Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Recreate the Realm of Promise

The vast gate seems to connect the entire void of the world.

It is a gate that is ubiquitous but has never been called by anyone in the void of the entire world!

That gate is tall and majestic!

The surrounding is filled with a dark and magnificent nebula, that nebula is the power of primordial condensed from spiritual power and the power of the void!

It looks magnificent and domineering, and it is full of ancient mystery!

Everyone’s eyes, at this time, are looking up at the door that no one has ever seen before.

“Is this the Supreme Gate?”

“Behind this gate, is the legendary first supreme artifact?

This is “it is the void of all worlds, the deepest existence!”

Although it is not “I am waiting to summon this supreme door, but if I can see this door in this life, if I can see this magnificent scenery, it can be regarded as a death without regrets!”

One after another shocking gaze, one after another shocking voice, continued to sound in the depths of this blood-red void.

The gate of the supreme, suspended above everyone, is extremely huge!

As if under this gate, all living beings are like ants, and all worlds are like stars!

Such a magnificent scene, I am afraid I can only see it this time in my life.

“What a big door! Mother, what is this?” Luo Xin held Luo You Leng’s jade hand with her little hand, and her little face was also full of shock.

Such a vast and incomparable door always makes people wonder, what is behind the door?

As a child, Luo Xin was of course the most curious.

“This is the Supreme Gate, as long as you cross this gate, you can do anything!” Luo You Leng replied in a low voice.

Crossing this gate is the first supreme artifact!

To get the first supreme artifact and become its master is truly omnipotent!

It is the pinnacle that is truly insurmountable!

“But this door is so big, can it be opened?” Luo Xin was very curious.

I feel that this door completely covers the entire heavens and the world!

How do you open such a big door?

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes looked at Ling Ye, whether he can open it or not is his business!

The vast gate is suspended above everyone’s heads, suspended above the entire void of the world!

Magnificent and majestic.

In front of everyone, Ling Ye also raised his head and looked at the supreme door!

This is the void of all worlds, the highest and deepest level.

As long as you pass this level, you can truly dominate everything and be omnipotent!

It never occurred to me that such a gate still exists in the void of all worlds.

It is worthy of being the first supreme artifact, if you want to summon it, you must gather all the powerhouses above the god realm!

This kind of authority, looking at the past and present, is only he who has obtained it!

Everyone’s eyes then turned to Ling Ye.

Now that Ling Ye has summoned the Supreme Gate, it’s time to do it?

Open this supreme door, get the first supreme artifact, and become the eternal master!

However, Ling Ye was not in a hurry to do anything.

Just stand there, quietly looking at the vast Supreme Gate above!

Want to get the first supreme artifact, is it really that easy?

Then the existence of this gate has no meaning!

So just summoning this gate must not be enough!


Sure enough, at this moment, when Ling Ye was thinking like this.

Just when everyone was waiting for Ling Ye to do it.

In front of the Supreme Gate, ten twists suddenly appeared!

Then, under the gaze of everyone, in the Hunyuan Nebula around the gate, the power of Hunyuan continued to condense,

In the end, in front of the Supreme Gate, they condensed into ten bodies!

Ten mysterious golden bodies!

Ten hybrids!

When they saw the ten Hunyuan bodies, everyone’s expressions changed greatly: “Is that… Hunyuan body?”

“The same as the former Hunyuan Left Envoy and Hunyuan Right Envoy, the Hunyuan Body?”

“And it’s all… The Realm of Infinity?”

“That’s right, the aura that exudes from them! It’s the realm of infinity!”

My God, “! Ten Promise Realms?”

“Before the gate of the first supreme artifact, there are actually ten goalkeepers of the Promise Realm?”

“So, this means that if you want to enter this gate, you have to pass them?”

“How is it possible? How is it possible that someone can defeat the Ten Promise Realms?”

In the depths of the entire blood-red void, exclamations continued to sound.

Everyone’s shocking eyes are staring at the ten mysterious golden body!

That is the limitless realm!

And… it’s the boundless realm of the hybrid body!

A whole ten infinity realm!

Everyone present, everyone in the Void of Myriad Realms, has absolutely never seen such a terrifying lineup.

In ancient times, there were three realms of infinity, namely Ling Ye and the two masters of the void!

Five years ago, there were two Promise Realms, Ling Ye and Ye Tian!

Before, everyone has seen the lineup of the five Promise Realms, the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian!

But now, before this gate, ten Promise Realms appeared at one time?

Are these ten Promise Realms goalkeepers?

Doesn’t that mean that if you want to open this door, you have to pass their level?

Isn’t that totally impossible?

Now Ling Ye only has the strength of the pinnacle of the extreme gods.

No one can get past this, right?

The eyes of Luo You Leng and the others all suddenly turned to Ling Ye, who had a dignified expression!

