The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 67: : On top of the best, sword waterfall Taoism!

"My arm, my car arm!" The pain struck. Yan Dongliu's face was extremely distorted with pain, and his eyes were red, watching the broken arm flying farther and farther, full of hatred and anger.

His broken arm means that in the future, only one-handed swords will be used, which means that his tactical power will be greatly reduced. Since then, it has slipped down on the list.

When the arm was broken, the aura within him suddenly escaped one-tenth. Blood spewed out, his face was pale and his combat power plummeted.

Chu Yun will not let go, this opportunity to beat the water dog. The flute is more urgent. Like the wind and rain, the Eight-headed Spirit Demon comes and goes, and carries out various attacks.

Soon a demon sword of Yan Dongliu was exploded.

"Chu Yun, you **** it! I even cut my arm. I'm not so good. Don't think about your life! Sword waterfall Dao Fa!" Yan Dongliu roared up in the sky, suddenly his arm flicked, throwing the demon sword out of his hand.


The demon sword shattered, suddenly bursting out of the sun's vast light, and a huge shock wave swept the entire array space. Even Chu Yun in the concession was shocked by this unprecedented terror, and the sound of flute was stagnant.

"This is the sword waterfall method? It's so powerful! Even the space of the Eight Diagrams array method has been bombarded!" Chu Yun's heart was shocked. This stroke of the sword waterfall method is absolutely a precious Taoism of extraordinary quality and power. Unbelievably powerful.

In the center of the explosion, the original tight formation space has broken a big hole.

Through this mouth, you can see the outside waters, the scene where the Shuijia and Shujia fleets are fighting.

"My God will never die!" Yan Dong was overjoyed when he saw this. The body is like electricity, taking advantage of the slow closing of his mouth, and he wears it out at once.

Chu Yun wanted to intercept, but it was a slow shot.

As a last resort, he put away the space of the Eight Diagrams array and returned to reality.

"Ahahaha, what a pity. Your gossip battle array is not perfect yet. I escaped into heaven. You just killed me, the last chance has been lost. Under my sword waterfall method, it was strangled Slag! "

Yan Dongliu's only remaining arm made a hysterical roar: "Flying Swords, join our swords and hang the Cangqing Great Sword Waterfall!"

"Our swords intersect together, hanging a large sword waterfall in Cang Qing!" Nearly six hundred flying swords soldiers roared in unison and shot their own flying swords at the same time.

A shank flying sword, scattered with dazzling crystal awns, converged from all directions in the battlefield to Yandongliu.

The sword is very light, like a large group of white feathers flying birds, spitting a white slender rainbow in the air.

Eventually condensed to Yan Dongliu, flying around him continuously. At first glance, nearly six hundred flying swords formed a dazzling white ball with a diameter of ten feet.

Such a spectacular scene made the entire battlefield quiet.

"What the **** is this?" The Shu soldiers cursed and felt the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king and killed the God Seal Throne at night. Devil Ao Ninth Heaven Strongest Abandon Shao Zhou Dynasty Royal Martial Universe Qiankun kills God God Seal Throne at night The young Zhou dynasty was under an invisible huge pressure.

With a grunt, General Rabbit swallowed a spit, widened his eyes, and lost his voice: "This is simply a Big Mac. These flying swords seem to have become one Gamma ..."

On the other hand, the morale of the Shuijia army was instantly revitalized.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"I'm so honored to finally see the sword waterfall Dao Fa again!"

"Shu family, you are done. Enjoy the last beauty of life."

Flying Swords are all fanatical, and many people are laughing wildly, overlooking Shu Jiajun with the same eyes as the dead.

"Remember my name, Chu Yun. When you arrive at Huang Quan, don't forget who you are dying in! Hands of the Great Sword Waterfall !!" Among the flying sword vortex, Yan Dongliu's roar of roar came.


The loud roar suddenly exploded. The endless sword light suddenly burst out, poured out, and merged into a magnificent dazzling white sword river!

