The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 67: : Clash of words, absolutely strong!

The Fairy King more than ten years ago had to blame the emperor of the night emperor, and knew the mystery of the emperor.

And because of this secret, the king of the fairy capsule chose to refine the unique capsule. He has been fully prepared for more than ten years.

At the banquet a few months ago, the Night Emperor wrote an edict, which threatened him with his human feelings, and hoped that the King of Immortals would leave here and not hinder his plan.

One side is the mysterious night emperor, the other side is Hou class younger Chu Yun. Fairy King made a comparison, and chose to leave.

But he did not expect that the next development of the matter exceeded everyone's imagination.

Chu Yun even released the Dragon Emperor by chance. Next came the double emperors fighting, and the world was in chaos. However, Chu Yun was blessed by misfortune and was promoted to a king-level strongman in this battle.

Another thing that surprised him was the discovery that the last step in refining the fairy capsules had to require the help of others.

He had also consulted the emperor overnight because he had refined the unique fairy capsule. But regarding the difficulty of this last step, Ye Di never mentioned it to him.

Fairy King is a king-level powerhouse, possessing unfathomable wisdom, he is certainly not a fool.

He always had a doubt in his heart, why did the night emperor tell himself with no reason, such a precious secret of becoming an emperor?

He thought of a great possibility that the one-night emperor would use his own hands to forge an extraordinary fairy pouch. Then at the most crucial moment, **** the fruits of your labor.

This may be very large, so he ruled out the plan to find Ye Di for help.

Of course he couldn't find the Dragon Emperor.

Dragon Emperor is arrogant and arrogant. Once he takes the initiative to find the door, he will surrender himself to him. And there is no such thing as the Dragon's Emperor's Immortal Capsule, so I might have to contribute myself.

The king of fairy capsules ruled out the two emperors, and the only others who could help themselves were the kings such as Jiuhao Wang and Luoying Wang.

However, through the estimation of the star girl, the King of Cherry Blossoms, the King of Mermaids, and the King of Poisons have all been attacked by the Night Emperor. Therefore, the only remaining target of the king of fairy capsules is Chu Yun and Jiu Hao.

At this time, the star girl made a plan, may wish to exchange the fairy fairy soldiers in the world of God, and then give it to Chu Yun as a gift, as a compensation and apology for that day.

The fairy capsule king was not willing, but he had no choice but to ask for help, so he had to do so.

As a result, when faced with Chu Yun, he was disgraced by the newly emerging Wushuang King.

The fairy capsule king's heart was filled with anger, but in order to create a unique fairy capsule, he took the last step, he could only swallow his voice and used the secret of the emperor to exchange for Chu Yun and the wine king.

"All of you are waiting! Whether it is your Wushuang King, Jiuhao King, Ye Di, and Dragon Emperor, as long as my Xian Capsule refines a unique Xian Cap. I have the power of a Pseudo Emperor. Who could have won the king? "The king of fairy capsules chuckled angrily on the surface.

As he expected, no one can block the yòuhuò power of the Emperor's Secret, especially the king-level powerhouse.

Talents are as beautiful as the King of Cherry Blossoms, and vertical and horizontal as the King of Land Whale are all convinced by the secret of the Emperor.

After hearing these four words, both Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang shed a very interested god.

"Wait a minute, you say you have the secret of becoming an emperor. If this sentence is said by the night emperor or the dragon emperor, I can believe it. If you say the king of the fairy capsule, it is not reliable. How do you let us believe you? Chu Yun's eyes flickered, his tone sharp, and he was very polite.

Of course, there is no need to be polite to someone like the fairy sac king.

The king of the fairy capsule scolded secretly, and on the surface he smiled, explaining to Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang the past.

Hearing this secret came from the night emperor, and because of this secret, the king of fairy capsules came to forge the unique fairy capsule, and after preparing for more than ten years, both Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang had already believed most of them.

However, Chu Yun is still not very satisfied: "This is all your side. Unless you tell half of the secret of becoming an emperor, let us refer to the authenticity. Otherwise, we can't agree."

"You!" The king of fairy capsules choked, and an angry expression suddenly appeared on his face. He yelled at Chu Yun, "You are embarrassing me deliberately! Are you my fool? This kind of secret tells a lot One, with our king ’s aura, it ’s not difficult to push all the performances. In fact, you have already believed, but you do n’t want to pay anything, you want to gain. You are too deceiving, I will never say it. of!"

"Haha!" Chu Yun raised his head and laughed, and then fixed his eyes on the king of the fairy capsule. "That's right. I just embarrassed me and made you difficult. You have the ability to ask someone for help, why do you come here specially? Us? You do n’t talk, do n’t talk everything! ”

"Wu Shuangshuang! Do you really think that Wang has to ask you to help?" The king of fairy sacs took a moment, stood up, and shouted stubbornly, "Do you believe this king or leave?"

