The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 81: : 3 lucky monsters!

Section 81: Three lucky monsters!

"Mr. Chu Yun, other people are afraid of you, and I am not afraid of you. I am a general of the Shui family, with a strong body and a strong body, riding a spirit wolf wolf, holding two spirit demon short guns, and rushing to Chu Yun .

"Good to come!" Chu Yun's knife, Long Bin screamed, was split in half, blood spurted, and internal organs splashed.

"It's so arrogant! I'm not Long Bin, fight with me for 300 rounds!" Then, there was a warrior wearing a gold armor, holding Fang Tian Huaji, riding a wild bull, and rushing to Chu Yun .

This is definitely a member of the generals, the trinity of armor, painted halberd, and barbarian, has formed a mature tactical system.

Qiang Qiang!

Chu Yun fights against him with only Dr. Xuedao.

"You are nothing more than that!" The general had the upper hand and laughed.

Suddenly, Chu Yun's sword flashed, and his blade turned back, making a strange move.

The general's laughter stopped and his movements stalled. He stood on the mount, licking his lips, and then reached out and touched his neck.

He glanced at the palm of his hand, his pupil shrunk to the point of the needle, and his palm was full of blood!

"How come ?!" As soon as the words fell, he tilted his head, his head fell off, and the blood at his neck burst like a fountain!

"It's so powerful!"

"This is impossible. Three generals such as Feng Baixing and Long Bin actually died under Chu Yun's sword!"

Chu Yunlian even cut the three generals of the Shui family, and cut them so neatly. The Shui family soldiers who saw this scene all rounded their eyes and felt unacceptable.

"Fantastic, he was promoted to the state of fascinating! This is simply a state of the same level, heads-up invincible. Siege him, siege him! Make his skills useless, let him be tired of dealing with it, and the demon is dead! General Confucianism waved the battle flag again and again, jealous and hated Chu Yun.

He had never wanted to kill someone like this.

He was unattainable in a state of fascination. This kind of state cannot be accumulated only by hard work, diligence and time. Need opportunity, need understanding.

"This kind of talent, combined with the endless luck, he was just 15 years old, and he must not be allowed to grow up! I want to kill this genius here!"

Chu Yun's pressure suddenly increased, and in order to deal with him, the mad generals mobilized thousands of warships, nearly ten generals, and even included two elite soldiers, and only the remaining three angry thunder building ships.

This lineup, even if he has a fascinating knife, there is no way. Faced with an army of tens of thousands of people, the strength of the individual seems very small.

"Don't panic, young master, old red gun comes to help you!" At the juncture of crisis, old red gun led a fleet to rush to resist a group of soldiers and two generals.

"I want to bully the others with less people, mean!" The old fish king commanded a team of sea spider cavalry, rushed in and blocked another elite soldier, a general.

"If you want to besiege my young master, first cross my old Joe's body!" The three Shu family veterans, even if they arrived, shared the pressure for Chu Yun.

"Thunderbolt, blast the little bully into coke!" There were roaring roars from the three angry thunder building ships.

But all of a sudden, branches and leaves of vines spread on the three ships, and in the blink of an eye, the branches and leaves were lush, forming a special cage that trapped the three ships of the Thunder Building.

"The young master's back is protected by my Yan Que!" Yan Que, dressed in Tsing Yi, wearing a pure heart crown, stood tall among the branches and leaves of the Thunder Vine. The sea breeze blew his clothes, and there was no chic tree in the wind.

"A Thunderbolt with a spirit demon series can trap us? You guys who don't know the power, you are underestimating the power of the Thunder Building ship!" The officers and men on the ship roared.

"So how about this?" Yan Que's eyes flashed with a smile, gently patting the fairy pouch around her waist. Xuanguang suddenly started, with a bang, the electric mangosteen tree fell from the sky.

This electric mangosteen hairy tree was transferred from the endless forest by relying on giant gemstone doors. Its cultivation base is already the peak of the spirit demon, and the most promising is to become the next electric demon thunder tree.

In the past life, Yan Que possessed the Yuan Yuan Dan Yuan tree, but Chu Yun took the lead and got his hands in this life. In order not to let Yan Que's alchemy talent disappear, Chu Yun transferred the tree to Yan Que.

Yan Que possesses Thunderbolt, and is already good at Lei Dao. This electric mangosteen tree is not only a property of thunder but also an alchemy. More suitable for Yan Que than Huan Zhuan Yuan Yuan Shu.

"Although you can't easily destroy you like the young master. But trapping you can still be done." Yan Queao stands between the vines.

"Damn it, it was actually targeted!" The three giant Thunder Building ships were jointly suppressed by Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt. The lightning method they produced became the ingredient that nourishes the two demon plants.

"Everyone ..." Chu Yun was stunned, and there was a warm current in his heart in an instant. I am not alone, and my comrades are fighting alongside me!

"This battle will win!" He yelled, waved the drunk snow knife, and poured out a piece of ambilight. He stepped on the sandals of the wind, strode, struck the enemy line with one end.

The blade is like a violent wind, the sky fox is roaring, the hurricane bow and arrow are like rain, the dragon head flower branch is shot, Chu Yun firepower is full, killing the Quartet, no one can stop it!

One, two, three, remember at first, but gradually no one can count. Countless enemies fell to his feet.

