The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 54: : Lishan Longan Flowering Branch

Lishan, hovering in the sky, deep in the robbery. Up to a thousand feet wide, eight hundred miles wide.

The haze of dàng haunts the whole mountain.

"Chu Yun, you have to remember that the Lishan Longyan flower branch in your hand, once you pass through the robbery, there is a great possibility of attracting Lishan. Lishan is a dragon cemetery in the ancient times. Every dragon is a monster, once met When he reaches his limit, he will go to Lishan and bury his bones here. Therefore, Lishan is one of the world's gods. But so far, no one has been able to return safely from Lishan. "

In Chu Yun's mind, a bliss fairy congratulated him when he was in Dunhuang.

Now the Bliss Fairies are seriously injured and fall into a deep sleep. He only had Drunk Snow Knife beside him, but behind him were three king-level strong men like tarsal maggots, who were chasing after him.

Even among the yīn Shen robbery clouds who couldn't reach their fingers, they couldn't get rid of their pursuit.

Chu Yun had no choice. After seeing Lishan, he immediately turned the tip of the knife, and let Drunk Snow Knife pull his body and flew away.

Brush brush!

However, before reaching the mountain, I saw thousands of light stars exploding on Lishan, emitting countless rays of light.

These lights are very colorful and extremely gorgeous. The number is too large to count. With the majestic majestic momentum, it penetrates the space and draws an amazing river of light among the vast robbery.

Chu Yun was so shocked that the number was so amazing that there were definitely millions. Not to mention that he only had Drunk Snow Knife beside him at this time. Even if Daleize Xuanjin armor was still on his body, he didn't want to resist this.

He quickly urged the light of the Tao, the light of the Tao is simply the nemesis of all things, and these colorful rays also belong to various ways of law. Shot in front of Chu Yun, he encountered the light of the Tao, and immediately disappeared into the invisible.

Chu Yun was flying toward the top of the mountain with the light of the Dao Road. But soon he found that the closer to Lishan, the stronger the pressure. These lights are too much and too dense.

With such a horrible amount, Drunk Snow Knife is also unsustainable. After all, it has almost reached its limit after the war. With these intensive attack firepower, the demon yuan in the blade is quickly consumed, and it will almost bottom out.

At this time, the three kings behind him hurriedly arrived.

"Don't Chu Yun die here?" Chu Yun sighed in his heart. He was very unwilling to be killed or followed. The key was that he couldn't rest assured of Shu's family. This is obviously a huge plan.

"Wait! These are?" Suddenly, Chu Yun's pupils shrank, and a deep consternation was expressed. It was so close to De Li Mountain that he could see clearly the scene on Li Mountain through the colorful glow of míméng.

He was taken aback.

Because on Lishan, there are even endless dense branches of Lishan longan flowers!

Each of these flowering branches is lush, and the branches and leaves are covered with dragon's eye fruit, and many branches are pressed down.

"That's what it is!" Chu Yun realized in an instant that he finally understood what millions of lights were. This is exactly the attack from Lishan Longan Flower Branch. It's just that there are too many flowering branches. The scene of attacking together is so shocking that weeping ghosts and ghosts make Chu Yun never think of it here.

"This is just a flower branch on the side of the mountain, attacking me, the power is already so terrifying. If the flower branches of the whole mountain attack together, I don't know how terrible it will be! Wait, there is a rescue!" One turn, dive to the foot of the mountain instead.

This move was immediately effective.

He had just seen it clearly. The closer to the top of Lishan Mountain, the more luxuriant branches of longan flowers and the higher grade of longan fruit.

He had rushed straight to the mountainside and was strongly and fiercely attacked. But now, because of the angle, many flower branches are blocked by each other. They can no longer attack Chu Yun, so that he can greatly reduce the pressure and successfully dive to the destination and log in Lishan.

"This is!" As soon as he stepped on the **** land of Lishan, Chu Yun felt a sense of death, sorrow, sigh, and he shocked his mind.

He almost stumbled and fell down.

"It's dangerous! Fortunately, I was promoted to the king level, and the aura and hún spirit in the body were greatly improved. Otherwise, just this blow will be hattered by the dead energy contained in Lishan, and the hún is scattered and the aura disappears. "Chu Yun stabilized his body, and unconsciously his back was wet with cold sweat.

The situation just now is really dangerous.

Lishan is the cemetery of the Dragon tribe, which was originally the place of death. The entire Lishan soil was infested with dragon blood and became the blood soil of Chi sè. Lishan has inestimable dead energy, at least it must be a king-level strongman to be eligible to step into it.

Otherwise, even if it is the peak of Hou class, it will be shocked by the dead air at once, and immediately roll your eyes and braid.

"No wonder in the history of Xingzhou, as long as they entered Lishan, they did not successfully break out." Chu Yun suddenly felt at the same time, his heart was also in a panic.

This is a veritable desperation, and he knows nothing about it. Most of the Bliss fairy princesses were seriously injured and fainted mí. He was alone and only drunk snow knife was beside him, very dangerous.

If the situation is not compelling, he will never break into Lishan.

Looking back, the three king-level strongmen still did not give up their determination to hunt him down. One by one, they urged the law of Taoism. They were flying under the rays of the sky and the sky, and they were going to climb Lishan.

