The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 1: : Legacy of the Beast King

Section 1: Inheritance of the Beastmaster

"School stream?" In the Shu family city, Chu Yun returned from triumph, and within three days, he received a letter escorted by a person.

This is a personal letter from Master Bai Meidan, which expounds the stream of the academy and invites Yun Yun to return to represent the Tiange Academy and carry on the stream.

In Xingzhou, there are nearly a thousand colleges. The location is also distributed in Tianya Haijiao, Tiange Academy is just one of them.

The academy trains talents and has mutual activities every two years. To promote the comprehensive quality of each academy in a competitive manner.

"Isn't it time?" Chu Yun sighed and set the letter in his hand aside. He frowned, and said to the messenger, "There is an emergency in the near future, and I need to go out. I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the meeting."

"Isn't that unlucky?" The sender's tone changed quickly. "Please consider it again. The circulation between colleges is not as simple as it seems on the surface."


"Every college stream is an adjustment of the ranking of each college in the league. This concerns the honour and interests of the college. At the same time, for every scholar, it is also the best time to learn the essence of other colleges ..."

The messenger explained in detail and patiently. For others, there is absolutely no such treatment. But now Chu Yun is listed on the List of Unknown Soldiers, and he is extremely talented and has been recognized by the world. Coupled with the Shu family's strength, its own status and influence have been different than before. Therefore, the sender's attitude is quite polite and the explanation is very attentive.

"It turns out that there is such a convenience." Chu Yun listened, and only then did he know why the academy stream was extremely important not only for the academy but also for the scholars.

The Academy Alliance is an organization that consolidates and manages various academies in Xingzhou. Chu Yun knew this.

But what he did not know is that in the stream of colleges, scholars can learn the essence of other colleges in the name of stream. For example, the treasure of the town court in Tiange Academy-"Zhu Jiuxiao", a masterpiece of imperial acclaim.

Almost every academy has its unique treasures. Some of them are magic monsters, some are wonderful monsters with local characteristics, some are fangs, some are ancient methods of military refining, and so on.

As long as Chu Yun participates in this meeting, with his strength, he can indeed occupy the leading position among his peers and learn the essence of other academies. The treasure of the town academy is almost within reach.

However, after listening to the details of this inside story, Chu Yun did not hesitate anymore and still firmly refused: "Sorry! Unless it is urgent, I will definitely participate in this meeting. This matter is very important. Will be dealt with as soon as possible. Solve this matter as quickly as possible, and then rush back to participate in the streaming meeting. "

"Such ..." The messenger sighed deeply. Bowed down and asked, "Since this is true, I can't force it. But the meeting will definitely be a good opportunity for Chu Shaodao. Alas, I hope it will be within time."

"Your Excellency, come here to deliver the letter. Why not spend a few more days on my Shujia Island as a rest?" Chu Yun kept politely. He is very affectionate about Tiange Academy. Representing the academy to participate in the circulation is also a glory in itself.

"No. I'll say goodbye here. It would be a pity if Chu Shaodao's master could not participate. The upper and lower academies are all looking forward to ..." Retreat.

"In the memory, the inheritance of the King of Beasts was revealed during this time. Compared with the inheritance of the king, the flow between the academies is not important." The sender left, but Chu Yun was sitting in the seat. She didn't get up, thinking about the plan in her heart.

"The meeting will be held every two years, and the treasures of the town academy in various academies are not so good. Besides, the time is limited. Compared with the inheritance of the king-level strongmen, it is nothing. Although I really want to replace the heavens. Song Academy, but things in this world will never be perfect, and there must be trade-offs. "

There are gains and losses, it is human nature. Heaven and earth do not revolve around a person. This may be true for many young geniuses, but Chu Yun knew it well in his previous life.

"The inheritance of the Beast King is the first treasure that I formally explored in my previous life. Unfortunately, due to the lack of strength and the lack of key information, it completely became an irrelevant passerby without any gain. The key is the inheritance of the Beast King The ground is located in the depths of the endless forest of Yaoshan. There is dense fog, ancient trees, complex environment, many monsters and beasts, and it is very easy to walk. I remember that I only stayed for seven days. I was almost killed. Saved by the Ranger School, this survived ... "

Looking back carefully, Chu Yun was filled with emotion. Now that I have a memory of rebirth, my own strength is far beyond the previous life. This time, the Beastmaster inheritance made him look forward to very much.

Three days later, Shujia Wharf.

"Everything is important when going out. Sometimes force is not the best way to solve troubles, but don't let yourself fall into your own name. Fight in battle and cause great troubles. The dad will take care of you. Remember you are My Shu Family's Shaodao Master! "Soon, Shu Tianhao patted Chu Yun's shoulder, his eyes filled with anticipation and comfort.

Chu Yun laughed: "Dad, you can rest assured. But before leaving, there are a few words to tell Daddy."

"Well, come on, I listen."

Chu Yun's expression turned serious: "Although our Shu family defeated the coalition and won a great victory, the military islands ranked first, and the limelight was unprecedented. But after the scenery, there were two major drawbacks."

"One is long-term combat, which leads to the weakness of the Shujiacu Tibetan deposits and great consumption. Only rest and recuperation is the way to perpetuate."

"The other is that there is no real strong man in town. In Sin Chau, a truly powerful person must have at least a monarch-level strong man in town, otherwise, the huge power is also floating clouds ..."

"Hahaha." Before Chu Yun finished, Shu Tianhao couldn't help laughing.

"My child's vision is far-sighted, and I have not been overwhelmed by victory. My father, I am more at ease with your trip. Yes, since the victory, many people have asked me to take the lead and establish a country to unify the islands. Hegemony. Unfortunately, they only saw the scenery in front of them, but did not see the hidden worries. Is the country so well established? There are countless islands, countless forces, countless heroes and heroes in Xingzhou, but there are only 15 countries. ... "

Shu Tianhao's words made some generals behind him look embarrassed. Most of them are generals of the Yan family. These people of the ancient five races all unified the star islands and established a country as their lifelong ambition. Such a great victory has made many people flutter, and even a little bit of nothing ~ ~ Now the conversation between Chu Yun and Shu Tianhao's father and son is like a pot of cold water, which makes these people calm down instantly.

"Young Master, rest assured, in fact, the island owner called his subordinates to discuss countermeasures as early as possible, and now he has made a decision." Yan Que laughed aside.

"Oh? What's the decision?" Chu Yun was interested. He knew that Yan Que had a gifted understanding and understanding of internal affairs and the general trend.

Yan Que said only six words: "Guangji Grain, slowly becoming king."

"Okay, these six words are brilliant!" Chu Yun heard the words, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he was full of praise.

"However, despite this, arms can't be slack. Huang Xiao, this matter will come to you." Chu Yun thought about it and urged him again.

The General Shu of the Shu family, who is now a general in the Zhuxing Islands, immediately said in courtesy: "Dare not to die!"

"Okay, my father has said goodbye! Everyone has said goodbye!" Chu Yun finally let go of his heart and boarded the departing ship.

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