The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 61: : Star Saint's Legacy

It is absolutely impossible to rely on Chu Yun alone to fight against the two emperors. The sleeping old man's plan is to be vertical and horizontal, and Chu Yun takes this for granted.

He calculated that, so far, his own king's fighting power is only himself and the wine king.

In fact, among the seven old kings of the vines, only the king of Jiuhao and the king of the fairy capsule were left. Both the greed wolf king and the land whale king died in his hands. King Mermaid, King of Poison, and King of Falling Cherry have all been hit by the poisonous hands of the Night Emperor, and they have all fallen.

According to the information of the sleeping old man, there is a king in the Jianghan Kingdom, and an old prince in Kutuo Temple. In addition, there should also be some hidden kings in other parts of Xingzhou.

Of course, the number of these kings will not be too much, and will definitely not exceed five. After all, the king is the king, not that it can be achieved by hard work alone. There must be talent and opportunity.

After discussing with the sleeping old man how to deal with it, Chu Yun first went to the wine king.

This strong man at the peak of the king is the one with the best relationship with Chu Yun in the older generation. In the battle with the Falling Sakura King, he was seriously injured and has been recuperating in a secluded courtyard in Huode City.

Walking into the small courtyard, Chu Yun saw Erlang Tianjun at first glance. He was wearing a white robe and was sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, looking at the seeds of demon plants one by one.

After he noticed the movement, he turned around, saw Chu Yun, and greeted lightly, "You are here."

Then, he turned back to his eyes and focused his attention on the seeds in his hands again.

These seeds are varied, and most of them are jasper, average, and green. There is also a small part, either red as fire, or nèn Huang Keren, or clear blue.

Chu Yun nodded and approached the stone table: "How is the grass head **** collecting?"

In the early years, Erlang Tianjun obtained the heritage of Bimuwang. Bimuwang is good at demon planting. There is a special cultivation method for demon planting. One hundred and eight different demon plants need to be collected for mixed cultivation. Once you have cultivated a great success, you can form a hundred and eight grass-headed warriors. This array will be able to continually endlessly, repair the loopholes independently, at the time known as Xingzhou.

It ’s just that Erlang Tianjun ’s luck is not very good, and he has always spent a lot of energy to cultivate, but it has been a series of battles before the success. When he was originally at the Academy Conference, he left early and returned late, soaking in the Exchange Street, he collected almost 108 seeds of demon plants and cultivated them day and night. However, in the battle of the Land Whale King, due to the display of the God Channel Fasenhai, there will be no leftover grasshead gods.

Speaking of which, his loss is much worse than Chu Yun.

After the battle, Chu Yun sincerely invited him to cultivate in Huode City, and actively used national power to help him collect seeds.

"The power of the state is strong. If I want to re-collect these seeds, it will take at least two or three months. These seeds, plus the remaining seeds that I bought in the college conference, are almost the same. "Erlang Tianjun was quite emotional about this.

"Almost? That's just a little bit, let's say, maybe I can help you a little." Chu Yun said.

"This is not something that can be done." Erlang Tianjun chuckled, but he finally spoke out. "The 108th seed of the grass-head god, I have no clue. That was frightened sickle grass, a melee demon plant, a species that had long been extinct. King Bimu was lucky enough to get a tree when he was young, and with this as the core, he gradually developed the grass head **** general battle array. "

Frightened sickle grass?

Chu Yun was stunned, and his face suddenly became strange.

Seeing his expression like this, Erlang Tianjun was also stunned, and the hope flashed in his eyes: "Is it true that you really have a clue of this kind of demon planting?"

"Not only clues, I know where there are such demon plants, and it is a hill full of thousands of plants." Chu Yun laughed. He didn't hang Erlang Tianjun's appetite, he directly said the location, which was in the endless forest of Yaoshan Kingdom. At that time, Chu Yun also relied on the location of this grassy hill to fight against powerful enemies.

"So it turned out, then I set off immediately and rushed to the endless forest." Erlang Tianjun quickly stood up, looking impatient.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Chu Yun saw his expression for the first time.

"Sooner or later, the Great Wasteland will be unified by the Dragon Emperor. At that time, he must first attack the Yaoshan Country. Because the geographical advantage of the Yaoshan Country will be a major springboard for him to attack other islands. I must pick it early, otherwise It's late. "Although Erlang Tianjun was very shallow, he was very clear about the situation in Xingzhou and he saw it very thoroughly.

Chu Yun laughed: "I also expected this. A long time ago, our Shu family was in the endless forest, and set up a large gemstone secret door. It has been working on resources for this mysterious environment. You can pass gemstones. Secret door, directly into the endless forest, you can reach your destination in a moment, so do n’t worry. Tell me about the wine king, is he better injured? "

Erlang Tianjun nodded his head and shook his head again: "The King of Cherry Blossoms is unparalleled in love, and the senior Jiuhao has hit him with a stroke of 'Fragrant Grass Wilted Parrot Island". Although the physical injuries have healed, but the heart is in the heart Law, it is difficult to unite the fighting spirit. The whole day is decadent and sad, and it is inexhaustible in a short time. "The Falling Sword King's killing at the bottom of the box is indeed incredible and exhausting his mind. With millions of years of robbery, temporarily combined to form a tens of thousands of years of robbery.

