The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 55: : Mysterious Powerhouse

Hua Bian, who was blindly sending out attack rays to Chu Yun, suddenly fell silent and regarded Chu Yun as nothing.

"It's done!" Chu Yun shouted in his heart, and there was a boundless ecstasy.

Along the way, he has been using king-level wisdom and thinking hard about breaking the game. Finally thought of this idea, relying on the devilishness of deceiving the dragon's eye stick to cover his own breath, so that the surrounding flower branches mistakenly think that they are the same kind, so they no longer attack.

Of course, all this is just his guess, and it can only be proved by taking risks.

Fortunately, Chu Yun succeeded!

With the refuge of deceiving the longan flower stick, he walked towards the top of the mountain as if he had stepped into no one's land.

"Damn, let the boy run away!"

"It's just a short distance away, **** ..."

"That boy was sheltered by the devilishness of the lily-flower flower branch in his hand, and was not attacked by the surrounding flower branches ...,."

The three kings looked at each other and saw the helplessness and bitterness in each other's eyes.

There is no doubt that Chu Yun found a good way to cheat the mountain, but the key is to have a lily mountain longan wand. None of the three kings owns it.

Although he was surrounded by flowering branches, in fact, when he first arrived at the foot of the mountain: he wanted to pick a plant, but he found that every plant that deceived the longan flower stick had the closest relationship with Koyama.

In other words, it is the possession of the Lord.

Only by killing the master of the monster, and returning the monster to the state of no owner, can you collect it again.

Of course, there is another way, the psychic snake.

But what made the three kings bitter was that they didn't have psychic snakes "also in Chu Yun's hands.

Watching Chu Yun in the dense flower cane, wearing the edge freely, the figure was farther and farther away, and the ghost king bit his teeth crunchingly.

The ice sword king breathed cold air all over his body, and the ice became colder.

The eyes of King Yang also changed: "Continue to chase, as long as I don't face too many flower sticks, I can climb to the top of the mountain just to spend more time. Nothing is wrong on the 1st, I I also feel that it is so troublesome to join forces with the three kings to chase him down. If he waits for him to grow up in the future, it will definitely be a scourge! "

"It ’s not easy to cheat a mountain. Although it is a dragon cemetery, it is derived from death and created a flower forest that spreads across the mountain. The nature is really vast and vast, with infinite mysteries, and it is difficult for everyone to find out!" , Seeing more and more dragon fruit with higher and higher grades, Chu Yun was more shocked in his heart.

He has temporarily escaped from the crisis, and now he has crossed the mountainside "to the top of the mountain.

Along the way, the cultivation practice of cheating on the longan flower stick became deeper and deeper. From the young demon and demon at the foot of the mountain, to the demon on the mountainside, to today's spirit demon, even the peak of the spirit demon.

Chu Yun relied on the enchantment of deceiving the dragon's eye stick, and not only did he chase away the soldiers, but also picked up and collected a lot of dragon eye fruit.

After Chu Yun was regarded as a kind, "these flower sticks were allowed to be picked by him without any movement.

Chu Yun had eaten a lot of dragon's eye fruit before, and the same kind of dragon's eye fruit had no effect. But it can't stand here like a sea, and there are many kinds.

Chu Yun was eating while walking, which was originally just the physical quality of the first stage of the Wang class. When he climbed to the top of the mountain, he had reached the middle of the Wang class.

"It's so full", ... Long Qing Guo in the world has already been eaten by me, and then taking Longan Guo has no effect. But the dragon's eye fruit in my fairy pouch is so much piled up as a hill. If you can escape this killing, "Go back to Huo Deying, it will definitely allow your friends and family to have a rapid improvement!"

Chu Yun patted his stomach and turned his head to look back. The Three Kings were more than three hundred feet away from him "and his advancing speed became slower and slower. He was slightly relieved, but he frowned again, and his heart was worried. By the way, with his strength as a king, he can always break through. What should I do then? . "

Chu Yun continued to move forward, and suddenly there was a feeling of surprise in his eyes. Climbing for so long, he finally saw the first stalk of longan lied by the robbery.

It has a luxuriant rod and is a towering tree. Countless Long Qingguo bent his head. Long Qing gleamed, turning slowly with Chu Yun's footsteps.

Chu Yun was shocked in his heart and felt huge pressure. At this moment he felt as if he was being stared at by hundreds of demon dragons.

The flower branch of Koyama longan in his hand also shivered, and the enchantment became very unstable. This is a huge suppression of the ranks between monster plants.

Chu Yun didn't dare to get too close to this robbery demon stick, he detoured far away and continued to climb towards the top of the mountain.

The second strain, the third strain, and the fourth strain ", ...

There are more and more robbery wands discovered, and Chu Yun alone has seen eighteen plants at this time. Most of them are 100,000 years of robbery, a few are majestic, and have the spirit of a million years of robbery.

Chu Yun was walking on thin ice, slowing down and walking between the flower canes.

At this time, the top of the mountain was already in sight, and there was a king of flower sticks: the breath was vast and unfathomable. It was definitely a cultivation practice for tens of millions of years!

In addition to gossip, vine dragon king, this is the second demon plant seen by Chu Yun for ten million years.

"Strange, this king of flower sticks is not a congenital monster, why would he not be disturbed by Heavenly Tribulation?" Chu Yun was secretly strange, just then he suddenly stopped and his eyes widened: "What did I see? Under the flower branch Sitting alone!

