Bai Bing'er was so angry that Su Chen seemed to be very serious, but what he said was so unreasonable.

But Bai Binger really wanted to go out and confirm things.

no way.

This kind of thing sounds very strange, and it is impossible to appear in the real world, but for some reason, Bai Binger inexplicably thinks it is very possible.

Even can't wait to see it soon.

But Su Chen's attitude really made her speechless.

It was obvious that Su Chen didn't want to go out.

So she can't go by herself, can she?

This is too low, Bai Binger will never do such a behavior.

And at the same time, she really didn't understand, there was a deep conflict between Su Chen and Fang Yufan.

But why did he know that Fang Yufan would face such a situation, but he refused to observe it.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the opponent, isn't it a big thing to be happy about.

Is all this fake?

Su Chen also saw at the time that she was not asleep, and the trap she deliberately set?

The purpose is to lure her into the bait?

Not without such a possibility.

Bai Bing'er became speechless the more she thought about it, as if something had been hinting at her in her heart.

And the most important point, the more you think about it, the more Bai Bing'er can't wait to see it.

Bai Bing'er raised her chest and said loudly, "I don't care, you must accompany me out."

Su Chen was so angry that he wanted to laugh, "Why should I go out with you, stop teasing me."

What are you going to do?

Going out with an unreliable heroine like Bai Bing'er is too risky, Su Chen would never take such a risk.

Wouldn't it be nice to stay at home?

Don't go, don't say anything.

Su Chen was determined, no matter what Bai Binger said was useless.

At this moment, Bai Bing'er's hand suddenly heard a short reminder sound.

When she opened it, her face was extremely strange, and even paled.

"No, Qin Luoyi has been kidnapped." Bai Bing'er said anxiously, "hurry up and save her with me!"

"Otherwise it will be too late."

Su Chen was speechless, and immediately dismantled: "Miss Li, you should also divide the occasion. Just now you thought about calling me out, and now you immediately say that Qin Luoyi has been kidnapped.

How could there be such a coincidence, don't talk nonsense! "

"Go and go by yourself!"

Su Chen lay directly on the sofa, as if it was impossible to go out.

This made Bai Bing'er annoyed instantly. She ran to Su Chen and said excitedly, "You just kept saying that you like Qin Luoyi, so I misread you."

"Or, you don't like Qin Luoyi at all."

"Then the reason you just said to me for wanting to cooperate is also false?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could I not like it." Although Su Chen was dismantled, he was still blushing and gasping.

"It's not that I don't want to believe it, eldest sister, you are so fake, no one will believe it."

Hearing this, Bai Bing'er was silent for a while, and she didn't know what she was thinking with her lowered head, which made Su Chen overjoyed.

It must be Bai Bing'er who realized her mistake.

There will be no trouble.

But before he could react, Bai Bing'er suddenly raised her head, looking aggrieved, her eyes were red, and she said in a trembling voice:

"I didn't expect that you are such a person. Even if it may be fake, then you shouldn't be so cruel, no, this is true."

"Forget it, this is the nature of your men. I'll go save her myself."


There was a dead silence.

Bai Bing'er didn't move, Su Chen also continued to lie on the sofa.

In fact, the content of Bai Binger's mobile phone just now was about Qin Luoyi's kidnapping.

Instead, Bai Bing'er ordered someone to investigate Fang Yufan's whereabouts and report to her no matter what.

Bai Bing'er must know Fang Yufan's every move immediately.

In this way, she can know whether this matter is true or not. If it is true, then Su Chen is too scary.

Of course, once she knew it was fake, Bai Bing'er was determined not to let Su Chen go.

But how to deal with Su Chen then?

Thinking about Bai Bing'er's mind, such a question suddenly appeared in her mind, but she really couldn't think of it.

So simply ignore it.

Originally, Fang Yufan had been staying in the hotel, and Bai Binger also felt that it was nothing.

It's also a normal phenomenon. It's raining outside, although it's much smaller now... Bai Bing'er was surprised to find that it seemed that from the moment she entered the house, the rain was really much smaller.

And just now Bai Bing'er received the news that Fang Yufan went out.

Bai Bing'er, who received the news, couldn't help it immediately.

She quickly thought of letting Su Chen go with her, so she lied.

The purpose is to want Su Chen to go with her.

But Su Chen was completely indifferent, which made Bai Bing'er so angry that she couldn't speak.

Is it true that her acting skills are so fake, Su Chen doesn't believe it at all.

Bai Bing'er asked again, "Ask for the last time, hurry up with me, or Qin Luoyi is really in danger."

