The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 64: : Apologetic King Apologizes

The strong winds roared, swept the flag of war, and clashed.

Huang Wu, a demon soldier's armor, stood on the point platform with his head raised, and he was dominated. He looked at the black soldiers under his feet, his heart full of joy and pleasure.

I really bet on it!

Following Dragon Emperor in just one month, he was already a general with more than 10,000 people under one person.

There are millions of armoured soldiers under his hand. With a single word, he can float thousands of miles, and blood flows into rivers.

Gentlemen of the same class must bow down when they see themselves, even the strong class of Hou must also lower their heads.

This is the sweetness of power!

"A turbulent world, a turbulent world. This feeling is really too beautiful." His dry mouth chún, his whole body 〖Xing〗, struggling slightly, he suddenly shook his arms and roared, "How can the emperor's footsteps stop In the Great Wasteland! Set off, go to aggression, go to battle, let the Yaoshan Kingdom shatter under our iron hooves, let their strong men tremble under our feet, and let their women beg for mercy under our crotch! Go! "

Millions of soldiers responded to their promises, and each one was so good that his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light.

The army began to move and boarded the warship methodically. Countless battleships converged into a torrent on the sea surface, and the black ones crushed away to the Yaoshan Kingdom.

"Sure enough, as the column calculated by No.1, the Dragon Emperor sent out troops bravely. He did not control the other forces nearby, but went directly to the expedition. He must first occupy the springboard of Yaoshan Kingdom." Wang, standing on the side of a flying battleship, looked like a **** into the world, and looked at the sea army beyond a thousand feet.

This flying warship has a huge ship type. It has a broad sapphire hull, colorful sails, and a bow like a bright silver horse flying its wings.

It sailed quietly in the clouds, exuding a noble, strong breath.

If Chu Yun sees this scene, he will surely recognize it. This is the spirit demon soldier flying warship he encountered when he was on Rainbow Island.

It is precisely because of this ship that he won the Hongshen.

But at the beginning, Chu Yun's strength was far from enough, and was restrained by others. Instead of recovering this warship, he let it fly away.

For some reason, it now fell into the hands of Ye Di, and Xiu Wei was elevated to the peak of the spirit demon.

Of course, it's impossible to cultivate further. Due to the limitation of materials, its cultivation can only reach the peak of the spirit demon. But this made the ship very popular, because the robbery demon had to worry about the sky robbery all the time. However, it is safe and has no worries in this regard.

"Are the ambushmen on all roads in place?" After watching for a while, Leng Jianwang spoke again.

"The troops of the three countries have been secretly mobilized without paying attention. It is really strenuous. Most of them are ready now, and only a small part can be set up, and the surrounding net can be set up." Wang yīn Yang replied that he was in charge of this piece.

"The key is the emergence of Dragon Emperor, which is too sudden. This completely disrupted our entire layout. I hope that this time, we will be able to win the victory, block the Dragon Emperor's soldiers, and temporarily contain him in the Great Wasteland." Ghost King Sighed.

Leng Jianwang raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth: "I don't worry about this. The last battle, the reason for both defeats was because the giant king was tracking the fairy sack king. Now our four kings join forces, and our strength is more than 30% of that time. . I am looking forward to the battle with the Dragon Emperor later! "

"Relax, this time with my joining, plus the mentality and unintentional, will definitely make the Dragon Emperor look good!" Juye Wang standing behind them is also a teenager.

However, unlike other people's finesse, he is very strong, his muscles are as strong as rocks, with a wild xìng full of aggressive intentions. The eyes in the eyes of a pair of tigers are exactly the same as those of others, and they are also deep and gloomy.

"I'm still worried about No.1. He went to the Star Kingdoms alone to deal with the king of the fairy capsules, wouldn't it be a problem?" Yīn Yang Road said.

"You can feel at ease here. I have already transferred the Nether Umbrella to him. For the plan of the fairy capsule king, we began to lay out more than ten years ago. It is absolutely foolproof. When the fairy capsule is opened, its own cultivation is strength. It is not important anymore. What is important is the understanding of the world and the mastery of the laws. At this point, we are the first in the world and will not lose to anyone. "The ghost king said proudly.

"The Nether Umbrella is a congenital monster. With it, the safety of No. 1 is no longer a problem. Moreover, he is also the Hou-level peak's fortune-teller. Don't worry about him. The prey has stepped into the trap and started to collect Internet cafes." Leng Jianwang said, pulling out the robbery demon sword.

"Do it!" At the next moment, the four kings shouted in unison, and the sound was like a thunderbolt, shattering the surrounding cloud.

"Kill!" Suddenly shouted killing sounds from all directions, countless fleets emerged from the dense fog at sea.

An unprecedented maritime war began.

When Chu Yun received this information, it was already half a day later.

"Oh? A protracted sea battle broke out, and Dragon Emperor and Night Emperor once again confronted each other! Very well, so that I can start." Chu Yunhu's eyes were magnificent.

