The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 50: : Actively admit defeat

Taibai Golden Feather Eagle is a famous monster in Xingzhou. When it was born, it was only about the size of a slap.

When it comes to the little demon series, it is only the size of an ordinary bird, very small. The size of the big demon series began to grow slowly, and by the time of the spirit demon series, the size was still small.

Ordinary spirit demon, such as sky fox, show their original shape, just like a hill. The Taibaijin feather carving of the spirit demon series is at best a hilltop.

But after sacrificing its size, it received an incomparable reputation.

But seeing the Taibai Jinyu Eagle's wings fluttered, it turned into a golden and white rainbow light.

"Colorless rainbow demon." Chu Yun slapped the fairy capsule, summoned the rainbow demon, wrapped himself, and disappeared in place.

With a loud bang, Taibai Jinyu carving fell into disregard and grabbed a broken hole on the ground where Chu Yun stood.

It missed a hit and flew high again. Quickly, the golden and white rainbow light left a broken line on people's retina.

"It won't work if you're invisible, guide the arrow!" Little Arrow God smiled loudly, he already had the means to deal with it. Chu Yun has been listed as the most powerful opponent of the same age in his life. He took out a secret arrow, and the arrow flew out of it, and in a flash, it shot into the distance, and soon disappeared at the end of the sea level.

"How could you shoot empty?! ... The smile on the face of the **** of the arrow immediately froze, and his expression was full of incredible," My guide arrow is not based on breath, nor blood, but the master trainer and the mathematician. , Can follow the rules of heaven and earth, and shoot the arrow he must shoot! "

This situation is beyond his understanding.

Guided arrows are very precious, because no matter who shoots them, they will hit a hundred.

But now the facts are in front of him, and Prince Meng Yuan has to accept it.

"Empty shot? Actually shot empty!" He immediately reacted, his eyes narrowed, thinking that Chu Yun was likely to be by his side, and a great sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his heart.

He urged the phantom of the phantom of the cloud to keep changing in shape, spreading its wings like a spirit crane and flying like a hummingbird. At this moment he showed amazing and excellent body style, sometimes flying straight, sometimes turning, all kinds of changes to Kung Fu, unexpected, mysterious.

"My strongest anti-hidden means failed! What should I do now? What should I do?" He changed his direction and flew in the air to avoid the imaginary approach of Chu Yun. At the same time, his mind flashed quickly, searching for the intestines, and racked his brain to solve this dilemma.

"This little arrow **** has a really good body style. He has swayed the phantom of the cloud trail to the extreme state. It is really not easy for any opponent to want to approach him. But is he not so tired?"

Chu Yun actually stayed on the ground. The colorless rainbow demon defeated Xiao Ziwu Xiangshu. This kind of Taoism can cover even the world, let alone guide the arrow?

With his hands on his chest, he watched the Mongolian Prince Prince sweating and living in the sky sweating and performing various evasive movements.

How can Prince Mengyuan not be tired?

He gasped, shaking himself dizzy. The unknown enemy is the most terrible enemy. Who knows where Chu Yun is now?

Who knows if Chu Yun is following him right now, holding the drunk snow knife that is well known in the world?

Can't stop!

The roar in his heart couldn't stop. Once stopped, it is likely to fail.

"I not only represent myself but also Meng Yuan Kingdom. Even if I fail, I cannot fail in this way. If I lose my face, I lose my father's emperor's face and Meng Yuan Guo's face!"

He did not realize his mentality, and he no longer considered victory at this time, but was considering how to lose decently.

This can't restore him.

Chu Yun's unfathomable, he has unexpectedly. He originally thought that there would be at least a hearty battle. But what I didn't expect was that as soon as he played, he was defeated by Chu Yun in the most proud and confident field.

When he sacrificed the ace monster beast Taibai Jinyu carving, Chu Yun suddenly became invisible, causing his Taibaijin feather carving to lose his target and only hover in the air, the situation is awkward!

"What's the situation? I originally thought that the Taibai Golden Feather Carving can show off its might." Someone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Chu Yun is invisible, that's right, this is the stealth method. At first, he sneaked a surprise attack on the coalition forces, creating a record of 10,000 enemies." A representative of the forces of the original Allied members cried out and thought of something unbearable past.

"What kind of monster is Chu Yun using, stealth Taoism is very unusual. You don't have it now," "The Arrow God's stealth method has no effect at all. "A lot of people marveled.

"Small Arrow God has a hole card, and Chu Yun also has a hole card. It seems that Chu Yun's hole card still has to win."

"I didn't expect that after only a few months, his strength had an unfathomable feeling!" Ma Youcai, Wei Tien and others, also on the mountainside, came to watch the battle as representatives of their own forces. Seeing this scene at this time, the expression on his face was very complicated.

