The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 82: : Tiger Father and Dragon Son, everyone has one heart! !

Section 82: Tiger Father and Dragon Son, one mind! !

"What! Even the three imperial guards are no match for the Shu family's father and son!"

"Obviously, there are three kings who have inherited the luck monsters from today, and they can't stop the two swords! This ..."

The soldiers were dumbfounded and looked at the most central war group in disbelief.

"Tough guy!"

"Once teamed up, it's completely different ..."

On the faces of the three major guards, the original arrogant and indifferent look was gone, replaced by dignity and horror!

Faced with the collaboration of Shu Tianhao and Chu Yun, they feel like a weak wooden fence so far. Inside the fence are the kings of two beasts, coming out in conflict.

Tiger Father Dragon Son!

Two fantastic swords, with perfect coordination, every move is wonderful, every move is fierce and fierce, every move is unprecedented!

"It's almost unstoppable ..." The three commanders were killed as if they were slain, their helmets and armor were thrown away, and their sweats were cold.

"Who said my Shu Tianhao is a man with a broken arm? Look! The future entrusted by my left arm has grown to this point!" Looking at the heroic fighting around Chu Yun, Shu Tianhao was filled with relief and joy, like waves of waves. Stirred in the chest.

"Chu Yun, let's rush forward! Let your father-in-law open the way for you, and slash the thorns!" Shu Tianhao shouted suddenly, rushed out, and the sword slashed fiercely at the command of a guard.

Both sides stumbled against the sound of thrilling and thrilling explosions.

"Good opportunity!" Chu Yun's eyes suddenly violently, immediately followed, urged the drunk snow knife, the dazzling knife awn like the earth, falling from the sky.


Daoguang directly threw the Throne of the Immortals to the weak defense led by the Imperial Guard, and the majestic knife instantly tore him into pieces and strangled into scum!

"Damn it!" The remaining two commanders suddenly changed color, and the murderous opportunity boiled towards Chu Yun.

"Dare to move me !!!" Shu Tianhao let out a tiger-like roar, shot suddenly, and repelled the two. He made another big move, slashing wildly at one of them.

"Is this old guy crazy?" The Imperial Guard commander was chopped back again and again, helpless to this lifeless play.

"Eat me another trick!" Shu Tianhao made another big move, and changed his injury.

The commander's defense weakened immediately, and before he had a good rest, his eyes suddenly shone and the snow shone!

Chu Yun's figure flashed in his eyes. He tried to widen his eyes and wanted to see clearly, but his vision became more and more blurred.

In an instant, Chu Yun cut the second general! The three guards commanded, leaving only the last one at a time.

"Support! I need support!" The only leader left was terrified. The eyes of the Shu family father and son stared at him, making him feel cold in his heart, abandoning the ridiculous dignity, and calling for rescuers out loud.

"You are also dead!" Shu Tianhao's momentum is astonishing, as the gods are descending, war knives are flashing like thunder dragons, and various swords are bombarded wildly.

The commander of the imperial guards fought hard to resist, and finally succumbed to the past, but also had a breath in the future, and was shocked to see Chu Yun falling from the sky. He held up the drunk snow knife, and his majestic body covered the sun, and shrouded the Imperial Guard's collar in darkness.

"Zeng Guang Tian Cai Xue Yue Tian Chong!" Chu Yun roared, trembling. The drunk snow knife burst into a snow-like knife light, shining dazzlingly and blindingly.

The war knife slammed down, squeezing the air, and blasting the landslide tsunami. A condensed half-moon knife awn, grown five feet tall, sharp and unparalleled, cut through the sky. In a blink of an eye, he hit the command of the Imperial Guard.

The poor defensive Taoist law, like a paper paste, melted like ice and snow in the sharp blade of light. The commander of the Imperial Guard didn't even come out of the screams, and it completely disappeared under the ruined sword.

Daoman penetrated the command of the Imperial Guard and exploded the battleship underneath.


A huge vortex was formed in an instant, rolling the surrounding battleships together. Immediately after the turbulent return of the sea, the big waves burst out, and three unlucky battleships were rushed out of the sea by more than a foot and a half, and then an arc was drawn in the air, and they were loaded down again.

Amazing scenes make the battlefield stagnate.

Chu Yun, by virtue of the emptiness of the sky, dominates the world. He jerked his arms sharply, and the drunk snow knife shone brightly in the sunshine: "The three enemy generals all died under my sword. Who will die again?"

The roar spread far away, and all the soldiers of the water house were silent for a moment.

The morale of the coalition forces skyrocketed!

"The Island Master is invincible! The Island Master is invincible!"

"Kill! Follow the master of Shaodao and open up the world!"

"Even the three commanding adults have died in his hands! Is this true?" The guards were all trembling with fear.

"Chu Yun ..." General Confucian clenched his teeth and gritted his face, dripping with water.

"So powerful ..." Tie Ao's face was not good-looking either. He saw many soldiers of the Iron Family, even generals, roaring along with the Shu Family. At this moment, Chu Yun conquered the hearts of allied soldiers with absolute bravery!

"Gentlemen, what are you waiting for! Follow me, kill all the enemy troops, and win victory! Follow me, turn over the river, spread your wings and fly!" Chu Yun roared again.

Allied forces were quiet for a while, and then, it was like ten million tons of seawater, crashing down from the sky, and splashing countless splashes-tens of thousands of people shouting together-follow the island master! ! !

"Follow the Lord Shaodao!" The blood-bathed copper bell soldiers, pulling their throats, raised their swords, and screamed over the enemy.