In the past few months, he has been in Huode City, ruling the stars. On the one hand, the star nations really need him to stabilize the situation, on the other hand, they rest and recuperate, wait for the recovery of luck, and temporarily disappear, to prevent the attention of the double emperors.

That's why, Chu Yunming learned that Ye Di pretended to replace the Falling Sakura King and the Mermaid King, and secretly controlled the Anding Kingdom and the Mermaid Kingdom, but did not announce the cause of the world.

Now Shuangdi fights again, and there is no extra energy to take care of other places. Chu Yun knew that his opportunity to wait hard had arrived.

"This sea battle must last at least three days and three nights. In this case, even if the Night Emperor has a plan against me, as long as he is not in his own hands, I am confident that I can save my life. There is not much time, I must find The hidden king, sincerely invite them. Of course, before that, I went to the headquarters of the academy to go to the world of God's possession in exchange for the remaining fairy concubines. "This is Chu Yun's plan.

But plans are often not as fast as changes.

"You don't have to go anymore. The old man has brought you the fairy princesses of the Tibetan world." The sudden visit of the king of the fairy capsule was beyond Chu Yun's expectations.

"King of fairy capsules, how do you know that Bliss joy ship is on me?" For the king of fairy capsules, Chu Yun's tone was cold and he didn't have a good face.

At first, Ming Ming Wang promised to help himself against the king of whales. As a result, on the way to the banquet, after receiving a copy of Ye Di Fu Zhao, he ran straight away. As a result, Chu Yun had to use Hou-level combat power to venture against the King Land Whale. Without the adventures of that song of will, Chu Yun would have been killed by the Land Whale King. The Shu family will also be defeated, and therefore perish.

No matter what kind of affection is between the king of the fairy capsule and the night emperor. He gave up his promise to Chu Yun, and went to take the emperor Fu Zhao, who was an untrustworthy person, and even a cowardly style of bullying and fear.

Therefore, Chu Yun not only disliked the fairy capsule king, but also disdain him.

This kind of emotion was directly expressed by Chu Yun, and he is now the unparalleled king, and there is no need to cover it up.

The disdain in Chu Yun's eyes, like a needle, hurt the self-esteem of the fairy capsule king.

He frowned and snorted softly, explaining: "The old man also knew that the previous contract was wrong. It was wrong today. I came to pay guilt today and went to the world of God's possession in exchange for all the fairy fairy soldiers. I know Wushuangwang you There is a Bliss boat, but I do n’t care. What is the secret of eternal life hidden in the Bliss boat? This statement can only lie to the children. In the end, the facts also proved that this was only the wishful thinking of Lord Tang Jinguo. "" Huh "Chu Yun snorted, eyes flashed, the king of fairy capsules hadn't finished speaking, he interrupted him rudely," King of fairy capsules, you buckled what I wanted in your hand, and ran over to slander Bliss joy ship, are you provoking me? Do you want to be against me? In this case, I also want to see if you have the stiffness of the wolf king and the land king! My drunk snow knife Will it be difficult to cut it up! "

Chu Yun took the human approach and had a profound understanding of people. He has been clear about the king of the fairy capsule, knowing that to deal with this kind of person, only toughness can not give him a good face, otherwise he will become more and more intimate.

Only with a tough attitude can he deter him and form a coalition of kings to resist the twin emperors.

If he whispered warmly and asked him to join the league blindly, he would go the opposite direction and backfire. Not only tramples on his own self-esteem, but also makes the fairy capsule king look down on himself.

Sure enough, seeing Chu Yun's so tough attitude, he even had a situation where he had to make a big deal out of his disagreement. The king of the celestial sacred glared, his arrogant attitude changed, and his tone also slowed down: "Fuck, just stop. Why should I follow You junior care. In order to show my sincerity for apologizing, I will put these fairy concubines directly here, do you love it or not. "

"What? King of fairy capsules ~ ~ What is your attitude? Are you throwing these demon soldiers on the ground to give me alms? Come and come and fight with me for 300 rounds. I want to be with you. Calculate the accounts! "Chu Yun took a sharp step and broke out the king-level spiritual pressure.

Suddenly, with him as the center, a magnificent momentum rises to the sky, and the vastness is extremely powerful.

The turbulent waves, his black hair dancing wildly, as if the **** of war is coming, and his eyes are shooting at the king of the fairy capsule like an arrow, very powerful.

The king of the fairy capsule took a step back and was taken by Chu Yun's fierce momentum. His old face turned red, extremely embarrassed, and shouted: "Wu Shuangshuang, you don't deceive people too much. The old man came with sincerity this time. Do you think the old man is the fish meat that you are slaughtering?"

His voice did not fall, he also broke out his king-level spiritual pressure.

"Stinky boy, toast without eating fines, as soon as I rise to the rank of king, there is no one in my eyes. Even the elders like me are not in the eyes. Let me teach you a bit and let you realize the respect for elders Important xìng! "The king of fairy capsules tore his face and shouted.

His spiritual pressure instantly exceeded Chu Yun's spiritual pressure. At this moment, the repair behind the king of the fairy capsule is undoubtedly a king-level high section! @.

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