Chapter 149 Ling Ye is the master, and all worlds are ministers

Under the cold gazes of Ling Ye and Luo You, the figure exuding nine-colored brilliance slowly condensed and ended.

It is indeed the same as the previous Hunyuan left and right ambassadors, a special life form!

Or this is not a living body at all, just an existence!

A special presence!

However, this one in front of me is even more special!

The same does not distinguish between men and women, there is no gender distinction!

The face does not have facial features like the left and right ambassadors of Hunyuan.

He has a pair of eyes, like the sea of ​​​​stars, exuding nine-colored brilliance.

Luo You Leng looked at the so-called “writer” who appeared in front of him with some surprised eyes.

I didn’t expect that there is such a special existence?

Moreover, he also has the power of Primordial Primordial, right?

It is also an existence that combines the power of the void and the spiritual power!

It is also infinite!

Moreover, it seems to be even more powerful than that Hunyuan Left and Right Ambassador.

“I am the first master consciousness of the birth of the first supreme artifact!” The person in charge looked at Ling Ye with both eyes, and then a plain voice sounded like water.

“So… in terms of strength and identity, you are more advanced than the left and right ambassadors of the Primordial Yuan?” Ling Ye also looked at him.

As expected, there is a special existence!

And, this one is even more special!

In fact, Ling Ye began to doubt when he first saw that history book.

If it is someone from his era, then that person should still be alive, and should fight alongside him like Jiang Yuan!

However, there was no trace of that person.

Therefore, Ling Ye had already guessed that the history book was not left by someone of his age!

It was left by other, more special beings.

“It can be said like this!”

The writer said slowly: “I have written countless history books and recorded many wonderful lives, but no history book has ever been truly completed!”

“Before it was finished, I destroyed those history books!”

“Because they… are just a flash in the pan in the rings of the times! It’s just a wonderful piece of history!”

“Only you! You are very special. You have shown me that innate feeling of invincibility! I once thought that you must be the eternal ruler of the heavens and the universe!”

Until “Five years ago! All the trends at that time were leading you towards the direction of extinction! I can’t see your future either!”

“I also think that you must have ended five years ago!”

“I felt very sorry at that time, so I left that unfinished history book!”

“This is the only history book I haven’t destroyed! I hope your history continues!”

“I never thought that you could find a chance of life in despair! A line of life… I never thought of it!”

“You relied on her to successfully survive the disaster that you could not survive!”

“I don’t know how you know the ability of her two lives!”

Maybe “, only the first supreme artifact knows all your details!”

“Anyway, you are truly special to be able to get to where you are today! Indeed… beyond everyone’s imagination, beyond my imagination!”

“You should have ended five years ago! But I never thought that not only did you overcome the difficulties in 530, but you also truly became the existence that dominates the ups and downs!”

“This world is empty, indeed… You should be the Lord!”

The voice of the writer reverberated in this vast space.

What was unknown about that book is now the truth!

He once wrote the histories of countless people, and none of them were finished, and none of them remained.

Only the unfinished history book that recorded Ling Ye, he chose to keep it!

Facts have proved that this book may really be written forever!

“You are more enlightened than that right messenger! He also felt that my existence broke the so-called balance!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

“It doesn’t matter whether the balance exists or not!”

The author said lightly: “Multiple branches coexist as a tree, and a single branch is also a tree! Even a single tree can often grow taller and more exciting!”

“The will of the first supreme artifact is also a dominant force! That’s why two messengers of Hunyuan who were originally your courtiers were born!”

“It’s just that the right messenger of Primordial Yuan has distorted his consciousness and raised himself up! He thinks that he should be the master himself, and that he also thinks that the void of all worlds below him should be balanced!

Because, once the balance is broken, the master may threaten his existence!

Therefore, he wants to dominate everything and balance everything!

As everyone knows, it is a big mistake to be a minister by birth, and to go against the master by nature!

“Since you are a higher-level existence than the left and right messenger, since you also think that he should live in the void of all worlds! Then… can you help him to eradicate the right messenger with distorted self-consciousness? ”

At this time, Luo You Leng spoke.