Although the Jiuhao King possesses the Divine Passage Method, after all, there is no Chu Yun ’s ally contract, nor the Hegemony Method. Therefore, the monster in his hand has only a million-year fighting power. Although he finally relied on the Divine Passage, he defeated the Falling Sakura King and ran him away. But he himself has also been hit hard.

This kind of heavy damage directly affects the depths of his heart and severely damages his state of mind. It is difficult to consolidate the fighting spirit, and even produces a world-missing emotion that is full of thoughts and empty, making people have the urge to commit suicide.

This is why the Jiuhao King rescued Erlang Tianjun, but did not support Chu Yun in time.

This kind of trauma is very troublesome, and Chu Yun's panacea is also difficult to solve. He wants to rely on the Six Devil Scorpions, and he dare not "attack the poison with poison" without authorization.

For safety reasons, we have to rely on the wine king to fight against this trauma.

Under the leadership of Erlang Tianjun, Chu Yun once again saw the wine king.

This old man with unprecedented pride, always laughing and showing his grace, is now described as withered, lying on the chuáng and looking out the window, the **** is dark.

"Senior Jiutang King." Chu Yun bowed to him.

The King of Jiuhao saw Chu Yun, a glint in his eyes: "You have been promoted to King now, don't call me senior, just call me King Jiuhao just now. Ha ha ha, I am like this. . But this wonderful trick of the Falling Sakura King is indeed amazing. "

This trick was originally developed with great care by the Falling Cherry King Ammunition in order to fight against Chu Bawang.

Chu Bawang is not only the peak king, but also the king of kings. The current achievements of the Jiuhao Wang are not as good as the military power he has underestimated.

"Don't worry too much. I have a hunch that if I can stand down and overcome the endless sorrow and sorrow in my heart, I will greatly hone my state of mind and make my hún soul condensate directly double. In other words, I would also like to thank the Falling Sakura King. Last time I heard you said, the real Falling Sakura King has been killed by the Night Emperor. What a pity. "The wine king said with emotion.

Chu Yun listened to him, and his worries dissipated.

The pride of Jiu Hao Wang has gradually recovered, and the vastness of his mind is wide, even his opponents do not appreciate it.

As he said, this is a tribulation and a huge opportunity.

Then, Chu Yun told him his plans. The wine lord Wang has extensive communication, and if he can get his help, it will be more effective.

"Do you want to unite the kings and fight against the two emperors?" The wine king frowned gently. "Frankly, I am not too optimistic about this plan. I also know two or three hidden kings, but they don't chase their names. There is no pursuit of profit, each has its own unique pursuit, and some of them are eccentric and hard to impress. "

"I also know that this matter is difficult, but it is the only way to contend with the two emperors. I also asked the wine king to teach me." Chu Yun quickly asked.

Jiuhao Wang Ningshen thought for a while, and then said: "It is very difficult to impress them with foreign objects. The only way is to persuade by force. Strong people will be respected everywhere. I can't help you, I am hurt. It ’s very heavy and needs time to convalesce. There is no fighting spirit at all. You ca n’t do it. You have to rely on your own strength to convince them. "

Chu Yun was even more distressed, spreading his hands and saying: "I was promoted to the king just because of the opportunity. My accumulation has been exhausted, and it takes a lot of time to slowly accumulate. With the current fighting power, I want to defeat They need to go through hardships. It is even harder to convince these kings. "

"Fei Ye, UU reading books Fei Ye." The wine king shakes his head and raises three fingers. "There are three ways for this king to let you jump. The first one is your bloodline. I know that your parents are all king-level strongmen. If you can awaken the blood of your body, your strength will be improved by leap. The second one is the congenital monster. You have an ally contract, you can control the congenital monster. Get One end, the combat power can skyrocket. The third is the Star Saint's Legacy. "

The first and second methods, in fact, Chu Yun had long thought about it. But the third method, he heard for the first time.

Seeing his suspicious expression, King Jiuhao then explained: "Chu Yun, I know that you have always lacked a mature tactic. Without this afternoon tactic, you can't unify the monster in your hand. Xingsheng's suicide note will let you Solve this problem immediately. "

"The king of beasts watched Xing Sheng's suicide note, comprehending the gossip battle array, and then consolidated the eight-headed rogue demon such as the riot ape and condensed into a fighting force. King Jiangyue watched the Xing Sheng suicide note and realized the seven-star battle formation, now in Jianghan Widely circulated. One yuan array, two instrument array, three talent array, four phase array, five element array, six combination array, seven star array, gossip array, nine palace array, ten square array ... These battle arrays are all king-level powerhouses. The inspiration from the Holy Testament, the things that come out of the epiphany. "

"What you said, I've heard it before. So where can I get Xingsheng's suicide note?" Chu Yun asked quickly. @.

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