If you really want to open the door, you really have to pass the level of ten Primordial Primordial bodies, what can Ling Ye do?

Surely there will be no way, right?

At the very front, Ling Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly at this time!

Sure enough, as I thought, it is not so simple!

What path did the writer point to?

If he wants to pass the ten realms of the infinite, of course he can’t do it!

The writer, why should he point to this dead end?

Under the gazes of everyone, the bodies of the ten Infinite Realms condensed into one!

An invisible vast enchantment enveloped the Hunyuan Xinghai on that side, enveloped the entire Supreme Gate, and also enveloped the ten Hunyuan bodies of the Infinity Realm.

It was as if there was a world inside the barrier, and another world outside the barrier!

The vast coercion, separated by the barrier, also made everyone tremble.

This lineup is truly unprecedented!

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked gazes of everyone, the mysterious golden brilliance continued to condense on the chests of the ten primordial bodies.

Then, on their chests, a number condensed.

From ten to one!

Ten Hunyuan bodies lined up in front of the Supreme Gate, like ten gods guarding the goal, steady as a rock, motionless!


Immediately afterwards, in front of the ten Promiscuous Realm Primordial Body, another body continued to condense.

That is a mixed body that exudes nine-colored light, and on that face, there are a pair of nine-colored eyes that are as bright as the sea of ​​stars!


Everyone was shocked again, who is this?

Also a hybrid?

But it looks more advanced than those ten mixed elements!

“You sure did!

As soon as the writer appeared, his eyes were on Ling Ye, and he said slowly: “In all realms, you are the first person to summon the Supreme Gate!”

Below, Ling Ye’s eyes were also looking at him, and his voice was slightly cold: “So you pointed me to a dead end?”

“It’s not impossible!” The writer’s flat voice continued, “It’s not that easy to get the first supreme artifact!”

The end of Wuji “realm is the first supreme artifact!”

“And if you want to get the first supreme artifact and become its master, you naturally need to go to the end!”

“These ten Primordial bodies of the Promise Realm, from ten to one, are divided into ten grades in terms of strength from weak to strong!

The weakest “is the initial stage of the infinite realm! The strongest is the peak of the infinite realm!”

“And I am the end of the infinite realm!

“The last level you have to pass! It’s… us!”


The writer’s voice just fell.

On the chest of his nine-colored body, a number appeared!


He is number zero!

Strength and identity, must be ranked before the ten primordial bodies.

He is the closest existence to the first supreme artifact!

He is the end of the infinite realm!

If you want to get the first supreme artifact, you must not only defeat the ten primordial bodies, but also defeat him in order to truly open the door.

Everyone understands instantly!

So, this is the real last level!

Only by defeating the ten Primordial Realm of Infinity, and finally defeating the writer of No. 0.

Only by obtaining the first supreme artifact can we obtain that omnipotent power!

“Are you kidding me?”

Below, Ling Ye frowned slightly.

Now, what can you do to challenge the limitless realm?

Only the Infinite Realm can fight against the Infinite Realm!

This is absolute!

It is absolutely impossible to have any low realm, you can challenge the limitless realm by leaps and bounds!

Isn’t this a dead end?

With his current strength, it is impossible to challenge these ten Primordial Primordial bodies!

It is even more impossible to challenge the writer No. 0 who is known as the end of the infinite realm!

“Of course it’s not a joke!”

Above, the author’s voice is still as flat as water: “As long as you enter this barrier, you can reach the most powerful state in your life!”

“And… as long as you can defeat any of the Primordial Body here, you can devour and absorb its power!

“The power you took away can exist forever in this enchantment. After you walk out of the enchantment, because there is no infinite source in the void of all worlds, your strength in the boundless realm will disappear within three days!”

“Kill No. 10, you can take No. 10’s cultivation realm and maintain it for three days outside the enchantment! Killing No. 1 is the same!”

“As for killing me, you can open this door and get the first supreme artifact!”

“As the writer, I can’t take action against any existence, but all existences in the void of the world, as long as their strength reaches a certain level, can take action against me!”

The writer’s eyes looked at Ling Ye: “So, let’s do it! I hope you can really get this first supreme artifact and become its master, as well as mine!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood.

That is to say, Ling Ye can challenge ten of them one by one, plus the writer, there are a total of eleven Promise Realm!

If you defeat any of them, you will be able to take away the opponent’s power and bring out the enchantment.

Outside the enchantment, because there is no Promise Source, the power that Ling Ye took away cannot exist forever, but it can last for three days!

So…there is still a chance!

What is Ling Ye’s heyday status?

0… ask for flowers…

The Promise of Five Years ago?


It is the boundless realm where the one person in the ancient times killed the Void family!

Ling Ye at that time was the real heyday!

