The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 2: : The host feeds!

Section 2: The owner feeds!

Yaoshan State is a neighboring country to the Zhuxing Islands. Most of the landforms are mountain forests, with a wide area and more than one hundred mountain cities. It is a large national island.

However, if the Star Islands can truly be unified, they can also have more city-level islands. A national island like Yaoshan State is no longer comparable.

The sea area of ​​Xingzhou is so wide that even the Shu family's treasure ship has the largest voyage along the way and secret escort. It also took three days and three nights to **** Chu Yun to the border of Yaoshan State.

Chu Yun boarded the Yaoshan land, first arrived in the nearest mountain city, paid a lot of Disha stone coins, and turned the gemstone door several times. Only then did it penetrate into the internal territory of Yaoshan. Close to the destination of this trip-Endless Forest.

Peaks and ridges overlap, layer upon layer. Green trees and lush grass.

In the depths of such a mountain, there are already few people. The dazzling scorching sun swayed down the sun. Compared with the heat of the outside world, the mountains and forests are cool and refreshing.

The two figures are wading through the dense forest weeds.

One of them, with his body tǐng drawn, his eyes as bright as a star, dressed in a ranger's armament, is magnificent. It is Chu Yun.

The one in front of him is a fox girl. She was dressed in a white dress, and the dark, waterfall-like length twitched slightly behind her, her eyes bright, her skin like snow. The arms that are tender like lotus roots look like ivory. A pair of feet, stepping on two **** of fire, holding her suspended in the air.

She fluttered and opened the way ahead. From time to time, Sakura net opened lightly and spit out the wind blade to cut off the blocking vines. From time to time, a cold spell overflows, freezing the mountain stream and forming an ice bridge. Sometimes the long foxtail flicked out, bursting out a burst of blaze, and with a bang, it exploded the rocks that hindered the advance into pieces and opened a passage.

These two people are Chu Yun and Tianhu.

"Master, Chenhui is hungry ..." After a long walk, Tianhu suddenly turned her head, and she slightly puckered her lips, her eyes were covered with a layer of gaze, and she looked at Chu Yun brightly.

"Speaking of it, I've been on my way for a long time." Chu Yun clutched his stomach and felt his stomach empty, "Alright, just take a break and eat something."

Although you can use the colorless rainbow demon to fly. But Chu Yun did not do so. Trekking in the mountains on foot is also a practice.

"Ha, there is a big rock right in front of it. Master, let's sit there." Tianhu Maiden suddenly lit up and shouted, quickly drifting to the boulder ahead. Extending his hands, he began to wipe the boulders with his white skirt.

"Chenhui, don't wipe it. Dirty the skirt." Chu Yun said.

"Yes, Master!" The girl nodded in a hurry, then wiped quickly, and then stood up, "Master, please sit down."

"How many times have I said it, your master I am not arrogant. Some dirt is not a thing." Chu Yun shook his head helplessly. The spirits of fox monsters are themselves ordinary monsters. Sky Fox is also a gem, and it looks like a girl who is 11 or 12 years old.

"It's okay. Chenhui's clothes will be clean after washing." Tianhu girl smiled and didn't care about a white dress with an obvious black and green stain.

The monster is promoted to the spirit demon, manifesting the netg human image. One's clothes are changed by one's own skin. For the Sky Fox girl, the dress is actually a snow fox fur. It is indeed washed, shook, and it becomes clean.

"Take these pill." Chu Yun took out a bottle of pill, plucked the stopper, and poured out three.

"Master feeds!" Chen Hui snuggled beside Chu Yun, raised his head, opened his eyes, opened his cherry mouth, and looked pretty and charming.

"Hehehe." Chu Yun laughed. The closer the monster and the master are, the more the monster will be coquettish.

"Naughty." He extended his finger and nodded the Qiongbi of the Tianhu girl, causing the girl to laugh. Only then was the red pill shot into the open mouth.

The entrance to the pill is melted, which is a grain pill specially made for monsters. A lot of high-value materials are used, which is the benefit of the powerful forces behind it. In the past life, where can Tianhu afford such a high-level food pill?

However, Chu Yun is still not satisfied with this kind of food.

"This medium-grain pill, although it is already the best on the market. But it is incomparable with some top-grade pill. If you can get the heritage of the Beast King this time, you can give your own monster, Feeding Qing Tuo Dan. "

The Beastmaster is a king-level strongman who once became famous for suppressing one side. He is best at commanding monsters and monsters, and there is no monster plant or monster soldier. All monsters.

It was he who created the genre of monsters and beasts in the Imperial Demon Master.

He has unique insights into the cultivation of monsters. Especially the food Dan Qing Tuo Dan, which cultivates monsters, is of the highest grade. Long-term use of monsters and animals can raise impurities in the body, purify their own qualities, and enhance their strength.

"In the memory, not only the Qingtuo Danfang, but also a lot of strange monster eggs are included in the inheritance of the Beast King. In addition, there are the fairy beasts of the Beast King, which is the best fairy bladder. ! "

In Xingzhou, inferior fairy sacs are the most common. The medium-sized capsule is already priceless and no market, as long as the people get it, almost no one wants to sell it. The first-class fairy sac is millions and extremely rare. It is often in the hands of the strong at the top of the pyramid.

