The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 60: : Dragon Emperor shot, the world was in turmoil

A great wasteland, a secret cave in an unknown valley.

Caixia sky, **** dàng billowing. Emperor-level spirit pressure, compressed within a hundred steps, almost coagulated the air.

A middle-aged man with a very strong body sat cross-legged on the ground. He closed his eyes and supported a mountain with his hands. His lion's mouth is wide and his nose is wide, and the nine-colored glow of the sun is reflected on his face, setting him off like a giant spirit.

Over time, the Xiaguang became more intense and ever-changing. This ordinary cave is rendered like a dream.

The peaks in the men's hands are shrinking and shrinking, and the tremor is getting stronger.

Finally, when the mountain shrunk to the size of a rice bowl, it suddenly came to a standstill.

The cave has recovered the deep darkness of the past.

But suddenly, the man opened his eyes violently, and two golden flames lit up in the darkness.

"Hahaha, it took seven, seventy-ninety-nine days to sleep, and finally surrendered the mountain completely. Night Emperor, when I see you again, I want you to taste the power of my Dragon Emperor." . The sound is like a Hong Zhong, and the surging sound waves return to dàng for a long time in the cave.

"Congratulations, His Majesty, and His Majesty He Xi. Now that the mountain has surrendered, His Majesty has taken the most solid first step towards the unemployment of Sing Chau." Outside the cave, a boy knelt.

He has a bee-waisted waist, a sturdy body, and a eagle nose with deep eyes.

"Are you called Huangwu? Your kid is very good. He has reached the junior level, knows the current affairs, and knows how to advance and retreat. These days, it is not the panacea you contributed, and the Emperor's injury will not recover so much. Quick. "Then, Dragon Emperor stepped out of the cave.

"Your Majesty is the boy's supreme luck. The boy is frightened and willing to follow His Majesty for life! He drives his Majesty!" Huang Wu dare not look up, only to see a pair of big feet sticking to the stone skin walked to himself. What followed was a vast and vast spiritual pressure like the sea.

This is emperor-level spiritual pressure.

"Hehehe, follow me for life? This sentence is too false. Although you look respectful, but you have wolf ambitions in the body. As long as the circumstances permit, you will take my place!" The dragon emperor looked down at this one. Young man, lightly authentic.

Huang Wu instantly sweated, and at this moment he felt that he was really as small as an ant.

It seems that after a century, the Dragon Emperor laughed suddenly: "Hahaha, what are you afraid of? The Emperor wants to unify the Sin Chau, and naturally has hundreds of rivers. Your ambition, the Emperor, looks in the eyes, but does not mind. From now on, you will follow the emperor to the world. "

"Your Majesty!" Huang Wu was overjoyed and kowtowed in a hurry.

Right bet!

In his eyes, ecstasy flashed.

Ever since he accidentally discovered the seriously injured Dragon Emperor near Stone Hammer City, he knew his chance had come.

He is a man with great ambitions and great talents. In his twenties, he has reached a height that ordinary people can't reach, and he has become a monarch.

He was vigorously nurtured by Huanglonghui and is a recognized future star of this super-class school.

His future is bright, and everyone is optimistic. Among them, of course, including himself.

Until that day, he took office in Stone Hammer City, but met Chu Yun.

He was proud of the Jun-level spiritual pressure and encountered Chu Yun's Hou-level spiritual pressure. In front of Chu Yun, all his pride was crushed.

His prestige fell sharply, and Stone Hammer City was also looted by Chu Yun. The original smooth growth, after this setback, was not as good as before, and it fell flat.

This is a huge shame, Huang Wu keeps in mind. He worked harder, trying to surpass Chu Yun and repay the humiliation one hundred times and one thousand times.

However, when his cultivation practice was still stuck at the junior level, he was waiting for news that Chu Yun was promoted to king.

He was almost desperate until he found the Dragon Emperor. At that moment, he instantly realized that this was his only chance! Only by attaching to the Dragon Emperor can he have the possibility of surpassing Chu Yun!

There is the possibility of revenge!

"Your Majesty is going to fight in Xingzhou, and dominate the world. Huang Wu is willing to contribute to Stone Hammer City. There are 3,000 armoured soldiers in the city and 20,000 yuan of money." Huang Wu turned around and sold the barren dragon club that had been training him.

"Oh, are you still the master of a city? Very well, the emperor's hegemony, let's start from Stone Hammer City! Hahaha" Long Di's laughter shook the world.

At the beginning of January 757 in the ephemeris, the Dragon Emperor appeared again in the Great Wasteland, swept all enemies in a godless manner, and even went to 28 cities in one day. The next day, the Dragon Dragon Club Xiaolongjun barren Wu design, the high-level of the Dragon Dragon Club was wiped out by the Dragon Emperor. The Lord of the Wild Dragons will not descend, but will be crushed and killed by the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor ordered Huang Wu as the general, and integrated the Huang Long Association to provoke a full-scale war. The great wasteland suddenly fell into the warriors and horses, and the spirits were covered with chaos.

The news shook the parties. Countless masters rushed to the Great Wasteland and surrendered to the Dragon Emperor. Not only humans, but also many robbery demons and pinnacle spirit demons, all set off and worshipped the dragon emperor, willing to be driven.

All Star Islands, Huode City.

