying up and down in the devil's swarming heads?

Veterans like Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei have seen cavalry before, but new recruits like Dong Qiu, Xu Shenwei, and Hu Chuang have never seen such cavalry charging into battle. The mouth widened and the eyes widened, and the fingers holding the gun couldn't help using strength.

"What if the little devil shoots this?" Xu Shenwei was very worried.

"The cavalry rushed fast, and there were always more leftovers than those that fell, and the little devils would die when they rushed to the front." Gao Erya explained, she is the regimental leader's own sister, but she is very familiar with the cavalry's combat methods.

What's more, there are many Gobi deserts in the northwest region, where there are horse bandits. The second girl who stayed in the barracks since she was a child has heard that her knowledge is much better than that of recruits like Xu Shenwei.

"Then what if the devil uses a heavy machine gun?" Xu Shenwei asked again.

"You idiot, the little devil is running away, how can you use that dead heavy machine gun?" Ma Erpao scolded angrily.

"That's not necessarily true." Xu Shenwei retorted in a low voice.

Xu Shenwei is a bit bookish and loves to be serious in everything, although he himself is not very tough when facing veterans.

From Ma Erpao's point of view, how can he think about the little devil's heavy machine gun? Are you wishing that our own people suffered heavy losses?

What's more, how can you control so much when you are fighting, and the fighters are fleeting, so you have to charge when you have to charge? If the former were afraid of wolves and the latter were afraid of tigers, there would be no need to fight this battle.

But actually? But in fact, from the perspective of combat, Xu Shenwei's idea is also reasonable.

Not to mention that fighting a war is an exhaustive strategy, why not avoid it if you might think of it?

How fast the cavalry was running, these onlookers only talked a few words, the cavalry who turned around from the other side of the road had already approached the road, and this time they could already see the horse on their backs without binoculars. Silhouettes of Chinese soldiers wielding sabers.

And at this moment, gunshots rang out from other directions except the side where Shang Zhen and the others were.

The Japanese army discovered that the Chinese cavalry was going to shoot, and the firepower of the Chinese infantry chasing from the south also increased greatly, and the void was full of bullets.

At this time, the soldiers hiding on the side of the road saw the Chinese cavalry who were desperately attacking the road.

"Sir! Let's fight too!" Ma Erpao was already impatient when he saw someone on his side fell, "We are also soldiers, we are not here to watch the fun!"

And when Ma Erpao shouted, those soldiers were so excited that they couldn't see that there were casualties on their side, and those who were less courageous felt "thumping" in their hearts, but no one responded to Ma Erpao's proposal. be opposed to.

Amid Ma Erpao's shouts, everyone turned to look at Shang Zhen.

But at this time they were surprised to find that Shang Zhen had disappeared.

When they ran here to hide, Shang Zhen was on the farthest side of them. The Chinese cavalry charged just now, and they were all focused on the battlefield, so they didn't look at Shang Zhen, but they never thought that Shang Zhen—they The officer in charge has disappeared!

"There!" Hu Chuang shouted.

Following Hu Chuang's sound, the soldiers saw that Shang Zhen was lying on his stomach fifty or sixty meters away, and the rifle was already raised.

And when they saw Shang Zhen's gun, Shang Zhen's gunshot rang out.

As for how accurate Shang Zhen's marksmanship is, other soldiers besides Gao Erya naturally know it.

But in this chaotic battle, who can see clearly whether Shang Zhen hit the Japanese army at a position that was not where Shang Zhen was?

But what does it matter? Accompanied by Shang Zhen's gunshot, a Japanese light machine gun that was screaming happily fell silent.

So, besides Shang Zhen, who could have fired this shot?

"Let's fight too, we are fighters too, we are not spectators!" Xu Shenwei shouted loudly.

As if waking up from a dream, the soldiers pulled the bolts of their guns and shot at the Japanese soldiers on the road.

Shang Zhen and his group really didn't have many troops, there were only twelve of them including the senior girl, but when their gunshots rang out, they still caused chaos in the Japanese army.

The attention of the Japanese army was all on the Chinese cavalry charging towards them from the south and back to the west, and the firepower of the Chinese chasing troops in the south was also greatly increased, but now there was firepower shooting at them from the east of the road. Attacked from three sides.

Although the gunshots from the east were not very dense, they couldn't hold back the accuracy of the marksmanship in the east. The soldiers like Shang Zhen were only a hundred meters away from the main road, let alone Shang Zhen, a sharpshooter?

How could Shang Zhen shoot indiscriminately, but he picked Japanese machine gunners to fight.

As long as he finds the Japanese light machine gun shooter or the Japanese light machine gun is fired, he will be As for the Japanese heavy machine gun, it is also set up, but at this time the cavalry of the Chinese army finally rushed .

Even in the era of hot weapons, once the infantry was rushed into the position by the cavalry, the battle of the horse riding company was inevitable.

There were Japanese soldiers being hacked with sabers constantly, and similarly, Chinese cavalrymen were constantly falling from their horses, and some Japanese soldiers were frightened by the huge impact of the horses, so they climbed up to avoid being hit by the huge horses. The sad reminder of the horse's hooves.

But those Japanese soldiers who got up immediately became the living targets of Shang Zhen and his group of soldiers!

In battle, at the time of life and death, all combatants focus on their own shooting targets.

However, Shang Zhen remained awake during the battle. When he saw his own cavalry rushing from the other side of the road to block his sight, he couldn't help sighing when he reloaded his rifle.

(end of this chapter)

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