The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 95: : You are alive!

Section 95: Hack you alive!

"He is finally going to shoot!" Seeing Chu Yun riding Tianhu, flying high above the sky, the coalition's brain felt a bit like sitting on a needle felt.

"Chu Yun is bound to shoot. Lao Hongqiang and others took care of him when he was still unknown. The love between them is quite deep. Otherwise, if there is no return from Chu Yun, how are these three veterans Will there be today's scenery? "An insider explained, narrowing his eyes.

"Chu Yun shot, I don't know if General Chen Bo can stop it?" Many people were very nervous, their eyes soared, and they stared closely at the field.

For a time, the time of tens of thousands of people was almost concentrated on Chu Yun and Chen Bo.

In the Star Islands, there will often be a big monster, and the admiral will be a multi-head monster, and in the general's series, it is the spirit monster.

Spirit demon-level combat power, the influence has been quite large. Changing the outcome of a battle is a breeze. For today's large battlefields, it also plays a decisive role.

Therefore, the battle between Chu Yun and Chen Bo touched everyone's heart.

If Chu Yun was defeated by Chen Bo, then the morale of the Shu family would be a fatal blow. The prestige of Overlord Chu Yun has penetrated into the hearts of the Shu family.

Listening to the earth-shattering shouts and fanatical shouts of the Shu Family at this time, you can see the status of Chu Yun in their hearts.

Under the public attention, Chu Yun also felt a lot of pressure.

"This kind of battle must be won. We have only two generals, Dad and me. Dad ’s blue sea dragon is still seriously wounded and unable to fight for a long time. The other side has three generals, and the high-end combat strength is stronger than our army ... "

"You are Chu Yun? Hahaha, okay! Over the past year, you have made a lot of limelight. Cherish it well, and today is your last performance. It's just broken bones under my cracking stick!"

The fierce flash in Chen Bo's eyes, he directly laid down the old red gun and the second general of the old fish king. Crotch Chilian's two-winged snake hissed, flapping its fiery wings and rushed towards Chu Yun.

"Tang 1uan Qiankun!" Chen Bo shouted, his expression extremely terrifying. The split sky stick suddenly glowed red flame red light, the light condensed like a substance, forming a huge ghost sky stick.

The soldiers from both sides exclaimed at the same time. Chen Bo's offensive was too terrifying. It was like moving Tianzhu down and bumping into it fiercely and savagely. Under this Tianzhu, Chu Yun was as slim as a mouse.

"Shaodao Lord!" Shu Jiajun screamed with concern.

"Chen Bo, this guy used the method of moving the bottom of the box as soon as he came up. Ha ha ha, Chu Yun is in trouble." Among the coalition forces, the general Yi Jing saw this, his mouth curled up, and he smiled.

"Yes. Chen Bo's fighting style is famous for his toughness. He opened the situation with this first-class method. After Chu Yun avoided retreat, he will be beaten. The next is his performance time." The last one General General Numa Xie nodded and was very optimistic about Chen Bo.

"It's tough for a long time. The best way to deal with it should be defense. Wait for the opponent's offensive to weaken and then try to counterattack." Shu Tianhao saw this fierce offensive, frowning, and subconsciously made suggestions for Chu Yun in his heart.

"Evasion is useless, you are dead!" Chen Bo gritted his teeth, and he was least used to the young man like Chu Yun. The fierce flashes in his eyes seemed to have seen Chu Yun smashed by his giant stick and smashed into a wonderful **** scene.

However, at the next moment, Chen Bo's pupil suddenly shrunk into a large needle point, and the look of shock froze on his face!

Not only him but everyone else has the same look. Many of the coalition's brains couldn't help but stood up from the seats.

They were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Shui Dezhen body!

Add luster to the giant snow tooth!

Adding color to the odd door knife!


At the moment when the attack came, Chu Yun suddenly turned into a giant of Shui Germany with his skillful Taoism. He is two feet tall, with water vapor, dance with ribbons, muscles, and exuberant air.