As long as Ling Ye can defeat the Hunyuan body inside, he will naturally have the opportunity to take the power of the Hunyuan body and come out to obliterate the right envoy of Hunyuan!

Three days is definitely enough!

Ling Ye also took a deep breath, as long as he was within the enchantment, would he be able to reach the peak of his life?

That’s… not bad!

Immediately, Ling Ye’s figure floated up a little bit.

Under everyone’s attention, Ling Ye’s figure entered the vast enchantment that enveloped the Supreme Gate, and entered the world of the Primordial Nebula.


Sure enough, just when Ling Ye’s figure just entered the enchantment, the majestic blood energy around his body suddenly rose into the sky!

The vast blood energy infects that piece of Primordial Nebula into a blood-red color.

The corner of Ling Ye’s mouth slightly curved, and slowly clenched his fist.

That kind of long-lost power, at this moment, is back again!

He can clearly feel that his strength, at this moment, has reached his most prosperous state!

Endless realm!

Moreover, it was the boundless realm when he was the strongest.

Now once you leave this enchantment, you will lose this power!

But if he can kill the ten opposing goalkeepers of the Primordial Body, he will be able to bring the power of their Promise Realm out of this enchantment.

At that time, dealing with that Hunyuan right envoy will naturally not be a problem!

Ling Ye’s blood-red eyes immediately turned to look at the ten Hunyuan bodies on the opposite side, as well as the writer of No. 0.

Next, he will recreate the infinite realm!

Below, at this moment, everyone is also feeling the vast coercion that suddenly exudes from Ling Ye!


Is this the real heyday of Ling Ye?

The power of this Promise Realm is stronger than Ling Ye who reached the Promise Realm five years ago!

This is the real Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

This is the true master of the devil!

“Hehe, although he has always been invincible in his life, he is basically in a state of incompetence! The state of residual blood!”

In the crowd, Jiang Yuan smiled lightly and looked at Ling Ye above: “Although the residual blood is invincible! But now he is the strongest!”

Ye Tian’s eyes were also looking at Ling Ye above, and the ten Hunyuan bodies on the opposite side.

Sure enough, this is the real Ling Ye!

Ling Ye like this is definitely far more powerful than he was five years ago!

“What do you think you used to be, how much better than the Primordial Body?” Jiang Yuan looked at Chao Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked up at the ten Hunyuan bodies, and then said slowly: “He who reached the realm of infinity five years ago is comparable to No. 10! At that time, I should have the same strength as No. 9!”

“But now, his strength must be on the eighth!”

Ye Tian has also reached the realm of infinity, so he is very clear.

Five years ago, he condensed the power of all realms to reach the limitless realm in Qiankun Realm, and his strength should be comparable to No. 9.

And at that time, Ling Ye broke through the boundless realm again with her own strength, which could only be equal to No. 10!

But the current Ling Ye, that is, the Ling Ye of the ancient times, the Ling Ye in his prime, is stronger than the eighth or even higher ranked Hunyuan!

Sure enough, the peak Ling Ye has reached is far higher than he is!

“That’s right! The Realm of Promise is divided into ten classes by this first supreme artifact! The pinnacle you once reached is in the ninth class! And the pinnacle he once reached is far before you!

Jiang Yuan smiled lightly: “Master Demon Lord is Lord Demon Lord after all! He is the only one who was born invincible, and he is the only one who is invincible for all eternity! Next… All the worlds will see a truly prosperous state… Shadow Demon Lord!”

Ye Tian looked up at Ling Ye and said nothing.

My former self, regard Ling Ye as an opponent!

Only now did I realize how unreachable the height Ling Ye was at!

It is really worth it to have an opponent like Ling Ye in this life, and to be recognized by Ling Ye!


At this moment, several voices suddenly sounded from behind.

Then several figures flew up from behind.

Those who were once under Ye Tian’s command, those who refused to leave Ye Tian but had to leave Ye Tian.

“You are here too?” Ye Tian looked at them.

“Master Demon Lord is fighting for the future of the void of all worlds, and we naturally have to do our part!” Several people replied.

Tiandi “The alliance has been disbanded, and I am no longer the leader of the alliance! Never mention this title again in the future!” Ye Tian then smiled bitterly.

His former glory has passed.

No need to say any more!

Several people looked at each other with a bit of emotion in their eyes, and in the end they only nodded slightly.

“Since the Demon Lord can challenge the Primordial Body with the strength of his heyday! Then why don’t you do it?”

That’s it, a few people suddenly said: “If you also enter that enchantment, you will naturally be able to reach the highest realm that you have ever reached! It is also the realm of infinity! Moreover, as long as you defeat the primordial body, you will If you can bring the opponent’s power out of the enchantment and maintain it for three days, then, can’t you also do your best?”

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian suddenly reacted.

Put it this way. It seems to be possible? Thousand.

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