The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 51: : Prince Mengyuan wants to fight wine

"Unexpectedly, the final result was that Xiaojian tried his best to concede defeat.

"This is also inevitable. Both sides exploded such a fierce offensive, which is a very heavy burden on the demon itself and the aura in his body."

"Chu Yun's invisible monster is too sharp. It caused the small arrow **** to hide in a peerless way and consumed a lot of physical strength. It eventually affected the battle situation."

Many outsiders are sorry for the little arrow god, but the Shu family is happy. Many forces, such as the Tiejia, Majia and Weijia, naturally have many people with gloomy faces.

They are looking forward to Chu Yun's defeat, and the hands of outsiders will defeat Chu Yun's power. But Chu Yun won the day.

"Chu Yun defeated the Little Arrow God. Among the younger generation, only Yu Shusheng has the possibility to compete with him! When will the Zhuxing Archipelago actually emerge, occupying the pinnacle of the next generation. "An outsider sighed. The Star Islands have been fighting for a long time, and their resources have been consumed very seriously. For hundreds of thousands of years, no such young man has appeared.

"The young island owner of our family is really the most powerful. You see, even the gods such as Xiao are not Chu Yun's opponents, and they admit that they have lost." sense.

"It was not a shame to lose in the hands of Xiaoba Wang." Even Yan's family nodded. Since returning to the Shu family, they have gradually integrated into the Shu family under Yan Que's wrist.

"Chu Yun can be said to be a strong return. How is this good? The Shu family is like a tiger lying down. Shu Tianhao and Huang Xiao have brought us huge pressure. Now even Chu Yun is back." Many islands near Shujia Island The forces are very worried and have a sad face. exhibition

Chu Yun showed the fighting power of the five-headed spirit demon, this cultivation practice has reached the peak of force in the Star Islands. The influence brought about is extremely huge.

Amid the countless feelings and thoughts of the forces of all parties, this archipelago's eye-catching genius war finally came to an end.

"Small Arrow God, don't rush. Come to my Shaodao main yard and drink a few bars." The war stopped and Chu Yun directly invited the Throne of the Immortals.

Prince Mengyuan laughed bitterly: "In front of you, how can I dare to claim to be the **** of small arrows? My surname is Meng Mingfei. In the future, Xiaoba can call me the real name of the throne directly."

His arrogance was completely defeated by Chu Yun's battle, and there was a little more earnestness between the words.

Chu Yun feels good about life, and all geniuses have arrogance and arrogance, not willing to fail. But this little arrow **** lost his mind wide open.

When even said: "Brother Meng also don't call me Xiaobawang, I brought good wine this time, we must drink it well."

"Haha, okay! Even Brother Chu feels the good wine, I must taste it." Prince Meng Yuan laughed when he looked up, but he was not very calm.

Although he is the youngest among many princes, he has always been the most anticipated and highly anticipated genius in Mongolian Yuan due to his clever childhood and outstanding qualifications.

From a young age to a big one, he has never failed with his peers. It is arguably the first time that Chu Yun has lost in the hands of Chu Yun.

The taste of failure is naturally uncomfortable, especially if you voluntarily admit defeat, acknowledging failure is even more unpleasant.

"Hehehe, my combat strength is not as good as Brother Chu, but when it comes to drinking, the amount of wine has always been very good. Several of my brothers, but I can't drink me. Brother Chu, you have to be careful."

If you lose on the battlefield, you will win back on the wine court. Before drinking, Meng Fei's fighting spirit was high and his fighting spirit was fierce.

This poor child, did not know Chu Yun's terror. The drunk snow knife feeds the aura, making Chu Yun's wine volume terrifying. Even tens of thousands of years of robbery demon leader riot ape, is not Chu Yun's opponent.

"This! Let's drink it directly on the throne of the God Seal, can we? Chu Yun's style is really bold ..." As soon as he saw this drinking utensil, Prince Mengyuan was taken aback.

"No, no," Brother Chu, are you a monster? You drank a lot more than I did, but there was no alcohol in your mouth? "After three rounds of wine, Prince Mengyuan admits defeat again.

"Brother Chu, don't irritate me. I am willing to worship the younger brother, by the way, I still have business on this trip, business"

After drinking seven times, he threw the throne of the Imprint directly to the ground and fell asleep. But Chu Yun's face did not change color, his heart did not flutter, and his eyes were still clear and clear.

For him, the wine was drizzle.

You should know that he and the riot king of apes were fighting for wine, but it was calculated by the wine tank. And now the spirit of the robbery is feeding back, his body and soul quality are many times stronger than before.

This wine is nothing. Drinking is equivalent to not drinking.

"Come here, help the little prince Mengfei to bed and have a good rest." He urged him to the left and right, then stood up, and walked out of the house like no one else.

In more than two months, Shujiacheng has been three times more prosperous than before!