Beside them, he was sitting with the same classmate Huaying. At this time, he stared at the top of the mountain, his face shocked! "He is releasing water. With Chu Yun's fighting style, it is nothing but a landslide. It makes people feel irresistible. No matter how strong his opponent is, he is brave and fearless. But now he is hidden on the side, No hands-on. Obviously to take care of Meng Yuanguo's face, is his strength already so strong? "

Huaying has sharp eyes that ordinary people can't match. It's been more than two months since I disappeared, and Chu Yun's strength has grown to an unexpected level.

"How strong is he?" The thought echoed in the hearts of many people with clear eyes.

"No, I can't go on like this anymore. My physical energy is exhausted very fast, and I have to take risks!" Little Arrow God gritted his teeth, violently changed direction, and performed a seemingly dizzy avoidance. Then he jumped into the air and flew up. In the time he thought he was "fighting", he finally took time to summon the defensive monster.

A golden circle surrounds his body and rotates continuously. Lights and shadows flew over the golden circle. As the circle flew sharply, dragon roars burst, and various dragon shadows appeared and disappeared.

This is the Longhuang Circle, and the little arrow **** is cited as a defensive monster to rely on. He had never used this sharp monster in the communication in the academy in the past. But Chu Yun is too powerful, and all kinds of methods shocked Xiaojian.

This demon soldier must be sacrificed.

"Stabilize the position!" The little arrow **** was protected by the Longhuang circle, and a sense of security suddenly rose, and the feeling of guilty conscience immediately dissipated by half.

At the same time, his dissipated fighting spirit also recovered: "With the Longhuang Circle protecting himself, there is still a glimmer of hope in this battle."

"Okay, the little arrow **** successfully sacrificed the defensive monster. Although it can't break the concealment, it is also a passive means."

"How to face Chu Yun? You can't keep invisible all the time, don't you do it?"

"This is when this battle really begins. The fierce battle, the gorgeous Dao Fa showdown, is finally about to begin."

Seeing that the little arrow **** was protected by the Longhuang circle strictly, everyone could not help but feel refreshed.

"Chu Yun, you come out. I admit that you can't get rid of your stealth tactics. I lost a little battle in this battle. But before the end, let's do it by attacking and attacking. Let's do some research." Xiaojian Shouted loudly, this was the best way he had come up with.

He took the initiative to admit his shortcomings and was very bold and straightforward. Even if you lose, you won't lose your face.

"Alright." Chu Yun showed his figure. He summoned Tianhu and confronted Tai Baijin Yudiao. With a drunk snow knife in hand and a Lishan longan flower branch in one hand, a Taoist attack with thousands of fireworks blooming in unison was launched.

"Come on well." Little Arrow God shouted, invigorating the spirit, urging the monster, catching Chu Yun's offensive.

"Okay, well played!"

"This is what we want to see."

"It's really amazing, amazing. Both sides are young heroes, what a brilliant attack. The world is changing, and the sun and moon are dull!"

The enthusiasm of the crowd watching, like Mars splashing into the flaming oil, blasted and ignited.

This is the scene they want to see, and this is the matchup that meets their expectations.

"This is the battle I always imagined!" Xiao Jianshen also felt relieved, his face glowing red as he fought. Gradually the emotional fighting spirit was mobilized, sweeping the previous panic and depression.

This time, the fight lasted for half an hour.

Seeing the crowd watching, all changed their faces.

"It is worthy of being the most outstanding person among the younger generation. Such a violent offensive can actually last so long!"

"The lasting power of these two people is too long. What a horror. The little arrow **** has the resources of the Mongolian Yuan Kingdom, and the little overlord has the accumulation of the treasure of the king. This is a real encounter with good talents and opponents."

"Three-headed spirit demon, UU reading Four-headed spirit demon ... Five-headed spirit demon! Chu Yun can actually command the five-headed spirit demon."

As the battle progressed, Chu Yun also showed the five-headed spirit demon in 6 consecutive. This present, of course, set off waves in the crowd watching.

"No! This is not his full strength, he still has reservations." As the battle progressed, the face of Little Arrow God also changed. He finally realized that something was wrong, no matter how he increased his strength, Chu Yun could always improve with it, and he was at ease.

"He has an eight-tailed fox, and my Taibai golden feather carvings are entangled. There are also mysterious monsters that can be invisible, hurricane bows of the spirit monster series, drunk snow swords, the legendary Lishan longan flower branch. The quality is already higher than mine. He actually has reservations! "

"Let's go, he has been studying, not trying his best. It is to save my face in Yuan Yuan."

This moment, let the small arrow God suddenly discouraged. The fighting spirit was lost in an instant, and I didn't want to fight anymore.

"I'm exhausted. I admit defeat. I'm not your opponent." He shook his body suddenly, jumped out of the battle circle, and shouted loudly.

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