The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 63: : Don't let me see the stick

Hearing that there was such a **** channel, Chu Yun couldn't help but feel moved.

Defensive monster soldiers can be found again, but this kind of reckoning magic channel method is extremely difficult to find. He decided on the spot to give up the Taikoo gold body armor in exchange for this divine channel.

Qiaomu Wang expressed his surprise. Someone even asked for the way of God. How can the Divine Passage be given to others at will?

"Wait a minute, does Master Wushuang have the rare monsters ~ psychic snakes that have long been extinct, can't it?" The king's wisdom made the king of wood quickly realized that this is the only possibility.

Chu Yun nodded and admitted frankly.

The 樛 木 王 pondered and thought about it for a while, and then said: God channel can be given to Chu Yun together with Taikoo golden body armor, but to make an agreement, Chu Yun must swear to Xingzhou. Then teach this channel of God to others at will.

Chu Yun frowned and bargained, hoping to teach five more people.

Although this method of **** channel cannot be actively controlled, when the opportunity comes, you can see the consequences according to the cause of the matter. If you use it well, you will be able to avoid evil, and take the lead.

More importantly, it is not an arithmetic method. If the demon master achieves a fortune-teller, his lifetime achievement can only be stuck at the peak of Hou class.

So although Chu Yun was envious of the unique power of the mathematician, and Tianyan also endowed him with the talent of the mathematician, he never planned to become an arithmetician.

He intends to impart this Taoism to Jin Bihan, Erlang Tianjun, Jiuhao Wang, righteous father and others. If possible, Yuwen Wan'er is also one of the candidates. It's a pity that since Mermaid's return for marriage, she has disappeared completely, and the sleeping old man can't calculate the result.

"It's okay, this time I have to rely on the Wushuang King." Wang Qinmu knew Chu Yun's xìng grid, and asked xìng to retreat one step further.

"That's really grateful to the master." Chu Yun was overjoyed.

"But there are some things that I still have to say first. The divine passage method is called" Rulai "but it was realized by King Ku Tuo, our ancestor. The ancestors of King Ku Tuo were not from Sin Chau, but from Tuo Zhou. Therefore, this divine channel is different from others. The descendants of our Tuozhou people can only occasionally trigger this supernatural power. It is not the blood of Tuozhou that flows in your body, so I ca n’t guarantee the probability of triggering this magical power.樛 木 王 spoke amazingly and revealed a big secret.

It turned out that the king of Kudu was not a native of Xingzhou, but a Tuozhou from one of Kyushu. He created Kutuo Temple and left his blood. Therefore, his descendants, as long as the blood power, can get his magical heritage.

"People in Tuozhou?" Chu Yun could not help raising his eyebrows. He knew his life experience, but he did not expect that King Kudu was the same as himself, nor was he a native demon master born in Xingzhou.

"Oh, this secret is not a secret among our kings. Don't be surprised. Your lord Wushuang is extremely talented. At this age, you will be promoted to the king. I don't know some of the secrets of Sin Chau. It is normal. In fact, among the Xingzhou, there are many immigrants from other continents. "Nimaki Wang chuckled softly, and Wen Sheng explained to Chu Yun.

"There are other immigrants?"

"Not bad. Let's talk about Jiu Youcheng for a long time. The original Nine Ghost King Longjia, just to resurrect his mother, opened the gateway to Guizhou and bravely entered Guizhou. Although the original plan was not successful, but Having lived in Guizhou for decades, brought back more than ten wives and concubines from Guizhou, and a large number of heroes from Guizhou. He led these people back to Xingzhou to form forces. This is today's Jiu Youcheng . "

Kashiwagi is worthy of being the old prince of Kutuo Temple. He is over 10,000 years old, and he knows some secrets in Xing Zhou, such as several treasures.

Chu Yun heard his news and suddenly had an eye-opening and suddenly realized the feeling.

He has long heard of the legend of Nine Ghost King Longjia.

It's still a legend about Tian Ling Zhen Xin Dan.

It is said that Nine Ghost King Longjia had ordinary qualifications in his early years and was no different from ordinary people. His mother sacrificed his life and refined a heart of heaven for him. After Longjia had eaten, he suddenly reborn and established supreme confidence. Then he used this advantage to rise up and practiced all the way to the king level.

With the improvement of his cultivation practice, he finally realized that his mother's painstaking efforts to resurrect his mother, he dared to enter Guizhou, and his filial piety shocked that era. He had been there for decades, and when people thought he would never come back, he suddenly reappeared again.

He reorganized his followers and established the Nine Serenities City overnight. Therefore, the origin of the Nine Nether City is actually in Guizhou.

His reappearance caused a twelve-magnitude earthquake to occur at the top of the Xingzhou at that time. Guizhou is the home of hún soul after the death of all things. It has always been a very mysterious place, shrouded in infinite dark mist.

The events of the Nine Ghost Kings made the demon masters see the hope of immortality. They all inquired about the Nine Ghost Kings, who kept silent about them and made no mention of his experience. After he returned from Guizhou, he had been promoted to the peak of the king, and no one dared to use force to coerce.