He was bathed in blood, breaking through the encirclement, like a tiger that started out, like a rainbow, unmatched.

"Chong, follow behind Shao Dao, rush! Crush!" More and more Shu family soldiers shouted.

Chu Yun has truly become a leader, with a strong fighting force, shouldering the heavy burden of breaking through the enemy formation and pioneering and killing.

He is like an undefeated **** of war, killing more and more fiercely, with all his presence in the field, unpredictable!

"My human tactics actually didn't work!" The mad general General Shen Rushui looked at Chu Yun like a dragon on the battlefield wantonly turning over the clouds and covering the rain, with muscles on his face and teeth.

He wanted to shoot it in person, but Huang Xiao's pressure should not be underestimated. I want to release my own robbery, but worry about the opponent's assault after lack of defense. He originally had many spirit demon, but it was only this pen that passed the robbery. Moreover, the existence of the robbery demon has a great burden on the aura. Therefore, in his hand, there are only two spirit demon and three big demon.

In fact, human-sea tactics are not useless.

But Chu Yun is not an isolated person, and his comrades are always helping him. When the enemy exceeds his limit, someone will always come forward to share the pressure for him. When his demon element is scarce and his physical strength needs to be recuperated, there will always be someone to temporarily replace him and let him take a breath.

Among them, there are Huaying, Yan Que, Wu Datou, Wang Zelong, etc., and even Tie Ao.

"I don't think we have another day to fight side by side." Tie Ao's demon tower above the town, said when he blocked the two generals for Chu Yun.

"After today's victory, you can cheer the wine!" Chu Yun rested and said to him when he raised the knife.

The scene gradually became chaotic, and Huang Xiao and General Confucianism were commanding a headache. Almost every sea area on the battlefield has battles.

Both sides are the masters who will meet Liangcai and meet each other. If they continue to fight so hard, no one can help anyone, and this will eventually lead to a big fight.

The ice frog soldiers of the water family, the impact of the coalition forces with Chu Yun as an arrow, was like two daggers. They were held in the hands by the two giants and stabbed towards each other.

The key depends on who stabs the other party first!

"Unexpectedly, there is a dragon on the islands of the stars!" General Kuangru was so arrogant that he had to admit Huang Xiao's talent at this moment.

On the battlefield command, Huang Xiao even outperformed himself. Because of their strong military strength, they are more than twice as high as the other party, but they have still been beaten into a melee situation.

"But it's time to end. The Imperial Guards are ready!" General Kuangru threw his biggest card in an attempt to win or lose.

Thirty members of the spirit demon, each imperial guard, is equivalent to a general. Such a huge force, betting, immediately press down the balance in balance.

"There is still such a power hidden. Fortunately, the young master has the support of the red fairy. Fight!" Eighteen fairy concubines, all beautiful and beautiful, form the most unique scenery on the battlefield.

"What? This card is still hidden." General Kuangru was taken aback, but his face immediately smiled, "It's useless, only eighteen. This is a dying struggle, just defeated. Just slow down. "

"Let you be arrogant now, kid, you should be satisfied! Guiliu altar!" A guard yelled, and the killer would come over. He held a demon soldier in his hands, a deep altar shaped like white jade, and circulated a different kind of light, spitting out infinite waterway law from the mouth of the altar, as if it were a big river.

"As soon as we shot, your failure is doomed. Flying peak!" Another imperial guard suddenly flicked his hand and threw a mountain model. This flying peak was originally the size of a slap, but it urged a special Taoist law. When the wind rose, it quickly expanded into a small mountain peak, smashing countless intercepted monsters, and shrouded towards Chu Yun.

"Now surrender, leave your whole body! Taoyuan tree!" The third guard, with a dense old tree above his head, dense foliage, scattered mysterious light, and blooming strange flowers. The trunk slowly rotates, and various wooden ways such as gorgeous fireworks swept over the sky.

Guiliutan, Feilaifeng, Taoyuanshu are the three families of water, mountain and forest. The airborne monsters inherited from the king of water, earth and wood are all excellent qualifications. The spirit demon peak is cultivated and has infinite mysteries.

The three imperial guards are even leaders in the military. Everyone is over a hundred years old and has extremely rich combat experience. Everyone has a fighting power comparable to Chu Yun ~ ~ No one can stop it, Chu Yun immediately felt the pressure increased!

Chu Yun wanted to form a gossip battle array, but the three guards had long known that he had this hole card and gave no chance at all. Always able to temporarily trap one or two spirit demon actions.

"Not the wood!" Chu Yun was helpless, offering up the ninth peak spirit demon. This demon plant growing in the heart-fire cave has also been hacked by Heavenly Tribulation, and now it is the cultivation of the spirit demon peak. Was Chu Yunding on top of his head, exploding the fire law, to defend instead of attack.

Rao is so, Chu Yun is in a bitter battle with one enemy and three.

"Who dares to bully my son!" With a roar of the dragon, Shu Tianhao stepped on the blue sea dragon and descended from the sky, the battle group.

"Dad!" Chu Yun shook his spirits, mentioning Drunk Xuedao and Shu Tianhao fighting side by side.

Fight the tiger brothers and join the father and son soldiers!

The three imperial guards were beaten and defeated.

"How is it possible? Two fascinating swords!" One of them shouted in shock. ! ~!

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