At this instant, even the sun in the sky lost its brilliance. Throughout the world, this waterfall of sword light became the only master.

It rammed and burst through the air, making a loud deafening noise. Innumerable sword lights, layered in the middle, there is not a beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m.

Chu Yun's pupils shrunk, and the first time he saw the sword waterfall Dao Fa, let him feel the martial arts, the Holy King, the holy king, the night king, the **** of death, the throne of the gods, the throne of the gods, the **** of throne The throne of the Indian throne is the strongest of the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment of the young Zhou dynasty, martial Qiankun will kill the **** God at night The strongest abandoned the young Zhou dynasty to a suffocating beauty.

This beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter clothing jacket m carries a major crisis, which makes him sweaty and physically and mentally shaken.

There has never been such a moment, he feels the use of martial Qiankun, the holy king, the sacred king, the night kills the god, the throne, the throne, and the strongest abandonment of the young king, the big week, the royal family will kill the god, the seal, the throne Dazhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** Immortal throne in the night and ask the devil to be proud of the world. Life crisis! Suddenly he understood why the mad general General would be so relieved to give his fleet to Yan Dongliu to deal with.

Because he knew that Yan Dongliu had the strength to solve himself!

When it comes to fighting alone, Yan Dongliu is not his opponent. But with this horrible killing alone, Yan Dongliu was completely sure to kill him Chu Yun.

This move is so powerful, it is no wonder that a squadron of the Iron Family is completely destroyed under this move. No wonder someone once commented that this move is like a robbery.

Now Chu Yun has personally experienced that the doubts in his heart have vanished and collapsed! Some are just unprecedented pressure!

Can he stop such a terrible blow? !

Thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, almost blinking, the sword waterfall rushed across the distance of one hundred feet, surging and surging, wrapped in the sound of wind and thunder, scoured fiercely to the front of Chu Yun.

It's too late to dodge, of course, Chu Yun didn't even think about dodge!

His blood was rushing and boiling.

Fighting the skies!

"Eight Great Spirit Demon, Dao Fa Torrent!" He shouted violently, reaching for a finger. The Eight-headed Spirit Demon surrounded him and played all kinds of Dao Qi together.

The golden light bursts, the green wheel bursts, the flames evacuate, the thunder and lightning intersect, the storm sweeps, and the ice peak sweeps through the countless ways of Taoism. .

The torrent of five colors and colors, majestic and magnificent, with a loud bang, directly facing the throne of the Immortal Seal against the dazzling white sword waterfall.

It's like two Tianhe Rivers fighting each other. The trembling roar caused countless people to bleed in both ears, the brilliant brilliance, and many soldiers looking up at the sky, screamed, closed their eyes tightly, and a drop of blood and tears flowed down the corner of the eye.

"It's hard to fight!" After five breaths, Chu Yun's pupils had shrunk into the best needle. The size of the tip is obvious, I feel my weakness, and my face is full of dignity.

His torrent of Taoism and law was dispersed step by step by the dazzling sword waterfall. Jianpu was facing the Daofa torrent hardly, advancing towards him.

Once he was approached by Jian Waterfall, what was waiting for him would be crushed in an instant by thousands of sword lights.

This sword waterfall method is so strong, it is almost unreasonable, sweeping everything, God block killing God, Buddha block killing Buddha!

"Withdraw!" Chu Yun gritted his teeth and braved his life crisis to make a bold move. Suddenly, he gathered the spirit demon, and withdrew from this wrestling battle, resolutely withdrew.

"Chu Yun, you can't escape!" Yan Dongliu stepped on the Jianhe River, and the wind blew his clothes. He danced in darkness, his eyes were like electricity, his eyes spread like an eagle with wings, he controlled the Jingtian sword waterfall, and pursued and killed Chu Yun.

Chu Yun urged the colorless rainbow demon to stealth. But Jianpu kept staring at him closely, without losing his goal.

