The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 66: : The Secret of Emperor Cheng

In an instant!

The boundless snow is shining brightly, filling the vision of the fairy capsule king. He was like a fallen leaf, caught in the endless river.



Jinmang burst, and the sound of fried beans exploded around him, continuously.

The face of the king of the fairy capsule changed suddenly, and the countless platinum charms surrounded by him were constantly strangled by the sword. In just three breaths, there was only a handful left. And the golden light is dim and the vitality is badly hurt.

Immortal King quickly and distressedly collected the remaining Fu Zhao into the fairy sac to re-warm.

Wow wow!

Countless giant waves came and hit the Sanmadian Aegis heavily.

On three sides, the ping pong shield exploded with brilliance, united as one, and stood still in the turbulent waves.

Chu Yun sneered and waved his sword to manipulate Tianhe. He is now a king-level powerhouse, and he can control this Tianhe freely.

The water level of the Tianhe River suddenly rose suddenly and set off huge waves. Chu Yun came on the waves and slammed the ice shield with a shield.

Immediately, the face of the king of the fairy capsule was white, and he felt the endless coldness, and came violently. Aegis shivered violently, which shocked him.

"Can't stay in this Tianhe!" Xian Capsule wanted to get out, but he ushered in a sharp knife.

The knife cuts through time and space, enveloping boundless domineering, destroying everything, and the terrifying power of terror, blasting on the other side of the shield.

Suddenly, a loud noise exploded in the ear of the fairy capsule king, causing his eardrum to ache.

He withdrew the incandescent snow and opened his eyes, and suddenly found countless trivial shield fragments.

He was proud of the Samadhi Aegis, and he didn't even have the strength to resist Chu Yun's blow. As soon as he confronted, he was destroyed.

"How is this possible?" The king of the fairy capsule shouted gaily, his eyes glaring round, almost falling off his eyes. His voice is full of unbelievable, why is Chu Yun's attack power so terrifying?

Chu Yun struck again.

This time is easier than the first time. On the second side, the Great Aegis Shield was cut directly into two halves, and then was washed out of view by the surging Tianhe around.


There was another bang, and the third knife went down.

Sun Destroy Star Sink!

The last Aegis was also split into pieces.

"It's still a good idea to use Drunk Snow Knife!" Chu Yun yelled in his heart. Although these three knives went down, his right arm shivered and swelled, but his heart was very cool.

Drunk Snow Sword is his strongest single combat strength, cultivated for tens of millions of years, and is an innate golden elf soldier, only to be able to directly split the defense of the Samadhi Aegis.

There is no doubt that this is the supreme attack soldier!

"Fairy capsule king, you come to take me again!" Chu Yun laughed, his voice flying boldly. He was like a Jiang Jiaolong, like a Hengtian Dapeng, with swords coming out, and the fairy capsule king couldn't resist!

The only remaining robe of Xuanhuang breathing on his body was a congenital demon soldier. But the cultivation itself, only in 110,000 years.

This is because the innate demon soldiers have a great burden on the demon master's aura. Fairy King does not have the way to control the gods of the soldiers, nor master the various aura contracts of the Beast King. It can only suppress the cultivation of this robes before it can be used freely.

Huang Cancan's light spot was cut off in layers under the shadow of Chu Yun's sword. At the same time, the surrounding sword Tianhe also rolled up thousands of heavy snow huā giant waves, encircling the king of the fairy capsule.

The king of fairy capsules released a demon and tried to resist, all of which were given heavy hands by Chu Yun and beaten into remnants.

"Chu Yun, don't you want to deceive people too much. This is what you forced me to do!" The king of the fairy sacred was so embarrassed that Chu Yun was brutally killed by Chu Yun.

If the dog is in a hurry, it will jump the wall, not to mention the king-level strong?

He shouted loudly, and pulled out an unsightly, broken gray bag from his arms.

He was forced into a desperate situation by Chu Yun, and had to take out the fairy capsule, 1 carefully opened a small mouth.

Suddenly, infinite suction is generated from the mouth of the bag, even swallowing the surrounding sword Tianhe.

Chu Yun was greatly surprised. In the world's cognition, the fairy capsules are used to assist the demon soldiers and load the monsters. Never seen an enemy with a fairy bag.

But this fairy capsule is extraordinary. It turned out to be a bottomless hole, constantly swallowing the sword light, there was no sign that he could not hold it.

Chu Yun did not believe in evil and stormed again.

The fairy capsule king could not stop Chu Yun's fierce offensive, and could only raise the fairy capsule in his hand frequently.

The fairy capsule sucked up all of Chu Yun's attacks on Daoism, and the capsule mouth expanded more and more.

The king of the fairy capsule was sweating and his face was getting paler. He suddenly begged for mercy and yelled, "Don't fight anymore, I can't control this fairy capsule anymore. If the capsule opening is completely opened, we will all escape No! "

At this time, the star girl hiding in the corner of the battlefield space also shouted loudly: "It's too dangerous. Stop it quickly! When the mouth opens, it's the chaotic sea! At that time, not only should the battlefield be submerged Space even exploded directly in Huode City, sweeping through most of the stars! "

"Criticisms!" Chu Yun snorted coldly, held his sword high, and threw it again.

The fairy capsule king almost cried, how could he be so unlucky, he encountered such a bachelor, a stunned son, and a ruthless horn!