He doesn’t care about anything else, he only cares about Ling Ye’s safety!

This so-called writer is actually so strong, so why not let him take action and directly wipe out the righteous messenger?

In that way, Ling Ye will become the real eternal master!

However, the writer on the opposite side shook his head lightly: “I am the first Taoist master consciousness born for the first supreme artifact, and the first supreme artifact will live forever, immortal and indestructible!

“Of course, I can’t directly intervene in anything in the void of the world, I can’t do anything to anyone, and I can’t do anything to any existence!”

His strength is indeed far above that of the right envoy of Hunyuan, and he himself coexists and perishes with the first supreme artifact!

Therefore, it is in the true sense of eternal immortality.

However, his existence is only as a consciousness, as a writer!

No right to interfere with anything in the void of the world!

No right to shoot at anyone!

“Even the right envoy of Hunyuan can interfere in the void of the world, can’t you?” Luo You Leng frowned suddenly.

So, what’s the use of this writer?

Although strong, but can not shoot?

I have to rely on Ling Ye to face the right messenger!

“The higher the position, the less freedom! You should be very clear about this!” The writer said slowly.

He just did not fully interfere with the void of the world.

He can only be a writer and record the leaders of each era.

“Even if you hadn’t come to the intersection of the void veins of the ten thousand worlds, you wouldn’t have been able to see me all!” The writer continued.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes looked at Ling Ye, and there was a bit of disappointment in her eyes.

So, isn’t it still useless?

Even if he found the existence closest to the first supreme artifact, he still couldn’t help Ling Ye deal with that messenger!

“Since you are the first master consciousness of the birth of the first supreme artifact! Then you should know the existence of the first supreme artifact, and you should know how to find it!”

At this time, Ling Ye spoke again.

Opposite, the writer nodded lightly: “Yes! I know how to find it! I can’t directly interfere with everything in the void of the world, but at least I can guide you to find the first supreme artifact!”

“What should I do? Where is the first supreme artifact?” Luo You Leng asked quickly.

There is still a chance!

As long as the first supreme artifact is found, there is still a chance!

Ling Ye’s eyes were also on the opposite writer, waiting for his answer.

The first “Supreme artifact is the beginning of the void of all worlds! Therefore, it is everywhere!”

On the opposite side, the writer continued: “But if you want to get close to him, you need to open a door! The supreme door!

“Anyone who condenses the existence of more than 90% of the gods in the void of all worlds! You can summon the Supreme Gate!”

“With your current prestige, convene 90% of all the powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and the world! You can do it!”

There are countless powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and the world. As long as they can summon ninety percent of the powerhouses above the god realm at the same time, it proves everyone’s belief in Ling Ye!

It proves that Ling Ye does have the ability to dominate the void of all worlds!

Prove that Ling Ye has the authority, can get the first supreme artifact, and can become the end of the infinite, omnipotent existence!

To make almost everyone in the void of the world surrender willingly, it requires great charm and great appeal!

In history, no one has ever done it.

Therefore, no one has ever summoned the Supreme Gate!

But now Ling Ye, there is a chance!

He is also the first person who has the opportunity to summon the Supreme Gate after countless years of history in the void of the world.

Five years ago, he couldn’t do it either.

But after these five years of changes, Ling Ye’s invisible charm has already penetrated into the heavens and the world, and penetrated into the hearts of almost everyone!

Almost everyone has an absolute belief and absolute admiration for him!

So, now Ling Ye, you can give it a try!

All the powerhouses above the god realm in the void of the world, those who are willing to submit to Ling Ye, and those who are willing to make Ling Ye king, I am afraid that there are more than 90%!

Five years ago, there were many people who wanted to replace Ling Ye, and many people wanted to be the ruler of the heavens and the world.

But now, everyone knows very well that no one can do it except Ling Ye!

Only Ling Ye, with the ability and the qualification, dominates everything!

“I can help you, only these! Can you become the real and eternal master, can you become the master of the first supreme artifact! It depends on your ability!”

The writer then said lightly.

