Seeing Su Chen's eyes, although Bai Bing'er's face turned redder, she didn't mean to back down.

Instead, he smiled and said, "What's the matter, don't you agree?"

"Then I have to do things according to my inner thoughts."


Before Bai Bing'er finished speaking, she suddenly felt that her whole body was floating.

I saw Su Chen suddenly pick her up with one hand.

Bai Bing'er was flustered.

Originally, she just wanted to tease Su Chen, even if she really let Su Chen carry it on her back, it was nothing.

But if it was being held, it would be completely different.

She was carrying it on her back, and Su Chen took the initiative to hold it.

In addition, the current situation is very special, and the whole atmosphere suddenly becomes weird.

Bai Bing'er panicked and hurriedly said, "Let me down."

"Isn't this what you asked for just now?" Su Chen said with a wicked smile.

"I just asked you to carry me on your back, what do you mean now?" Bai Bing'er blushed even more.

"It's okay, it's safer if you hold it."

After Su Chen finished speaking, she didn't explain it to her, just hugged her and ran forward.

During this period, Bai Binger wanted to struggle, but to no avail. Su Chen hugged her tightly, not giving Bai Binger a chance to escape at all.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"You bastard, Su Chen, I hate you."

"Don't put your hands around."


The villa where Su Chen is located is not a suburb, on the contrary there are many people living around.

But due to the sound of the rain, no one could hear Bai Bing'er's cries now.

Seeing Bai Binger's regret in this scene, Su Chen was overjoyed and sneered in his heart, "Some jokes can't be made casually, otherwise the consequences will be serious."



Su Chen brought Bai Bing'er back to the villa.

At the same time, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

For Su Chen, the weird atmosphere just now finally disappeared.

He calmly put Bai Bing'er on the sofa.

Bai Bing'er was released by Su Chen at this time.

He stood in front of Su Chen angrily and clenched his fists.

Looking at Su Chen, everything that just happened flashed through his mind.

She was so frivolous by a man.

When had she ever been so angry, she was naturally very angry, staring at Su Chen as if she wanted to do something.

Su Chen laughed.

Now he is not at a loss no matter what.

If Bai Bing'er is angry, then he can be regarded as the foreshadowing of the villain and the heroine.

If Bai Bing'er is not angry, then it's not a big deal. Now Bai Bing'er is left behind by him, as long as it doesn't go to Fang Yufan for revenge.

Anyway, it was worth it for taking so much money just now.

Thinking about Su Chen, I feel quite happy, mainly because it was just a prostitution.

Anything, for Su Chen, as long as it is free prostitution, it is the happiest thing.

And the final result was exactly as Su Chen imagined.

I saw that Bai Bing'er was completely trying to suppress the anger in her eyes. Instead, she said to Su Chen with a smile on her face: "This, we both got wet just now, can you change my clothes for me?"

"Everyone is soaking wet now."

After speaking, she walked towards Su Chen as if she wanted to, and the two of them were instantly close.

Su Chen glanced at Bai Binger, thinking that she was right, not only was the top wet, but the bottom was also wet... She is an honest girl, and many girls are actually dishonest.

Wait... In fact, Su Chen is quite surprised now,

Wouldn't Bai Bing'er have the male phobia unique to the heroine of the legendary novel?

How come from just now until now, it's completely like nothing, and it's still so close to me.

One has two, Su Chen put his hand on Bai Bing'er's waist.

Bai Bing'er took a step back, terrified.

The deer in my heart smashed.

I don't understand why Su Chen reacted like this.

"Didn't this girl Qin Luoyi tell me that as long as I get close to Su Chen, that's the last thing he wants to see?"

"On the contrary, I was angry, and Su Chen was happy."

"But why did I take the initiative to get so close to him just now, but he didn't look worried at all, but he did it instead."

Damn, he actually dared to do it.

Wait, I will teach you a lesson sooner or later.

Bai Bing'er was speechless.

She found that Su Chen didn't follow her plan, and she was speechless in an instant.

Of course Su Chen didn't know what she was thinking now.

Straight to the point: "Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

"Is it all right, I can't come to you." Bai Bing'er seemed to be angry.

"Of course, but I don't want to see you." Su Chen wanted to anger her.

Bai Bing'er smiled when she heard the words.

I thought to myself: "Sure enough, this guy is trying to provoke me."

"Then I won't do what you want."

Bai Bing'er glared at him and said, "You should already know who I am, so I want to complete a deal with you."

Is this how you ask for help? It has to be kneeling anyway... Su Chen guarantees that what he thinks is to kneel in earnest.