"It's useless! Before you die, I will tell you with great compassion that this trick of sword and waterfall is the king of swords that year, breaking through the great state and stepping into the realm of magical swordsmanship, the law of heaven and earth realized This Taoist law is the principle of heaven and earth, part of the Tao of all things, the essence of the sword king ’s life, and has already surpassed the supernatural Taoism! The so-called **** channel! Unless you have invisible supernatural powers, it is the supernatural series. 'S invisible Taoism, I also want to get rid of the sword waterfall! "

Yan Dongliu laughed wildly, chasing down Chu Yun made him feel hearty, and excitedly blurted out a secret.

It turns out that in this world, Taoism is not only divided into middle and upper grades, and fourth-class quality. On top of the gems, there is another kind of Taoism that the master demon master uses some kind of monster to reach the state of fascinating and enchanting, and gain insight after understanding nature.

Taoism at this level is already part of the heaven and earth avenue. Once used. Being able to unite heaven and man, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, terrifying and mysterious, come up with imagination.

I don't know how Yan Dongliu got this divine passage method. He relied on this method to cross the stars and the title of swordsman in the battlefield, mostly by this way.

"That's the case. Since you can't hide, then blow your sword waterfall!" Chu Yun stopped suddenly and took out Bihai Chaosheng Xiao.

The sound of the flute suddenly started, and the eight spirit demon formed a gossip battle array. But it did not contain, did not reveal the formation space, included the sword waterfall.

The power of the sword waterfall is too great, the formation space cannot be trapped at all, but it is easy to be broken through the game, so that the eight-headed spirit demon of Chu Yun will be injured.

Daofa torrent!

Chu Yun once again exhibited the strongest means of attack.

With the increase of the gossip battle array, each spirit demon becomes stronger. At the same time, each Dao Fa power is twice as powerful. This time, different foxes tried their best to match, and Taoism and Dharma blended together to form an unprecedented torrent of Taoism.

Unlike the merged one, it is just a rigid combination. This torrent of Taoism is truly a new integration of all Taoisms.

The power suddenly improved significantly, hitting the sword waterfall, even without distinction!

This is a very bold attempt.

Chu Yun has never used it, and based on the gossip battle array, he used Daoist torrents. Now that life and death are alive, he has to take risks.

He succeeded!

"How is it possible! I can stop my sword waterfall! No, this is the Divine Passage!" Yan Dongliu roared loudly, dumbfounded and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"God's channel method is what the sword king realized. You are not the sword king. To display this Taoism, even the damage of the anti-bite should be distributed to nearly 600 flying swords. The power is naturally greatly reduced." Chu Yun sneered.

"You have seen all this in such a short time ?!" Yan Dong rumored ~ ~ The male body shuddered and almost glared down his eyes in surprise. In such a fierce battle, Chu Yun can still calmly analyze. What terrible wisdom this is, what an excellent fighting literacy.

"What's so difficult about this. As early as the first time you cast the sword waterfall Dao method, but made the sword self-destruct, I already guessed it. Now I can resist your sword waterfall Dao method, I'm going to see you still How many times can it be cast? "Chu Yun's eyes were bright, and his eyes were as bright as electricity, locking Yan Dongliu tightly.

Nothing is beyond his expectations.

After several head-on collisions, nearly 600 flying swords, together with the spirit demon sword in the hands of Yan Dongliu, exploded into pieces of natural demon crystals. The Sword Falls Dao method has no support, and it naturally disintegrates.

Chu Yun immediately seized the opportunity, suddenly urged the whip, and received a miracle effect at once. Yan Dongliu's soul was temporarily disbanded, and the violent general was captured.

"Yan Dongliu, your inner aura is mine. The sword waterfall Dao law comprehended in your demon sword will also be mine!"

(This chapter is very difficult to write, changed and changed again. The third one that I said was good, move it to tomorrow, I am really tired. It happens that tomorrow is a weekend, it is also very good. Seeking monthly tickets, evaluation tickets, recommended tickets Various comfort and support.)

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