The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 68: : Acquired the sword waterfall method


At the order of Chu Yun, the psychic snake sprang out and used it as a bridge to communicate the spiritual light of Chu Yun and Yan Dongliu.

Suddenly, Chu Yun felt as if there was a clear and sweet stream flowing slowly to the deepest part of his heart.

Previously, he controlled the psychic snake and absorbed the spiritual light of others. This stream was almost invisible. But since the psychic snake swallowed the Soul Crystal, its cultivation base was immediately promoted for sixty-six years, becoming a middle-class existence among the demon.

As a result, the efficiency of Ling Ling has been greatly improved.

After ten hours, Chu Yun's aura increased the volume of a sand bowl out of thin air. In contrast, Yan Dongliu lacks the corresponding part.

His lack of aura made him unable to afford the contract, and soon a demon sword broke free and became a free and demon free soldier.

Chu Yun has been suppressing this sword, and has been psychologically prepared for this situation. In a hurry, with the newly-increased aura, he signed a master-servant contract with this spirit demon sword.

"Stone waterfall Taoism ..., sword waterfall Taoism ..." He was very curious and attached great importance to this divine passage method that surpassed the gem. Hold the spirit sword, meditate immediately, the mind enters the spirit light in the sword.

The aura of light is profound, and he has learned a lot of stone tricks. All are high-quality products, which are matched with each other, showing Yan Dongliu's profound insights into the tactics of the evening.

"These swordsmanship are very good. It can enrich my Shu family's library. But where is the sword waterfall Taoism?" Chu Yun's Shen Nianluo toured the circle, but could not find the sword waterfall Taoism expected.

"How is this possible ?!" Chu Yun found another moment, and looked through the aura of the sword in a transparent way, and there was still no sword waterfall method.

"Could it be said that this demon sword didn't comprehend the Kui Waterfall Taoism?" Chu Yun wondered, so he had to stop for a while and continue to absorb Yan Dongliu's aura.

Yan Dongliu is a well-known master on the list of strangers. His body is full of aura, only slightly worse than Chu Yun. Yu Shusheng and he simply cannot be compared.

I have to say that this feeling of plunder without gain is exceptionally beautiful. The spiritual light in his Daly city has been greatly increased. After another hour, the light that was originally the size of a lantern has suddenly increased to the size of a stone mill.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Suddenly, the psychic art stopped abruptly, and the psychic snake's body shook with sorrow and retreated into Chu Yun's palm.

Chu Yun opened his eyes suddenly and "looked" at his palm in surprise. Although the psychic snake is invisible to the naked eye, at the same time, it has no weight and is almost invisible and intangible, but with the contract, Chu Yun can feel the martial martial king, the holy king, the sacred king, the night kill the god, the throne, the throne, and the strongest abandonment. The Royal Family of Shao Da Zhou will kill God God Seal Throne in night The Throne of the Gods and Gods, the Demon King, Jiuzhongtian, the strongest abandoned the royal family of Shao Dazhou until it is now curling its small body into a pitiful pity.

"The psychic snake was injured? How did this happen?" Chu Yun frowned, puzzled by the sudden situation.

He looked at the guy who was back in Yan Dongliu's life. The soul of the soul had already been crushed by his heart. Although he was slowly condensing at this time, he was determined to be unconscious and could not resist at all.

‘Who the **** just attacked my psychic snake? Is there any secret in Yan Dongliu's aura ..., sword waterfall Taoism! "

In the midst, a spiritual light flashed in Chu Yun's heart. His eyes brightened, and he guessed the truth by his intuition relying on first-class probing.

"Don't you say that this kind of divine channeling method is not enlightened by monsters but recorded in the aura of the demon master? Sure enough !!!!" Chu Yun communicated with the aura of Yan Dongliu again, and the divine thought escaped into it immediately. Major cash.

In the deepest part of his aura, there is a galaxy waterfall that flows down three thousand feet. It is silky and silky, magnificent and magnificent. Every stream of water is transformed by sword qi, which reveals the coercive pressure of the soul.

"Jianghan Kingdom is the country of water, with the most rivers and lakes in Xingzhou. At that time, Wang Yan, a sword, was born in Jianghan State. Later he faced the Yanlu Mountain Waterfall for three years and broke the barrier. , The name moves the world. "

Seeing the image of this waterfall, the rumor suddenly appeared in Chu Yun's mind.

"I understand a little. Aura represents wisdom, and monsters and beasts plant their own aura wisdom. To comprehend the world, to understand nature, this cognition also affects the use of its own power. Therefore, in the aura of the body, I understand various Taoist law. The sword king is a king-level strongman, and the wisdom of the aura has been cleared to the sky, and he has realized the extremely powerful sword waterfall technique. This kind of Taoist law is naturally not comparable to ordinary monsters. The power is terrifying and powerful, and the gods are like gods. Dharma. The divine channeling is understood by man, and naturally exists in man's aura! "

At this moment, Chu Yun's thoughts have changed a lot, and he immediately thought about the pass

"This kind of divine channeling method is extremely powerful. It can only be understood by the human aura of wisdom. It is just that the spirit snake communicates the aura of Yandongliu. It seems that it has touched this sword waterfall. It is just a demon snake. If you do n’t understand it, you wo n’t be able to comprehend it naturally, and you will be hurt if you are bitten by this **** channel. ”

Thinking of this, all mysteries are solved

"Although I am good at using swords, I can also use swords, and I have a certain understanding of swordsmanship. I don't know if I can comprehend this **** channeling method?"