"Follow the Lord of Shaodao!" Innumerable battleships with thick smoke and leaks, as if they were added with new power, pierced the enemy's fleet like swords and swords.

"Follow the Lord of Shaodao!" A veteran who passed out was awakened by the sound of the sky. He struggled, pushed away the body, dragged his broken thigh, and crawled on the deck that was about to overturn. Eventually he climbed to a snare drum.

"Follow the Lord of Shaodao!" He couldn't find the drumstick, so he raised his fist and threw it hard at the drum.

Boom Boom ...

The drums of war! It is merged with the sound of war drums coming from all directions.

Thousands of bugles sounded! Thousands of shouts!

Countless voices, countless wills, converging into earth-shattering waves, surging, vast and magnificent, under the guidance of Chu Yun, swept through the world, back and forth, turning mountains and seas, to teach the world to change the face!

"What kind of power is this! Everyone exploded beyond their own limit of power, the will of tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the fighting spirit of all people gathered in one place ... This is not what the battle front commands Is it the highest state? "

Huang Xiao was shocked both physically and mentally, dumbfounded. At this moment, Chu Yun has taken away his command and control of the battle situation!

At this moment, all people link their hearts to one place, all point to one goal, and all follow in the footsteps of one person.

Chu Yun God blocks the killing god, Buddha blocks the Buddha!

His momentum soared, condensing the spiritual will of tens of thousands of people. Any enemy facing him seemed to feel like looking at the high mountains, facing the sky, incomparably small, unable to resist, and the mind and soul were all captured.

In a short period of time, dozens of teenagers fell under Chu Yun's sword, seven or eight generals and five generals! As for the soldiers, there are countless.

Shu Tianhao is right beside him, silently sharing his pressure and giving him the most prominent position.

Huaying and Yan Que were with him, an arrow was like rain, and a vine leaf was flying.

Wu Datou, General San Lao, Wang Zelong, Yan Jisi and others followed. General Rabbit is among them, and Huang Xiao will soon join in, fighting side by side with Chu Yun!

Countless people followed Chu Yun's footsteps, and countless literary officers and soldiers accompanied him, forming a torrent of soldiers.

The torrent swept the entire battlefield, washed everything and drowned everything wherever it went. No one can stop it.

"Alas, the general trend is gone ... this war has been defeated, withdraw." Zhen Youcai looked white and advised.

"I'm defeated? How could I lose?" General Madman snarled hysterically, watching the slain helmet and armor thrown away, the generals who surrendered with their hands surrendered, his eyes were red and he was in a state of madness .

"It's him, as long as he is cut, I will be able to turn the tide! Po Tianqingshan pen!" He screamed loudly, Qiguang exploded, his hand appeared a blue pen as big as a war gun.

"General, Qingshan is so worried that there is no firewood!" Zhen Youcai howled to dissuade.

"Go away!" General Kuangru pushed him away. His eyes were like glue, and he stared firmly at Chu Yun's figure.

"I have the appreciation of the Lord of the Han Kingdom, and he is entrusted by him to unify the archipelago. Chu Yun, you a little boy with yellow hair, dare to spoil my big thing! I will cut you off, cut you off!" He roared. Out, the robbery demon pen used as a war gun and flew to Chu Yun.

"Mad Confucian General, you finally appeared. I prepared a good gift for you, you accept it." Chu Yun flicked his hand and flew out of the spectrum of Bai Xiaosheng weapon directly.

"A Scroll Demon Soldier ?!" Just when the Confucian general was stunned, Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum exploded violently, and the sword waterfall Dao exploded!

Chu Yun got this **** channeling method, so he naturally needs to use it. When he first used it, he collected various demon swords from the battlefield. The number was not large, and he had caused minor injuries to the robbery demon pen.

After turning back to his base camp, he immediately called on his authority to collect the best demon sword with all his strength. The Shu family's arsenal reserve is already sufficient after being supplemented by King Hailong, King Huo De, King Beast, Yan Family, Ning Family, etc. Over the years, another master Yu Ya has worked to refine the demon soldiers. The key is that Chu Yun made a request to Meng Yuanguo again and received a lot of funding from the spirit demon sword. In the end, he was still not satisfied, and exchanged another batch of demon swords to the Tie family on the condition of other demon soldiers.

Coupled with the seizure on the battlefield, this Bai Xiaosheng weapon spectrum finally has forty-five spirit demon swords and sixty-three demon swords!

Use any language to describe the explosion of Jianqi ~ ~ seems weak and lacking.

This is a tremendous explosion.

Jian Qi rushed to the skies for nine thousand miles, and the waves rolled up to ten feet. The explosion wiped out one-tenth of the entire battlefield, including the ice frog soldiers, Zhen Youcai, and mad generals. Almost everything was emptied.

Any warship, thousands of three-legged ice frogs, Zhen Youcai, etc. warriors are crushed into invisible. Only the mad general General stood alone in the air, the sea water was steamed, leaving a huge pit.

In the roar, the surrounding seawater poured back, but the mad general General looked like a rogue demon pen looking dull at hand.

The entire pen body was covered with cracks, and the original demon-robber's repair was plummeted, and he was brutally beaten down to the spirit demon level.

When he saw that Chu Yun and the crowd were coming, he hadn't recovered from this huge blow.

"Mad Confucian, this is your end. The spirit demon comes out together, suppress!" Chu Yun went down with a sword, and flew out the sky pen, and the nine demon spirits each shot together to capture the mad general. ! ! ~!

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