For a moment, Chu Yun stiffened, and his heart missed a beat.

"The top of Koyama" has been planted for thousands of years, and there is a person sitting cross-legged, who seems to be meditating and practicing. What is this?

Soon, Chu Yun exhaled again, and his body was loose.

Because he discovered that this was a false alarm, and when he looked closely, the figure in front of him was not a real person, but a stone figure.

After discovering this, a stronger emotion hit Chu Yun's atrium.

Chu Yun was extremely curious, how could there be a stone statue on the top of the mountain. What kind of secrets does this stone statue contain?

He wanted to be close, but he didn't dare. At this point, the wand in his hand was already trembling very violently, and even more flirtatious. Once he approaches again, "identity storm", Chu Yun will usher in a tens of thousands of years of wand attacks, in his current state, there will be no bones in an instant.

Super Cloud had to take a closer look. I saw this stone statue, covered with red blood. It seemed to be made from local materials and used to deceive the dragon blood and red soil on the mountain.

The stone figure depicts a middle-aged man with a big back and a majestic body. He sits on the ground with his eyes closed, but gives a mountain-like sense of grandeur.

"This stone statue is so realistic, it's almost lifelike." Chu Yun sighed, and suddenly his heart moved, "Why not use heaven's eye to see?"

He opened his eyes and stared.

At the next moment, the stone statue suddenly opened his eyes!

A scream of dying, the oozing sound of separation of flesh and blood, "the sound of waves falling into the sea, became the main tone of the battlefield at this moment.

Two huge air forces are constantly entangled in the sky, fighting fiercely.

The tragic scene made the spectators stunned.

yīn Batman lost heavy losses!

The Shu family first slammed Bai Bai into the air, Feng led the ride under his command.

"Unexpectedly, the Shu family, even now, still has this huge hole card!"

"Tianma Elite Soldiers reproduce Xing Zhou! The oldest elite soldiers in the past", "Although there are a large number of yīn bat troops in Guitengyuan, they are not opponents of Tianma Elite Soldiers, and even the opponent's clothing angle can not reach mō ..."

The heroes of each road moved, looking up at the sky with their necks raised, and there was a strong shock in their eyes.

But seeing the sky, Tianma fluttered its wings and formed a white feather armor. Occasionally urges talented Taoism, constantly teleporting in the air. yīn Batman is like a fat man with bloated body and inconvenience. He is tricked by Tianma soldiers, and it is hard to resist.

"Originally I thought that the tens of thousands of yīn batman soldiers could completely lock the victory. I did not expect that the Shu family hid deeper, and there was a 3,000-man Tianma soldiers ..."

"The ghost vine garden also wants to come to fight the autumn wind. This yīn bat soldier is going to be completely destroyed here. It is really a chicken that cannot be eclipsed, and this is a big loss ..."

"The Shu family can't bear it. They have to hide this hole card even when they attack the East China Sea. Now it seems that this move is really wise. Otherwise, once the yīn batman has taken the lead, the Shu family will really not have any overturn. Opportunity ... "

"The unreliable possibility is very small, it should be the emergence of the Nine Xiao God Light Tower Array of the East China Sea, which disturbed the attack plan of the Tianma Elite Soldiers. The Tianma Elite Soldiers are not soldiers who attack the enemy, but are good at maneuvering, killing the enemy, assaulting, disturbing For the enemy. If you use Tianma troops to attack the colorful mist, the loss is too great, it is really worth the loss. "

All the powerful people have expressed their views.

"Actually formed a Tianma Elite Soldier, it seems to have been obtained from the Dragon Gate World. What a damn! The old man was engulfed by the sleeping old man, so I didn't calculate this power.", The mysterious dream spokesman exhaled a cold breath. This change made him a little caught off guard. The Shu family was too bearable, and even after fighting with the land whale king jī, he still had such a hole card.

"Leng Jianwang, Ghost King, and yīn Yang King, why haven't you succeeded yet? Act quickly, I have changed here, yīn batman soldiers will also be of great use in the future, you can't lose too much. The fast chair can't hold it." Mysterious dream The teacher spoke to the three kings for help.

At this moment, the sudden change!

An indescribable spiritual pressure suddenly broke out from the depths of the robbery cloud.

Spiritual pressure is a huge thief ~ ~ Just like the sea, like the sky.

It is full of power, so powerful that it can be seen in the world, and the power of craziness.

At this moment, everyone present felt like a giant waking up from the chaos, to open the earth and shake the universe.

The mysterious dream speech teacher exclaimed: "Emperor-level spirit pressure!"


The pressure was so powerful that it formed a torrential wave, and even the thick robbery clouds in the sky were directly discharged.

The robbery and demon robbery of Komayama longan flower stick has already been going on for a long time. "Now he was shocked by this spirit and suddenly shook away from the invisible.

The sky was suddenly bright, the sunlight of Jin Sze swayed down, and the people below looked up and saw a huge Lishan mountain, which hovered quietly above Jiuxiao, and the mountain was covered with longan flower branches, a colorful color, martyrdom Dazzling.

A figure, standing on the top of the mountain, with a breath of dàng mouth shaped like a mountain, overlooking Xingzhou, proud of the mustard. @.

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