Chu Yun took a try attitude and carefully put his mind into this cascading gray waterfall. To.

Thousands and thousands of endless swords merged into a waterfall and washed down.

This is the fearlessness, the balance of heaven and earth. Washing the turbid world, washing the dust, pouring out, there is supreme power that can't resist. [Baidu Yuyao Supreme Bar Update]

This is not just a simple Taoism, but the swordsman who connects the sword with the world and realizes it.

Chu Yun realized with difficulty.

Human aura has always been abundant, so you can instantly understand the fourth-class Taoism of "under the middle and superior". Thus, through the aura contract, it is passed on to the monsters to "help" them to understand.

However, this sword waterfall technique is a divine passage method. Even when Chu Yun was energetic at this time, reaching the peak of his past and present lives, he felt difficult to understand and obscure.

But despite the hardships, there is always gain, and progress is made every moment. Although this degree of progress is very slow, it looks like a snail crawling.

This has to be replaced by other young people, just afraid of complaining on the spot. But Chu Yun has patience that ordinary people cannot match.

He understood it a little bit like this, and did not know how long it had passed. When his mind was slowly reaching the top step by step from the bottom of the sword waterfall, he fully mastered the channel of God. Best bookstore hand fight

In his spiritual light, such a Kui Waterfall also appeared. The snow-white spray, the scent of the sword, the silent roar, there is a faint smell of heaven and earth.

As soon as this sword waterfall appeared, it was like a king, occupying the central position of his aura. Even the phantom of the seven-headed robbery was rejected into the corner.

The sword waterfall dominates the center and has a fist-sized aura.

Among the stone waterfalls, there was a sword shadow, which washed down from the top along the current, disappeared suddenly when it reached the bottom of the sword waterfall, and then appeared on the top again in an instant. It is so repeated that it becomes part of the sword waterfall.

This sword is naturally the one that Chu Yun captured Yan Dongliu. It is conceivable that in the future, if he gets other demon evenings, he will become part of the sword waterfall like this white.

"It is a pity that my tactical core is not a stone, but a monster. It is the way of the king of beasts. It is the drunk snow knife, and now it is only an auxiliary means." It is a pity in Chu Yun's heart that he has since Can use sword waterfall.

It's just that this **** channel method can only be used as a hole card method. Although it has considerable, untappable potential. But with the complete inheritance of the King of Beasts, Chu Yun also knew that he was more suitable for exhibiting monster beasts.

"This **** channeling method is a supreme treasure. Falling into my hands, there is a feeling of some dark pearls casting. Xipu technique, transform!"

Chu Yun immediately followed his thoughts, and the phantom of the waterfall in Yandong's spiritual light suddenly collapsed under his will and turned into nothingness.

He completely mastered the sword waterfall method, and naturally has the ability to erase this mark.


He again urged the psychic snake to draw the remaining aura of Yan Dongliu into his body. His aura was a bit decrepit, and Yan Dongliu had no aura at all, that is, the soul reunited, and it was a dementia when he woke up.

All because of aura represents wisdom. His spiritual light was completely dissipated, and his wisdom was completely gone.

"Tianhu, breathing fire." Chu Yun ordered again. Suddenly the flames soared into the sky, completely burning Yan Dongliu into ashes, ruining the corpses.

Although this Yandongliu, can never rise again. But if the strange situation of his aura dissipating completely, if it spreads out, it will surely attract the attention of interested people.

Chu Yun didn't want the world to guess that he had a psychic snake in his hand.

Although it was only used a few times, he was fully aware of the powerful horror of the psychic snake. It's no wonder that at the beginning all the beast kings were moved, and they laughed wildly to get it.

Beheaded Yan Dongliu, improved his aura, and put only his two remaining spirit demon swords into his pocket, Chu Yun, then opened the door refreshedly and returned to the eyes of the generals Come.

"Young Master, you are finally out!" Seeing Chu Yun appearing ~ ~ General Rabbit suddenly shed tears of excitement.

Since the battle with the Yandongliu Fleet, although the Yandongliu was captured and the Flying Sword was repelled, the Shujia Fleet was also a terrible victory with heavy casualties.

Chu Yun chose to retreat, and when digesting the results, he entrusted the entire fleet to General Rabbit.

In the waters of Shuijia, there are enemies everywhere, and General Rabbit is on thin ice, trembling with fear. Chu Yun also gave the command of the entire battleship to his hands.

These days, General Rabbit is obviously losing weight. He was timid and cowardly and hardly had a good night's sleep. As soon as there was wind and grass, he immediately became anxious and commanded the entire fleet to run.

For the past five days, the Shu family has never fought in a naval battle, and they all hid from Tibet to the east. The militant Shu family members were already quite angry.

Of course, it is not without benefits.

After at least adequate rest, the Shu Jiajun's combat power returned to a considerable level. At the same time, the name of General Rabbit was widely circulated, so the Shu family members knew that there was such a timid general.

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