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Chu Yun snorted in his heart, turned around, and started climbing, climbing towards the top of the mountain.

He now also has king-level aura, and his wisdom is unfathomable.

When the thought turned a little bit, it was predicted that once the Three Kings approached Lishan and discovered the secret of flowering branches, they would definitely dive into the foot of the mountain. If he didn't leave then, he would only be easily killed by them.

We should thank these three kings, most of the flower branches have been attracted by them, and they have contained a lot of firepower for Chu Yun. Coupled with the foot of the mountain, the cultivation of these flower branches is not deep, there are many little demon, few big demon, and occasional spirit demon. The quality of the dragon eye fruit is not high, and the attack strength is not enough to watch. Of course, the most important thing is that Chu Yun is on Lishan, giving Huazhi the greatest number of advantages, and it is useless.

Chu Yun, holding a drunk snow knife, climbed all the way, he did not dare to slow down.

Climbing all the way to a distance of one hundred feet, the cultivation of the flower branch became deeper and deeper, and the pressure became greater and greater, and Chu Yun's speed finally began to slow down.

But at this moment, the fairy pouch in his waist opened and a demon soldier flew out.

This is the reincarnation mirror.

In the Dragon Gate World, the spoils of the enemy, urging its special Taoism, can counterattack the enemy's Taoism attacks.

This mirror was originally smashed by the king of the land. But now, it has been repaired. Although there are many cracks on the mirror surface, it can be used reluctantly.

It is naturally the Bliss Fairy Princess who repaired it in time. After Chu Yun assembled the Bliss Joy Ship, he added several fairy concubines, two of whom were masters of military training, and one was a master of cultivation.

Chu Yun and the Bliss Ship have an ally contract. Naturally, the Bliss Fairy Princess must go all out to help Chu Yun and also save himself.

Chu Yun was reborn, and his state was close to its peak. It's just that the monsters are all seriously injured and dying, which makes his situation very embarrassing. Now that the reincarnation mirror came out, he was overjoyed.

He holds the reincarnation mirror and stands in front of ōng, no matter what kind of ray it is, it can be reflected back, and it can be used as the other way.

He climbed to a height of another hundred feet, and collected a lot of dragon's eye fruit on the way. These dragon fruits have not been eaten by him, and they are taken one by one to increase the strength of the body.

Of course, he also restrained himself very much, without excessive extraction. Retained most of the dragon's eye fruit, as a defensive force against the three kings chasing down.

Wanli Lone Clog was also rushed to repair, and can temporarily play half the effect. Chu Yun immediately put it on, and rushed to a height of fifty feet. The light from the sky that burst into the sky suddenly fell silent.

"No, the three kings have stepped into Lishan Mountain." Chu Yun suddenly turned around, and through the dense flower branch gap, he saw a bōbō light at the foot of the mountain. It lit up here, and soon went out, and then lit up again there.

"Quick breakthrough speed!" Chu Yun was surprised, and quickly continued to climb to the top of the mountain.

Without the three kings to attract firepower, he immediately felt the huge pressure, even if the monster in hand gradually increased, it was difficult to resist.

After half an hour, he struggled and climbed to the mountainside. The whole body was bathed in blood, paying a heavy price for the breakthrough, and only the drunk snow knife, the psychic snake, and the Wuhong monster were left in the hands of the monster.

However, in Lishan, there is no way to be invisible, and the severely awakened Nosy Rainbow Demon cannot help Chu Yunda.

The most terrible thing is that the distance between him and the Three Kings was not extended, but shortened to only 80 feet.

It's really the end of the mountains and rivers.

"It seems that there is only an adventure!" Chu Yun gritted his teeth and took out his own Lishan longan flower branch. Heavenly Tribulation has not passed yet, the cultivation of Lishan Longan Flower Branch is still stuck at the peak of the spirit demon, and the atmosphere is changing to the robbery.

Most of its branches were folded, emitting a scorched smell, not far from dead.

Chu Yun inserted it into the **** soil beneath his feet, staring with wide eyes.

There was no movement at first, but after three breaths, the Lishan Longan flower branch changed amazingly. It trembles violently, the scorched and dead skin on his body, and it falls off piece by piece. At a rate visible to the naked eye, it began to re-emerge green shoots, and the branches began to thrive. UU reading

"Not good! Sure enough, as I expected, Lishan was competing with me for the control of the aura of flowers." Chu Yun's dignified face urged the aura within him to be the brightest. However, as the longan flower branches became more and more lush, and even began to gradually grow longan fruit, Chu Yun found that he and the longan flower branch's spiritual light connection became weaker and weaker.

"Psychic Snake!" He summoned a severely injured psychic snake, and at the last moment, forcibly regained control of the longan flower branch.

"Hoo ..." Chu Yun pulled out the flower branches like lightning, gasping for breath, and cold sweat. After a while, he was afraid, and his right hand held the longan flower branch tightly, which was just too thrilling. Thanks to the help of the psychic snake, otherwise the longan branch will really be taken away.

This is why he did not do this before. It is too risky.

"Next, it is the most critical." The breakthrough of the three kings behind him is getting closer and closer. Chu Yun was sweaty, holding his breath and gently shaking the flower branch in his hand.

The flower branch was energetic, covering his whole body.

The next moment, the surroundings were quiet. @.

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