"Dragon Emperor finally shot. And it was a big shot, and he wanted to directly annex the great wasteland." Chu Yun put down the information in his hand, sighed quietly, and then looked at the people around him. idea?"

This is Chu Yun's study. The person sitting beside him is none other than the sleeping man.

During the war of King Lu Whale, he went directly to the mysterious dream teacher who was one of the avatars of the Night Emperor, but was drunk by his own brother.

After some hard work, Drunk was beheaded by him all his life, and he was seriously injured and won.

For the past two months, he has been recuperating in Huode City, was worshiped by Chu Yun as a state teacher, and directed míjin for Chu Yun.

"In less than a month, the Great Wasteland must fall into the hands of the Dragon Emperor. The prestige of the Emperor is really terrible. He is like a banner that attracts countless ambitious ambitions. In the next days, it must be There will be more people going to trust him. "The old man said sarcastically.

"Not only people, but also demons. Many peak spirit demons, in order to successfully survive the robbery,

He took the initiative to throw it into the hands of Dragon Emperor. Many robbery monsters, one cow is avoiding the sky robbery, trembling. In the hands of the great emperor, although he lost 〖self〗, it was a means of self-preservation. "

"Fortunately, there are more than one great emperor and the night emperor in Sin Chau. This provides another choice for others. Many people are still waiting to see. Otherwise, it is really the four parties to vote, the eight parties to worship, we want There is no hope at all against the Dragon Emperor. "

Speaking of this, the sleeping old man concluded: "So the most important thing to fight against the Dragon Emperor is to see what the Night Emperor will do next. Only when the two emperors fight for the battle, we have the opportunity to follow."

Chu Yun nodded his head and agreed: "Dragon Emperor and Ye Di are simply two extremes. Dragon Emperor is arrogant and overwhelming. Every time he starts, he is thunderous and powerful. Ye Di Shen is always behind. Moving, usually silent, once you do it is a deadly killing trick, which makes people in a desperate situation. If the Land Whale King battles, if the Dragon Emperor suddenly appears, I will certainly be like the Falling Cherry King and the Wandu King. Night Emperor's killing. "

Chu Yun now knows the news of the death of the Falling Cherry King, Wandu King and others. This is all performed by the sleeping old man.

"Although the Falling Sakura King and others are dead, some people are disguising them and continuing to move.

You don't need to guess to know that this must be Ye Di's handwriting. The Night Emperor has now secretly controlled the Mermaid and Stable Kingdoms. In addition to the country of ghosts and vines, there are already three big countries in hand. Once you do it, it will definitely shake the world. "The sleeping old man caressed."

"Fortunately, these national islands are far away from the star states, so let them fight first.

We must take advantage of this precious time, sister Ma Libing, accumulate strength. It's a pity that I am a bit short of the boss from the peak of the king, and it is even more hopeful to be promoted to emperor in a short time. How to do it, I also asked the national teacher to give me some advice. Chu Yun asked.

"Hehehe. There is no other plan, only the words of" Hengzong "and" Hengzong "." The sleeping old man laughed. " It is very unrealistic. Then gather the kings to deal with it together. "

Emperor-level powerhouses are not truly invincible. The person who can confront is the king-level strongman. This is why the Night Emperor designed to kill the king-level strong. The Night Emperor must seize his luck, clear the obstacles in advance, and pave the way for his rebirth.

"Although there are only seven kings in the vines, there are a few hidden kings, hidden kings and hidden kings among the stars. As far as I know, there is a king of martial arts in the Jianghan Kingdom, and there is also a king in Kutuo Temple. An old prince. It ’s just that their luck is not as good as the seven kings on the list. The incognito hard work can save their luck. In addition, I believe that in the future, there will be talented people who will be promoted to kings. As long as we can By combining these people, you will be able to stand firm in the battle between the two emperors and form a third of the world. "

The sleeping old man's eyes are full of wisdom. After beheading his drunken life, he gathered the monsters he knew all his life, and his heart knot was also unlocked. Every day I rely on Chu Yun's help to observe the Xingzhou Network and cultivate it for every step up. I'm going to the point of the middle section of Hou class ~ ~ I can see a certain possibility from thousands of future changes.

This is the power of the mathematician.

Ordinary people, even kings like Chu Yun, can only face the facts that have happened and think about countermeasures. But the mathematician can see farther from the trajectory of the change of heaven and earth. Ignore the mí fog on all surfaces and directly reach the essence of things.

Arriving at the peak of Hou class, the fortune-teller can even tamper with the destiny of Mingming. At the beginning, Zhuge Ming used the seven-star lamp to tamper with the destiny of Chu Bawang. Let the hero meet the beauty and give birth to Erlang Tianjun, and all the aspirations are empty.

Chu Yun was assisted by the sleeping old man, which was the majority of Zhuge Wenhou. It is necessary to rest in the ordinary times and be able to annex other countries and achieve supreme hegemony.

However, in this era, it is a great era of a million years, and various heroes have appeared. Shuangdi fighting for the first time in the history of Xingzhou.

In the contemporary age, the sleeping old man is not yet a top-level operator. The dream speech master, one of the emperors of Ye Di, is superior to him and is the pinnacle of Hou class. According to the sleeping old man, his friend Guaxian had reached the middle level of Hou class many years ago. Now, it is highly likely that he is already the Hou class pinnacle operator. @.

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