At this moment, Bai Bing'er's long legs were naked in front of Su Chen.

While Bai Binger was wearing a skirt, Su Chen glanced up.

Immediately, he decided to keep Bai Bing'er in such a posture and have a good communication with him first.

At this time, Bai Bing'er's attitude made Su Chen feel a little strange.

Logically it shouldn't!

Why does she want to go out so much?

There is no reason, although it is no longer raining outside, but after all, it has just finished, and it seems that it is no big deal to go out now.

Therefore, Su Chen figured that Bai Bing'er must have some conspiracy.

It's not a conspiracy against me, is it?

In that case, you can definitely go and see it!

But Su Chen obviously won't let Bai Binger get his wish so easily.

"You think too much. It's a society ruled by law. You've been staying in the room. How could accidents happen? Don't think too much."

After speaking, Su Chen suddenly felt that something was wrong, because Bai Binger seemed to be not in a society ruled by law.

Bai Bing'er is obviously not giving up, "You just met Qin Luoyi and asked her to be your girlfriend, but now you treat others so ruthlessly, aren't you afraid of leaving a negative impact?"

When Su Chen heard this, he laughed and said, "Who am I?"

"I'm Su Chen!"

"Who doesn't know that I'm a dude, so fame is something, and for me it's simply not worth mentioning."

"Besides, Qin Luoyi is not stupid. Whoever told you that she would have an accident so easily."

Su Chen hesitated for a while.

Although what Bai Binger said just now may be false, it is not necessarily false.

But she came out to scare me with Qin Luoyi's danger. Does this prove that Qin Luoyi is very important in her heart.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have said that subconsciously.

No, thinking about it, Qin Luoyi can't continue to stay by Bai Bing'er's side.

"This, in fact, I'm not the Qin Luoyi I just met, I've known him for a long time."

Su Chen had an expression of "I don't want to hide from you".

"Even Qin Luoyi is actually Wang Bingbing's person, and she sent you to lurking around."

"You continue to stay with her by your side, so how do you deal with Wang Bingbing?"

Bai Bing'er's face changed and she asked, "Do you want me to drive Qin Luoyi away?"

Sure enough, she is indeed a successful woman who has reached this position step by step. She is really knowledgeable, and she can guess what I want to express at once.

In other words, this conversation will be very fruitful.

"Qin Luoyi is a time bomb and must be driven away."

Su Chen said righteously.

"That's not an excuse for not wanting to go out with me, is it?"

"How is it possible, I'm not that kind of person, I have evidence." Su Chen said, taking it out of his pants.

"Do you have any evidence or something, I don't want to see it."

Bai Bing'er suddenly bit her red lips, squinted her eyes and smiled, "I already knew that Qin Luoyi was an undercover agent."

"You know?" Su Chen was puzzled.

"I kept her by my side on purpose. The information Wang Bingbing will get is the information I want her to know."

After Bai Bing'er finished speaking, she suddenly squatted down, put her red lips against Su Chen's ear, and said softly:

"Don't worry, I can achieve my current position, naturally I have my plans."

Her voice is soft.

Su Chen looked at her with big watery eyes looking at him.

Immediately, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

At the same time, Su Chen glanced up, and immediately became happy again.

Bai Bing'er's voice was very soft, but Su Chen couldn't stand it.

At the same time, he thought to himself, could Bai Binger really be so smart?

It doesn't look real anyway!

But since Bai Bing'er said so, Su Chen didn't know how to respond for a while.

Do you really want Qin Luoyi to stay by Bai Bing'er's side?

When Su Chen had doubts in his heart, Bai Bing'er next to him was also happy in his heart, extremely joyful.

Of course Qin Luoyi will not be what she just said.

It's just that Bai Binger thought that Su Chen wanted to trick her into driving Qin Luoyi away.

That's why she came up with a way to deal with it. Of course, Bai Bing'er would not let Qin Luoyi leave.

This is actually what Qin Luoyi asked her to say.

When she communicated with Qin Luoyi before, Qin Luoyi actually guessed that Su Chen would definitely say such a thing, so Bai Bing'er was also prepared in advance.

Bai Bing'er looked at Su Chen, her bright eyes flashed proudly, and she thought to herself, "Look at how you still speak ill of Qin Luoyi to me now.

Of course Su Chen wouldn't give up so easily.

He quickly found the loophole in Bai Bing'er's words and said with a smile, "Since you said you knew Qin Luoyi was Wang Bingbing's, why did you save her?"

"Still appearing so anxious?"