"Come on slowly!" Just then, the space broke open, and the wine king suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yun. After these days of recuperation, his psychological trauma has almost healed, and he can mobilize the monster in his hand.

It's not strange in Chu Yun's heart, he has already arranged the fortune-telling of the wine king. In case the real fire really hits, the wine king is the nursery to make him step down.

Chu Yun made hesitation, and finally put away the sword, his face expressionless: "Since the king of the wine king has spoken, then I will sell you a face."

He has achieved his goal, not only tested his combat effectiveness, but also successfully deterred the king of the fairy capsule.

He immediately dispersed the sword Tianhe, the king of the fairy capsule tried his best, and finally closed the mouth of the fairy capsule dangerously.

"Do you know how dangerous it was! Ignorance is terrible!" He let out a sigh of relief, and immediately shouted again. The cold sweat on his forehead rolled down on his face, very crazy.

"Oh? Is that the king of fairy capsules, are you provoking me again?" Chu Yun took out the sword again.

The wife's face coagulated, her mouth chún twitched, but she was speechless, staring at Chu Yun with her eyes.

Chu Yun's eyes flashed coldly, pressing on the King of the Immortal Capsule with a more fierce momentum.

"Two!" King Jiuhao said again.

"Well, no, this time it's on the face of Jiuhao Wang." The king of fairy capsules feels that his old face can't be hung, and he can only treat Jiuhao Wang as a step.

His heart was filled with anger, shame, and hatred for Chu Yun, and besides, there was a trace of fear that he did not want to admit.

This kid really has the ability to kill himself!

After really seeing Chu Yun's fighting power, the fairy capsule king fully realized that this was quite shocking and cruel reality for him.

"Now Shuangdi is born, Xingzhou moves dàng. We all have common enemies, we need to rely on each other's strength, why not fight in the nest. Come and come, I invite everyone to drink at my Longmen Inn. "Wang is half faced, hahaha" The scene is getting colder, and the wine king is busy playing the round.

"It's still the wine king, you know the truth. The old man came this time, but with great sincerity, he never came here to fight and kill." The king of the fairy capsule quickly echoed the sentence, and the tone was very angry, and it was mixed with the sadness and depression.

After half an hour, Longmen Inn.

The wine is over thirty.

Under the auspices of the Jiuhao King, the atmosphere was mobilized, and the original relationship between tension and tension gradually eased.

The king of fairy capsules confessed his intention, he needs some help.

"To create a superb fairy capsule?" Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang looked at each other, and then looked at the fairy capsule king.

"Yes, everyone knows that the world's fairy capsules are divided into upper, middle and lower thirds. In fact, above the superior fairy capsules, there are also gems. However, gems are so rare that people almost think that , The first-class fairy pouch is already the pinnacle of the fairy pouch. Actually it is not the case. "

The king of the fairy capsule paused, and continued: "There are unique gems in this world.

It can only be cast by the emperor-level strong, so the number of unique fairy sacs in history is very rare, so small that it is considered non-existent. And I just want to forge an excellent fairy pouch.

The fairy capsule king's words are very contradictory. On the one hand, it is said that the unique fairy capsule needs the strength of the emperor to be made. On the other hand, he also said that he needed help in order to make a unique pouch.

"It seems that the pocket used by the king of capsules should be a semi-finished product of the golden capsule when it was just fighting. The sea of ​​chaos looks very dangerous. It turns out that the king of capsules vigorously collects the best capsules for the purpose of making a gem. Fairy sac. The reason why he died in his previous life is that it is also because of this unique fairy sac. "Chu Yun 〖Body〗 Inner spirit blooms, combined with the memory of the previous life, all the clues are stringed together, and I have in my heart. bottom.

Sure enough, the king of fairy capsules went on to say: "But through my research, as long as many superior fairy capsules are used, I can make excellent fairy capsules by virtue of the cultivation of the king. I collect the superior capsules everywhere because of So. Now the first-class fairy pouch is enough. You have reached the last procedure and need your help. Of course, it will not let you work in vain. The old man has prepared a big gift and paid two. "

"Humph! Why should I help you? Let me talk about the payment first, and then I will consider it."

Chu Yun snorted deliberately.

The fairy capsule king laughed happily, his eyes shone with infinite confidence. He said slowly: "You must not refuse this reward. Because it is the secret of becoming an emperor!"

The secret of becoming an emperor?

Sudden Time ~ ~ Deep in the eyes of Chu Yun and Jiuhao Wang, there is a divine light.

Secret of the Emperor!

The king wants to go further, and the difficulty of being promoted to the emperor level is well known, and it is even harder than ascending to heaven. Among the long rivers of history in Xingzhou, beyond the level of kings, there are only Xingsheng, the Three Emperors, and the Five Emperors.

This number does not add up to ten. It can be seen that the difficulty of the king to become the emperor!

However, no one wants to be an emperor. Everyone wants to go one step further, but this huge difficulty has stuck many heroes.

Chu Bawang, Nine Ghost King, Sword King, and Ten Thousand Beast Kings, many predecessors who were brilliant, and countless handsome and handsome characters, all failed in this level.

It's now.

The king of fairy capsules suddenly said to them, as long as he helped him create a unique fairy capsule, he would exchange it with the secret of becoming an emperor! @.

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