That’s all the guidance he can give Ling Ye!

Next, I can only rely on Ling Ye herself!

“I know better why the right envoy of Primordial Yuan came to attack me immediately after I killed Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!”

Ling Ye’s mouth curved slightly.

Not only because at that time he no longer had Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar in his hand.

What’s more, it must be because after the destruction of Yu Duanqian and the Void Clan, almost all the powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and myriad worlds have their hearts on him!

After all, if the Black Rain Army Rain and the Void Army of the Void Clan still exist!

In this void of all worlds, there are almost half of the powerhouses above the god realm who will not surrender to him willingly!

But without the powerhouses above the god realm of the Void Army and the Black Rain Army, the heavens and the world, he called 90% of the powerhouses above the god realm, and he could do it!

The right messenger of Hunyuan was afraid that he would summon the Supreme Gate!

That’s why I hit him right away!

“Above the realm of the gods, those who do not surrender will be killed without mercy! Then it can be regarded as a strong person above the realm of gods who has called 100% of the void of the world? Can you summon the gate of supreme?”

Ling Ye asked next.

If there is only one powerhouse above the god realm in the void of all realms, as long as this powerhouse above the god realm surrenders to him, it is considered that all the powerhouses above the god realm surrender to him, right?


As soon as these words came out, the writer on the opposite side nodded lightly: “Forget it!”

It does count!

Unfortunately, looking at history, no one can do this!

Because it is relatively difficult to do this way!

“So.. thank you for your guidance!” Ling Ye’s mouth curled slightly.

If this is the case, then the first supreme artifact!

He’s got it!

Ninety percent of the powerhouses above the god realm willingly surrender?

With his ability now, not to mention 90%, 100%!

As long as all the powerhouses above the god realm who refuse to surrender are all perished, wouldn’t it mean that ten percent of them surrendered?

Now Ling Ye, can do it!

“I came forward this time to tell you this, which is considered to be my heart for you! I hope I can have a history book and write it down forever!”

The writer said something lightly.

Then, the figure dissipated little by little!

The nine-colored brilliance in the sky dissipated in this vast space, and finally subsided completely.

Only the history book in Ling Ye’s hand remains!

Luo You took a deep breath.

Fortunately, in the end, I found a way!

“As long as there are disobedients, I will help you kill them all!” Luo You Leng then said.

As long as you kill the disobedient and solidify into a powerhouse above the god realm, you can definitely do it!

Ling Ye suddenly hugged her into his arms again, and smiled jokingly: “You have such a temper, you are like my woman!”

I’ve been with me for a long time, and my personality has changed?

This is like the real Mrs. Demon Lord!

Either “they die, or you die! I won’t be merciful at the critical moment!” Luo You Leng snorted softly.

Well, it may have been with Ling Ye for a long time, and her character has become demonized!

Besides, at this time, there is no choice at all!

Of course she knew what to do.

“Since this is the case, the next step will be left to you! Within three days, I want all the powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and the world to gather in the depths of the void!”

Ling Ye then closed her eyes.

That being the case, then summon the so-called Supreme Gate and seize the first Supreme Artifact!

Luo You Leng nodded lightly. Next, she will definitely help Ling Ye to summon all the powerhouses above the god realm in the void of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the two left here.

Luo You Leng immediately acted, together with Baijiu, and with all the powerhouses in the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, to spread this matter to the heavens and the world!

Let everyone know that Ling Ye is going to summon the supreme gate, and Ling Ye is going to seize the omnipotent first supreme artifact!

All of a sudden, the message is delivered!

The entire heavens and the world, everyone knows about this.

Void world, the Void family is no longer there!

So what we need to do now is to call on all the powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and the world!

As long as 90% of all the powerhouses above the realm of the gods can gather, Ling Ye can summon the Supreme Gate!

Suddenly, the entire heavens and the world, the forces of all parties, the powerhouses of all parties, responded to the call at the first time,

In everyone’s heart, Ling Ye has long been the only master.

Throughout the past and present, only Ling Ye can have this ability!

Only Ling Ye can have such courage!