"You want me to help you deal with Wang Bingbing?" Su Chen seemed to be able to see through Bai Bing'er's mind.

This surprised her, and at the same time she was curious, wondering how Su Chen knew about it.

Su Chen also saw her doubts and explained directly: "It's very simple, I have investigated you, and naturally I know that you and Wang Bingbing are not dealing with each other."

"And with your strength, it is almost impossible to deal with the current Wang Bingbing, so you want to cooperate with me."

"But what can you give?"

start threatening.

And the heroine, especially the cold heroine like Bai Bing'er, will naturally not give in when threatened. The purpose of what he does is to reject Bai Bing'er.

But before he finished speaking, he immediately saw the smile on the corner of Bai Bing'er's mouth, and was shocked.

Before she could speak, Su Chen continued: "Of course I am willing to help you."

The idea just now was obviously ineffective. From the moment Bai Binger smiled, Su Chen immediately understood.

In the face of his threat just now, Bai Bing'er is likely to agree, because her personality has also begun to collapse.

Therefore, Su Chen simply did not give her a chance to speak.

It's called emergency hedging...

Sure enough, Bai Bing'er was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words.

What is the situation, how is this different from what she imagined.

Su Chen directly agreed.

This is how to do.

If he didn't go according to plan, he wouldn't have any ideas, would he?

I really have thoughts about my body, what if I really lose my body?

If it doesn't matter, I won't cooperate with him this time.

Bai Binger retreated in her heart.

"Forget it, Wang Bingbing's matter, I will solve it myself, and I will deal with my enemy."

Su Chen? ? ?

Whatever the situation, it will change.

I couldn't keep up with the speed at which Bai Bing'er changed her face.

Su Chen just received the news of the new script, and Bai Bing'er immediately changed her mind.

What exactly does that mean.

Going around again and again.

When the system synchronized the new script about Bai Binger in real time just now, Su Chen almost didn't laugh out loud.

I thought to myself, the system must not be able to stand the collapse of these crazy heroines, so I quickly 'hot patch' to remedy it.

And this script is still very caring for him, very caring, Su Chen was already ready to take off.

He doesn't believe it anymore, Bai Binger, you are still collapsing with others. If I don't let you collapse, you can't collapse.

Su Chen's stubborn heart rose.

Especially now that he has been cared for by the system, he is naturally full of confidence.

But Su Chen wasn't happy for long.

But suddenly this happened.

The system's new script made him promise to help Bai Binger deal with Wang Bingbing.

But in fact, he is an undercover agent, and his real purpose is to help Wang Bingbing and lead Bai Binger into the trap step by step.

And when Bai Binger entered the trap and could no longer escape.

Then lure Fang Yufan and Qin Yu, the two big male protagonists, to come out to help Bai Binger.

In this way, things will be complete.

As for why Qin Yu should go out.

Su Chen felt that now Bai Bing'er's new plot seemed to belong to Ji Ling originally.

But now that it has been replaced by Bai Bing'er, Qin Yu will naturally be added.

This is nothing to Su Chen, but it is still beneficial, but now Bai Bing'er suddenly regrets it.

He changed his body and didn't want to join forces with him to deal with Wang Bingbing.

This will not work.

How can you spoil such a perfect script.

Su Chen asked with a serious face: "You really don't want to deal with Wang Bingbing?"

"You have to think about it, she has integrated the entire Kyoto now, and it won't be long before she will have the power to deal with you."

"You're sick now, and you still have a long time in your life. Do you want to see Wang Bingbing stand in front of you and show off his might?"

"It's basically impossible for you to take revenge on your own, but as long as you cooperate with me, everything will be much easier. You know my abilities, so why not cooperate?"

Su Chen was confident that Bai Bing'er could not refuse such a request.

Sure enough, everything was not beyond Su Chen's expectations, Bai Bing'er thought for a moment, and immediately agreed with Su Chen's proposal.

Compared with Su Chen's potential threat, Bai Bing'er hopes to defeat Wang Bingbing.

But Bai Bing'er is still very calm, because Su Chen's behavior has too many flaws, so she has to pay attention to it.

"Why are you helping me?"

"What benefits do you want from me? It can't be help for no reason, right?"

Bai Bing'er seemed to have found the flaw in Su Chen's words, and immediately began to torture her soul.

Su Chen was not in a hurry, and began to look for excuses in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, to say that he is greedy for Bai Bing'er's body, this suits his personality, won't cause any suspicion, and can make Bai Bing'er hate himself.