Su Chen was procrastinating. In fact, he didn't care about these issues at all. It was just... a pair of eyes had nowhere to be placed.

Facing doubts, Bai Bing'er was not in a hurry, but said lightly: "It's very simple, I just want to see if you are with Qin Luoyi, otherwise, how can you rest assured to cooperate with Su Shao? Woolen cloth?"

Su Chen nodded.

This makes sense.

After Bai Bing'er said these words, she was actually very happy.

She never thought that she could suddenly want such a word, such a perfect lie, in a short period of time. She believed that Su Chen would definitely find no flaws.

Thinking like this, Bai Bing'er couldn't wait to lower her head and look at Su Chen's current expression. .

She was looking forward to seeing Su Chen's embarrassed look.

However, when she really looked at Su Chen's face, she found that there was no trace of moving or angry expression at all.

Instead, there was a burst of joy, and the corners of his mouth could not help but evoke a smile.

And his eyes were blurred, and he didn't look at her at all.

Bai Bing'er followed Su Chen's gaze and suddenly saw the top of her skirt.

She instantly understood something.

His face flushed instantly.

"Su Chen, you bastard, who made you look around." Bai Bing'er was really angry, and subconsciously slapped Su Chen in the face.

And Su Chen instantly came back to his senses, and within 0.01 seconds of the slap coming, he quickly sat up from the sofa.

Seeing that Su Chen was not hit, Bai Bing'er was anxious, her beautiful eyes were full of anger.

"Listen to my explanation." Su Chen said innocently: "I came to lie down on the sofa just now. It was you who came over on your own initiative, so you can still blame me."


Bai Bing'er couldn't hit him, she seemed to remember the grievance she had just received, and tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably for a while.

The watery eyes make people want to pity Xiangxiyu when they see it.

Bai Bing'er cried out directly.

Su Chen, who was next to him, was at a loss for a while, there was nothing he could do. It was the first time he would cry when he saw a female protagonist.

What's more, it's Bai Bing'er.

Who is Bai Bing'er, that is the devil who kills without blinking an eye.

How can you cry?

But I have to say that Bai Binger's strong and cold cry is really pretty.

Perhaps this is the legendary hair difference.

From the cold, domineering gang leader to the current little woman's attitude, it will indeed arouse men's thoughts even more.

Su Chen suddenly wanted to take a picture of this scene with his mobile phone, and then take it out. If outsiders saw it, it would definitely cause an uproar.

He didn't forget that when the security guards today saw Bai Bing'er, it was like a cat met by a mouse, and it was simply too cola.

Now this scene will definitely make them stunned.

Before Su Chen could react, it seemed that Bai Bing'er on the other side was crying louder and louder because she could not get Su Chen's response.

A terrible thought also appeared in Su Chen's mind.

Bai Bing'er in the script should be a very indomitable woman. Even if she is looked down upon by everyone, she still won't be afraid of all difficulties.

But now, this attitude.

Does it mean that Bai Bing really does something that is not in line with the human design.

And it's all because of him.

Thinking of Fang Yufan's punishment.

Su Chen's smile instantly turned blank.

It's also horrible.

No, no matter what, such a thing cannot be allowed to happen.

Seeing Bai Bing'er with red eyes, Su Chen hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him: "Don't cry, I was wrong. If you do this again, it's not good. What if you are seen?"

"How can you be someone else's boss, and how can you face Wang Bingbing?"

"Be obedient and stop crying."

It's okay for Su Chen not to say this. When she comforted her, Bai Bing'er's tears flowed out as if she didn't want money.

As the crying got louder, Su Chen was really afraid that the system in his head would suddenly come up with a punishment.

So... Su Chen's clothes softened.

He said helplessly: "Okay, okay, don't cry. I'll accompany you out, and I'll go wherever you want."

Bai Bing'er suddenly stopped crying, "Then it's settled, wait for me to change clothes, and then we'll set off."

"I don't have your clothes here." Su Chen said.

However, Bai Bing'er ignored him at all and walked towards her little BMW.

When he came back, he did have a new set of clothes in his hand.

Then I went upstairs to change clothes.

When they came upstairs, Bai Bing'er called Qin Luoyi immediately.

"Bing'er, why are you going out in such a heavy rain! It's too dangerous." Qin Luoyi's voice came over.

Bai Bing'er took a peek at her and found that Su Chen didn't follow, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm looking for Fang Yufan's location, do you want to go and have a look?"

"He might be miserable tonight."

Hearing this, Qin Luoyi was instantly happy.

"Ha, there is such a good thing, of course I have to see it."

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