Chu Yun sneered, he had seen the guilty conscience of the king of the fairy capsule. He also straightened himself, the tiger's eyes let out a fierce light, and pressed the eyes of the fairy sacredly, and said sharply, "Do you still want to go? Huh! If you don't tell this secret today, you will die in the stars. ! "

"You, you!" For a time, the king of the fairy capsule pointed at Chu Yun and stuttered, unable to say a complete word.

Star Girl stared blankly at Chu Yun. She did not expect Chu Yun to be so gentle and beautiful. Chu Yun, who was so beautiful and beautiful, was so unreasonable that she was a robber!

The king of the fairy capsule is furious.

How long has this not happened?

His dazzling king of capsules was actually threatened!

This man is still a young junior whose debut is only ten years old. For him, it was a terrible shame.

But the fact is that he can't beat this younger junior!

So he was threatened with no alternative. Even to consider, if you do not obey Chu Yun, then the terrible consequences.

"King of fairy capsules, you have to figure out that you came to us for help. What is your attitude? Hmm? Want to use the secret of the Emperor to threaten us to sell your life for you? Knowing the current affairs, you tell me this Secret. Otherwise, I had to use the means! "Chu Yun's eyes flashed sharply, and there was an extremely dangerous breath all over his body.

This could not help terrifying the king of the fairy capsule, he quickly cast his eyes on the wine king who had been sitting for help. But the wine king was deaf, and he sat down and drank.

There was a strong sad and indignant emotion in the heart of the fairy capsule king, and he finally fully understood that a wine king is wearing a kù with Chu Yun! In order to become the secret of the emperor, they united together to deal with themselves. If you do n’t agree, not only Chu Yun, but also the wine king might have shot!

"No, I can't tell this secret! Even if it's dead, I won't tell it." The king of fairy capsules is not stupid. Once he tells this secret, he will let Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang carelessly, he Die faster.

Immediately afterwards, he said again and again: "I can swear to Xingzhou's No-Internet, as long as you have helped me and successfully forged the unique fairy capsule, I will tell you this secret. You should always believe this Am I? "

"This is a method. Swearing to the French Open is the heaviest oath of the demon master. It must be carried out. Otherwise, the world will not be tolerated and will be rejected by the French Open, and even the king-level peak will not be promoted and there will be endless robbers. And destroy those who have broken their oaths. "Jiuhao Wang mōmō nodded his chin. He was quite satisfied with this proposal.

Chu Yun was not satisfied.

He sneered with a stern flash in his eyes: "That's good, you tell us the secret of becoming an emperor first. We swear to the French Open that once we get the real message, we will do everything we can to help you forge an extraordinary capsule."

Seeing that the king of the fairy capsule opened his mouth and wanted to speak, Chu Yun immediately replied: "Shut up for me, either you agree or not, this is your only chance."

Once again the threat of red luǒluǒ.

Actually so threatened by a younger generation!

The king of the fairy capsule squeezed his fists tightly, and his arms were full of green muscles. This is a face-slap in public, not even considering his little face, but his strength is not as strong as Chu Yun. There is no way to be threatened like this!

"As long as I make it into an excellent fairy capsule, as long as I make it successfully! I will kill you Chu Yun in the first time! I must kill you little rabbit, the lawless and unpretentious thing!" His heart growled wildly.

All his emotions, all Chu Yun felt clearly through the six mind demons.

Chu Yun sneered, this kind of person should be treated like this. He has made up his mind quietly, even if it is refined into a superb fairy sac, he will also have to grab a foot and grab it.

What if the oath is violated? The big deal is to Danzhou. In Danzhou, Xingzhou Network Manager is a fart!

As for the stars, aren't there congenital land whales? The big deal is to learn the king of the land whale and hide in the deep ocean. Anyway, there is a sleeping old man covering up the heavens, and the sea of ​​Xingzhou is so extensive. To find a land whale is simply a needle in a haystack, and the emperor is incompetent in this respect.

Of course, this is only a last resort.

"Okay, I will give in one last step." After a long silence, the king of fairy capsules finally said, "I can tell you this secret first, but before that, you must swear to the Xingzhou French Open. I have refined this wonderful fairy pouch. "

Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang exchanged glances ~ ~ immediately swore on the spot.

Fairy King nodded, and neither vow had any holes. Of course, even if there are loopholes, the king-level wisdom can be fully discovered.

"Okay, then I will tell you now. The secret of becoming an emperor is to create a unique fairy capsule."


"Fairy King, what do you mean!"

At this moment, not only Chu Yun, but also the Jiuhao Wang was furious.

Everyone knows that the king of fairy capsules is the secret of the emperor. What is the same as saying this?

"Wait, wait! You have heard me finish talking." Seeing the wine king also stood up, with a face of anger, the voice of the king of the capsule also panicked.

"Then say quickly." The wine king Wang said in a deep voice.

"Don't play any more tricks." Chu Yun echoed coldly. @.

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