But from the current situation, it is definitely not possible to do this. At that time, this woman doesn't know what to do, so what if she really takes the initiative to pounce on it?

Such a thing has not happened.

The previous female protagonists have taught **** lessons again and again, so Su Chen intends to do the opposite. Now the collapse of the script has made him understand that if he wants to live, the female protagonist must be angry.

Therefore, Su Chen said with a serious face: "Naturally it is because of Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi and I fell in love at first sight. I like her very much. You are her good sister, and I will naturally help you."

Bai Bing'er raised her eyebrows.

Like Qin Luoyi?

This moment reminded her of how happy she was when she saw Qin Luoyi and Su Chen on the train.

Bai Bing'er was a little dissatisfied.

Emotionally, she is a tool person.

She is superfluous, the clown turned out to be himself?

Of course Bai Bing'er couldn't be more angry.

She is really getting angrier the more she looks at Su Chen now, but she can't rush up to hit the other party directly.

what else can we do?

Do you want to design Qin Luoyi to leave him?

Bai Bing'er quickly rejected such a decision.

First of all, she can see that her good sister Qin Luoyi likes this **** in front of her, and secondly, it seems that it is not a big deal for a young man like Su Chen.

So this way doesn't work.

Then what should be done?

Bai Bing'er fell into contemplation for a while, she must teach Su Chen a hard lesson.

"Su Chen, you have helped me so much, so let me help you deal with Fang Yufan?" Bai Bing'er repeated the old trick.

"No, I'll take care of it myself. Don't worry about my affairs, it's not good for you."

Seeing that Bai Bing'er did not continue this time, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

I muttered in my heart.

This woman looks seductive, smells delicious, should be gentle and virtuous, and uses violence at every turn.

Bai Bing'er stared coldly and continued:

"You can't bully Qin Luoyi, she is my best friend.

And I have never been in love, if you dare to treat her badly, I will not let you go. "

Bai Bing'er didn't know what was wrong. Although she said it very hard, she was looking forward to Qin Luoyi's meeting with a scumbag.

In this case, Qin Luoyi will change back to having no boyfriend like her.

Is this the legendary girlfriend effect? ...Bai Binger asked herself.

"How could I bully Qin Luoyi, don't worry." Su Chen said with a serious face.

But I was actually a little surprised.

Strange, Bai Bing'er can know what I'm thinking?

Qin Luoyi, the woman, ruined her plot twice.

Well, what Wang Bingbing said that time, Qin Luoyi can't be blamed, after all, even Wang Bingbing's character has collapsed.

But in any case, what happened to Bai Binger now is that Qin Luoyi made trouble, otherwise Bai Binger would not be like this now.

Of course Su Chen wouldn't let it go.

Qin Luoyi must be severely punished.

But I didn't expect it to be seen by Bai Bing'er.

Am I being so obvious? ...Su Chen couldn't help but ask.

Qin Luoyi and Bai Bing'er are two tormenting heroines.

I thought the original heroine was cruel enough, but I didn't expect the new heroine to be even more cruel.

Anyway, the male protagonist Fang Yufan was about to die.

What's even scarier is that the two women don't know what's going on yet.

This is killing and killing the heart, and inadvertently can make Fang Yufan, who has the hero's luck, ruin his reputation.

This sudden heavy rain and thunderstorm is because of you.

Su Chen glared at Bai Bing'er fiercely.

What he didn't know was that Bai Bing'er's bright eyes were also very happy at this time, because she was also thinking about this matter.

When she was on the train today, Su Chen thought that she was asleep and had no defense at all.

Bai Bing'er basically heard what he said.

Fang Yufan was about to be struck by lightning.

Bai Bing'er naturally didn't believe it at first, but gradually the heavy rain came, and it was the kind without warning.

Bai Binger also went to investigate the weather forecast, no matter what the report was, it would not rain these days.

Even if there is a real error, it is impossible to make such a huge error.

The rain outside was the heaviest Bai Bing'er had ever seen since she was born, and it was also mixed with rolling thunder.

This really made her have to palpitate.

"Could it be that Su Chen really has such a terrifying ability?"

Bai Bing'er was actually just to verify the doubts in her heart.

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Bing'er said, "Su Chen, let's go out and play."

Su Chen looked at her in horror, "Eldest sister, are you right? It's raining so hard outside, why are you going out to play?"

"Do you want to repeat the scene where I was holding you just now?"

"You still want to experience the warmth in my arms?"

While speaking, Su Chen refused seriously: "No, no, I'm not that kind of person."

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