After learning about this, all the forces, all the powerhouses above the god realm, rushed to the depths of the blood-red void at the first time!

Under the frenzied cohesion of this party, Ling Ye’s original plan to convene all the powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and the world within three days has been completed in one day.

In the deepest part of the blood-red endless void, it was originally the main altar of the blood shadow demon army.

Today, all worlds are united!

At this moment, Ling Ye stood there quietly, with his hands behind him.

And in front of him, is a dense army of strong men!

Now, all gathered here are all the powerhouses in the realm of the realm of the Void in the real sense.

Originally, Luo You Leng planned to kill all those who did not obey, but at present, there is no one who does not obey!

It’s just a short day, except for those who are in retreat or who can’t come for various reasons.

In the entire heavens and the world, almost all the powerhouses in the god realm have basically all arrived!

This is the most vast gathering of powerhouses in the history of the void of all worlds!

Today, the heavens and the world are in the true sense, condensed into a group!

This is Ling Ye’s boldness!

The powerhouses above the god realm add up to hundreds of millions.

It is densely packed, all scattered in this blood-red void!

Powerful, unprecedented!

Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu and Luo Xin brought all the goddesses from the Ziyun Immortal Realm and above.

Xi Ji is also a banshee with all the gods above the sea monster nest!

Ling Ye’s Demon Emperor Army, Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and others!

All the powerhouses in the god realm and above from the Taixu God Clan, the Tianshu Realm, the Darkling Ghost Clan, the Yaoxian Clan and other forces have all gathered here!

Basically one is not bad!

Ye Tian also came with Ye Ziwei, standing in front of the army.

The mighty army of powerhouses gathered, and then everything went quiet.

At the forefront, Ye Tian took Ye Ziwei and first knelt down on one knee: “I, Ye Tian, ​​would like to be the king of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

He and Ling Ye were once rivals!

But this number is not humiliation, not coercion, nor pleading!

but admiration!

Respect from the heart!

It is also a belief!

He is indeed willing to make Ling Ye the king!

Let Ling Ye be the true and eternal ruler of this void of all worlds!

“I’m waiting… I would like to be the king of the Lord of Demons!”

Immediately after Ye Tian, ​​the mighty army of the god-realm powerhouses in the rear all knelt down on one knee one after another.

In the same way, this kneeling does not represent any humiliation, nor does it represent any supplication!

Just represent a belief!

A belief in Ling Ye!

At the front, Luo You Leng felt a little strange, actually kneeling on his own man?

But there is nothing wrong with thinking about it!

He is indeed the king!

There is nothing wrong with Luo Xin, of course it is right to kneel to the elders!

Immediately afterwards, Luo You Leng knelt down on one knee in midair!

In the back, Bai Jiu and Xi Ji looked at each other, although they were just as strange as Luo You Leng!

But, they all knelt down!

At this moment, all the gods in the heavens and the world, all the powerhouses in the divine realm, all surrendered to Ling Ye!

Right now!

Ling Ye is the master! Ten thousand worlds are ministers!

He is the supreme god in the eyes of everyone in the heavens and the world.

And with everyone’s surrender, the invisible power of faith is also bursting wildly!

If it is only the surrender of one army, it is just a kind of momentum, a kind of momentum!

But when all the powerhouses above the god realm in the heavens and the myriad worlds gathered and surrendered…

Accumulation of soil into mountains, accumulation of water into seas!

The power of faith, gathered in a frenzy, actually became visible to the naked eye!

Then, the power of faith all converged towards Ling Ye!

When feeling this power, Ling Ye slowly spread out his arms.


Now, gathering in the depths of this void, far more than 90% of the powerhouses above the god realm!

It’s almost ten percent!

And when the beliefs of all these people are condensed into one body, Ling Ye can feel that the void of the world seems to have opened up an authority for him!

A privilege that can summon the first supreme artifact!


The next moment, Ling Ye let out a low growl!


Suddenly, there was a bang in the world!

The heavens tremble madly!

Then, above Ling Ye, above everyone, a dark door, a door that can connect to the first supreme artifact, slowly generated..

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