But now Chu Yun has two medium fairy sacs and one superior fairy sac.

The best fairy capsule is naturally the Xinghai Dragon Palace. A medium-sized capsule, one for Hua Tiancuo and one for Hongjin Tianguang Bag. They all robbed Tie Ao on Rainbow Island.

It's just a fairy capsule, and it's a monster soldier. Although it was robbed at the time, there was no way to change the owner. It wasn't until Chu Yun returned to Rainbow Island that Master Yu Ya shot himself and spent seven days working hard to cut off the aura between the two fairy capsules and Tie Ao.

Chu Yun was also quite surprised when he got his hand. It was actually two medium fairy sacs. No wonder that after robbing Tie Ao at that time, the owner of Tiejia Shaodao's face was blue.

Among them, the Hua Tiancuo fairy sac, with a wide inner space, has three acres of good land. The environment is good, and the demon plants are specially planted.

And the Hongjin Tianguang bag is surrounded by the breath of the town demon tower. Chu Yun guessed that this must be the fairy capsule that Tie Ao used to load the town demon tower. But now after being captured by Chu Yun, Tianhu was modified.

After glancing at the fairy pouch at the waist, Chu Yun turned his attention to the Tianhu girl: "Chenhui, these days have opened the way for you to use medium and inferior Taoism frequently. Is there any gain?"

"Um ... I feel more skilled. I can use it if I don't want to think about it. And people seem to have a feeling. If you use the World Extinguishing Red Lotus, it will be more relaxed!" Sky Fox girl Shen yín gave a moment. Replied.

Promoted to the spirit demon, he can speak. For the demon master to control the monsters and beasts, understanding the monsters and beasts adds great convenience.

"Very well, you have made great progress these days. But Chen Hui, you have to remember that at the right time and using the right Taoism, this is the real fighting wisdom. Although the Taoism is divided into four levels, it is not The greater the power, the better. "Chu Yun pointed.

"Well, Chenhui must keep in mind the master's words!" The Sky Fox girl nodded again and again, her eyes flashing, seeming to understand.

The monster has reached the stage of the spirit monster, and it can already fight on its own. However, the fighting style still follows the cultivation direction of the demon master in the early stage.

Therefore, even if the wild spirit demon is subdued, he often does not cooperate with the demon master when fighting. Their fighting style has been set. The difficulty of changing this style is much higher than that from training.

Therefore, the hatching usually starts from the eggs of monsters and monsters, and the fighting power of cultivated monsters is much higher than that of ordinary monsters.

"Among the deep mountains, there are a lot of spirit demon entrenched in the mountains. Such good conditions can allow Tianhu to conduct autonomous combat training. As long as Tianhu can fight autonomously, my energy will be liberated. Come out, you can properly cultivate other monsters. "

Chu Yun was eating dry food while planning in his heart.


Just here, a loud noise like a thunderbolt in the clear sky suddenly exploded. For a time, Chu Yun felt the rocks under him were shaking.

"What's the matter?" He raised his head, and saw the smoke billowing in the distance, soaring up. In the thick smoke, a huge humanoid monster gradually appeared.

This monster is as tall as a mountain, and its body is covered with green and black. It has a human face, but blue-faced fangs, and wrinkles on its face, like old bark. A pair of eyes, shining brightly, revealing fierce anger. Its body is like a mountain ape, with a strong body and muscles.

"Spirit mandala of the spirit demon series!" Chu Yun whispered, telling the origin of this demon.

Mandrill is a monster formed by stone essence in deep mountains. Don't look at it like an orangutan, in fact, the body is a dignified rock, no blood, bones and bones.

It is the purest native monster, and its defense is extremely outstanding. Especially in this kind of deep mountain, it can take advantage of the abundant local energy in the mountains and has a huge home advantage.


The mandrill opened his mouth of blood basin ~ ~ with an angry roar. Suddenly it was dim and dark, flying sand and rocks, a huge sound 1ang pushed the air, forming a huge wind. The lush green trees, sweeping through the sky, swaying in the wind, Lin Haisheng Tao, countless birds and beasts competing.

When the strong wind hit, Chu Yun was like a javelin, and tǐng stood on the boulder. The clothes lay like a battle flag, and the hunting rang. He flew behind him, his eyes shining quickly.

"Strange, the mandrill is a monster that has been sleeping deep in the mountains all year round. It is not the landslides and cracks, which can't alarm its appearance. Why is it so angry now? Well, it is coming in my direction!"

The ground shook and the mountains trembled. Mandrills of the spirit demon series, like a blue-black mountain, rushed towards Chu Yun.

"Fortunately, I want to use the wild spirit demon for combat training. Chenhui, let's fight. This time is different from the past, I won't command you. How to fight, it depends on you." Chu Yun suddenly turned to the sky Fox Girl ordered.

"Ah?" Chen Hui received this order for the first time, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, which was soon replaced by high fighting spirit. "Yes, Master!"

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