Chu Yun was interested, walking around the city, wandering everywhere, and saw a prosperous scene. There was a constant flow of people on the main street. On the commercial streets, various shops are connected one after another, and the signboards hang in the wind. Small street vendors, children playing, busy adults, boys and girls running out to date make up all kinds of beings.

Chu Yun did not attract the commotion. With his current influence, once he appeared in public, it would definitely cause confusion. He wrapped himself with a colorless rainbow demon, wandering comfortably like an invisible man.

Shu Jiacheng was joined by Yan Que and Master Yu Ya, and the rules were excellent.

It used to be a tucheng, but now there are signs of transformation into a metropolis. Chu Yun knew that this city would become a prosperous seaside city under the regulation of the Shu family's top management.

The new main city of the Shu family is under construction, with a scale of ten times the size of Huode City. This huge city built on the volcano was built by Yu Ya, a master of military training. The ingenious use of geothermal energy, once completed, will become a holy place for soldiers who can't get out of Steamer Island.

At the same time, it is also a gateway to the underground world.

Now the underground world is also in an orderly way. Every day can bring huge profits and huge resources to Shujia Island.

In the next layer of the underground world, there is the fiery cave. There grows a lush endless tree. The Huo De King's luck demon planted at that time, also sheltered a robbery demon angry Huo Ming Wang.

Chu Yun strolled around for a while and walked out of Shujia City to Huode City.

"Huh? Huode City was built so fast! It was almost finished?" Chu Yun appeared openly, but when he saw Huode City, he was surprised.

This city, built on a mountain, is huge. From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, the red brick and copper walls of the city, with the architectural style of the ancient times, are simple and noble, rich and magnificent. Like a long copper dragon huddled in the mountains, it quietly exuded an atmosphere of dominance.

"With the continuous improvement of the Huode city, the scale is getting larger and larger. If it is out of nothing, it will be built from scratch. I am afraid that it will not be completed for decades. However, we will directly remove the remains of the copper city on the main island of Yanjia. The throne of the Holy Seal was demolished. These ancient construction methods have long been lost. The combination of ancient and modern times not only greatly improved the construction progress, but also brought extremely excellent defensive capabilities. "Master Yu Ya puzzled Chu Yun.

"So it turns out.

"Chu Yun remembered the scene of the ruins that rose from the ground when he attacked the Yan family. At that time, he was really surprised. At the same time, the Hutong bronze puppet who guarded the ruins also brought a lot of casualties to the Shu family."

Now Huode City, using ancient secret building materials, combined with new methods to build, is simply solid.

"By the way, I will hand over these weapons training manuals to you. I killed them by killing Yu Shusheng in Yaoshan, please ask Uncle Yu Nong to keep the secret for me." Chu Yun will kill most of the treasures. The harvest was handed over to Yu Ya.

Yu Ya's character is trustworthy. At the same time, if Yu Shusheng is missing for too long, these military training methods are also invisible. Chu Yun simply told the truth.

"Even Jade Scholar lost to Shaodao Master?" Yu Ya was naturally taken aback and took a deep look at Chu Yun with emotion, "I knew at the beginning that you, Shaodao Master, are not the things in the pool. . I did n’t expect to be the first person of the younger generation. ”

He then surveyed the hand notes for a while, and rejoiced: "Okay, these military training hand notes are the treasures of the town academy in each academy, and they are all secrets. I have mastered these techniques and can make the fire virtue The city ’s defense power adds another three points. These soldiers ’training handbooks are too hot, and I will destroy them with my own hands. When they are used at the same time, they will also change their face, so the island master can rest assured."

"Well." Chu Yun nodded and said again, "This is the first thing I have to find Uncle you. The second thing is to ask Uncle you to build several large gems secret doors, which can be sent to Yaoshan Kingdom Endless Mori. The third thing is to construct the Temple of Heaven, a total of eight. "

"The gem door that can be sent directly from the throne of the God Seal to the Yaoshan country? The distance is too long ~ ~ The large door is not enough, it must be a giant door. However, this thing requires human resources and time to construct. It's also very long. Each block must have at least three months' manufacturing time. "

Yu Ya frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly raised her head suddenly and woke up, "The Temple of Heaven? I heard it right. Master Shaodao, you mastered the method of construction of the Temple of Heaven?"

"Actually, there is not much difference between the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Earth. I do have control of it." Chu Yun nodded and admitted frankly. Of course, the manufacturing method of the Temple of Heaven is what he saw from the scroll of the experience of the Beast King.

The Beastmaster enumerates various aura contracts in the scroll. Among them, the guardian contract contains not only the earth altar, the heaven altar, but also the star altar, the water altar, etc., aiming at various regional environments.

Chu Yun told Yu Ya the method of the Temple of Heaven.

Yu Ya was startled: "No wonder the Temple of Heaven will gradually disappear. Some of these materials are very rare. But the labor is to use the Shu family's full strength to collect it. There will still be some. The cost of each Temple of Heaven will be very high. High. My dear, every temple is almost one-tenth the cost of Huo Decheng. "(To be continued

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