It is said that the King of Nine Ghosts has returned from Guizhou and has been depressed and unhappy. No one knows exactly what he experienced in Guizhou. There are also rumors that the Nine Ghost King did not die naturally, but committed suicide. As a dead hún, he will visit Guizhou again and resurrect his mother.

But this time, he never came back.

"However, there must be a gateway to Guizhou in the Nine You City." The king of woods finally stated.

In fact, this secret is well known at the top level of Sin Chew. It's just that the time for Chu Yun to be promoted to the king in this life is really too short. There is no time for him to accumulate these insights. His previous level is too low to qualify for these secrets.

There are some secrets that the little ones know, but it is a cause of trouble to the upper body, so there are many examples of death.

Qinmu Wang did not hide Chu Yun at all, but also felt that Chu Yun's strength was so powerful, even if he didn't say it, he would be able to know in the future. Suo xìng now speaks on his own initiative, and can also win the favor of Chu Yun and ask for a little favor.

"According to time, the Nine Ghost King was in the era of the White Emperor, and he had already broken into Guizhou, and then hurriedly killed back to Xingzhou. It turned out that the Night Emperor was not the first case, he was. It is no wonder that Night Emperor's parting It will be messed up with Jiu Youcheng. It seems that the night emperor should go back to Xingzhou and should use the former Nine Ghost King's portal. "Every king is a legend.

Chu Yun wondered secretly and wondered. This Nine Ghost King Longjia, was really fiercely messed up and even the night emperor was resurrected, all of which were his old ways.

"Wait a minute, then, resurrection is completely possible!" Chu Yun's heart flashed suddenly. At that time, the Nine Ghost King saw the hope of a heavy daughter, so she worked tirelessly to resurrect her mother.

Although he failed, the Night Emperor was a living example of success.

Of course, the Night Emperor did not seem to be completely successful, because for some unknown reasons, his hún soul could not be attributed to his body, but could only be divided into five parts and resided in the body of others. It is really appropriate to use the word "living dead" to describe the Night Emperor.

"If I can master these secrets, maybe I can resurrect the three old generals ..." Thinking of this, Chu Yun was determined to secretly make a decision on the spot, and if it is possible in the future, he must go to Guizhou.

This conversation with the 樛 木 王, more than six hours.

Chumu's kindness made Chu Yun gain a lot. He finally knew that Kyushu, the world, was not connected, but each one was inextricably linked. He is not the only stranger. There are many blood vessels originating from other continents.

In the end, the king of woods took out the Taikoo golden body armor on the spot, and let go of the defense, allowing Chu Yun to communicate his aura unilaterally, and copied it into King Ku Tuo ’s divine channeling method, “Rulai”.

Chu Yun was a bit strange about this. The king of woods seemed to be very prepared. He even brought treasures such as Taikoo golden body armor to his body.

Qiaomu Wang said with a smile, in fact, before this trip, he suddenly triggered the "Rulai" Taoist law and already knew the result. So, there is sufficient preparation.

"It turned out to be the case." Chu Yun realized that it was no wonder that the king of woods spoke so well, because it turned out that he was mentally prepared before coming.

Today, Beiguang has also been extracted from the hands of the violent ape, and detained in the underground prison of Huo De City, where he stays delicious and delicious.

Immediately, he ordered someone to bring him over.

Bei Guang looked sad in his face, and when he saw the ancestor of the elder ancestor, he immediately understood that he was rescued.

But he didn't feel the slightest joy, only a faint sigh.

Seeing this, Wangmu Mu couldn't help but smiled and asked: "Beiguang, why do you sigh?"

"Inherent ancestors, the juniors are lamenting the sorrow of life for the true meaning of life. Empty is sè, sè is empty. Everything is impossible, all is vain. The ridiculous world does not know, the junior understands countless light After this tribulation, I realized that the ancestors of the day had broken the finger of Ju huā, and asked me to go down the mountain with good intentions. "Bei Guang replied.

Chu Yun was dumbfounded. Beiguang now has a kind of compassionate master temperament. It seems that Nishiki King was right, he was really reborn and completely transformed.

"Senzaya, Senzaya." Nimaki Wang chuckled softly and was very comfortable. "As a result, I am relieved even if I pass away."

"Well, UU read the book That's right. Before saying goodbye, please ask Wushuang Wang to return to the strong vajra of the temple." Rong Muwang stood up, palms folded together, and saluted Chu Yun.

Dali Vajra is a robbery demon soldier of tens of thousands of years. Although it is not a congenital demon soldier, it is a lucky demon. At that time, Chu Yun appeared, embarrassed Chu Yun, as a result, he was beaten up by the violent ape, and he was immediately honest. Anyway, as long as Beiguang is alive, it will complete its mission.

As the demon soldier of King Ku Tuo, it also looked down on the useless waste like Beiguang.

Later, as he got along for a long time, he got along well with the monsters of the Endless Forest, and his relationship was quite close.

In less than a cup of tea, it received a notice and hurried back from the endless forest through the gem door.

"I have seen the old prince." When she saw Queen Mumu, she knelt down on the spot and prayed. Immediately afterwards, the dazzling Jin Hui was released, and from the human form of the Han Dynasty, it was transformed into a golden cane again.

"Don't let me see the stick!" Beiguang's face suddenly twitched and shouted aloud for the first time.

Kashiwagi's smile froze on his face

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