At the same time, the body of the drunk snow knife also skyrocketed to six times its size, complementing the figure of the giant Shui De. Then immediately, because Shui Dezhen's body and the drunk snow knife belong to xìng, the drunk snow knife is increased again. The drunk snow blade has doubled its width once again, which is even bigger than the phantom of the cracking sky stick!


Chu Yun took the first cut, as if an ice peak flew out of the sky. The phantom that splits the sky stick is crushed.


When the second knife went down, Chen Bo was taken aback, and also practiced Taoism. With a roar, he collided with Drunk Snow Knife. The thunderstorm exploded and the sound of 1ang was evacuated, which caused a shock.


"You're fiercer than me ?! Son, you're too tender!" Chen Bo rushed to the crown, roared, and took the initiative to attack. Chu Yun's third attack came, and the two spirit demon soldiers hit a gorgeous fire.


At this time Chu Yun's fourth knife slashed over again. Qimen Sancai Dao is an instant triple knife. In order to improve the attack, Chu Yun did not even add other Dao Fa. It is purely a sword, using the blade of the demon soldier itself.

"Damn it!" Chen Bo gritted his teeth, holding his hands against the blade with his hands.


The fifth knife came at almost the same time.

"How come there is such a fast knife?" Chen Bo no longer had a arrogant arrogance, looking at Xue Liang's blade that was hacked, and was shocked.

He barely resisted, the violent violent force surged, he could no longer hold the split sky stick, and as soon as he let go, the split sky stick was beaten.

"No-!" Without the Spirit Demon Soldier, his anger lost all of a sudden, and he uttered a terrified scream.


Chu Yun's sixth knife hacked past, and Xueliang's knife flashed in a flash. Daomang seemed to be a flash of light, spreading all the way from the top of Chen Bo's head, spreading across his body, and across his monster beast mount. Daomang's lingering momentum did not diminish, and finally burst into the sea below.

I heard a roar, and the sea was cut with a five-foot long, eight-foot deep knife mark. The sea water was like jelly, cut by a transparent knife. The cut sea water rolled down, but did not flow laterally.

This bizarre scene lasted three breaths, and the seawater healed with a bang. The returning seawater collided together, splashing the sky of 1ang Tao.

Shocked by the 1ang Tao that rushed up, Chen Bo's body suddenly split into two. Chilian two-winged snake made a hissing at this time, and was cut into two sections in the eyes of everyone's consternation. Snake head section, snake tail section. The snake's body hurts crazily; the bright red blood spewing out, hún's internal organs, the snake's inner bladder, etc. If you look closely, there are still pale bones.

As 1ang's head fell heavily into the sea again, the fragments of Chen Bo and the demon's body were also brought into the sea. On the uncertain surface of the sea, a scarlet lang foam suddenly appeared.

This sight fell in the eyes of others, as if the sea had become a giant beast. Suddenly the tongue of Xue 1ang was stretched out, and he swallowed the general Chen Bo in the air.

The entire battlefield was quiet. Even the fierce generals in the battle slowed down the rhythm uncontrollably, staring at the place dumbfounded.

No one expected that the result of the battle would be like this!

"How is it possible? How could this be?" Yi Jing, who is also a general, was horrified. He was still optimistic about Chen Bo the previous moment, and then the next time Chen Bo was directly chopped to death.

"In the face of such an attack, Chu Yun did not shy away. Six consecutive swords slashed Chen Bo alive!" General General Numa Xie sucked his tongue and opened his mouth so much that he could swallow three eggs at the same time.


At the next moment, it was like ten thousand tons of seawater suspended in the air, suddenly dropped, and hit the ground. Sound 1ang swept the entire battlefield, the Shu Jiajun was boiling.

"The young island master hacked Chen Bo!",

"Now that our army has two generals, the other is also a general with two members!"

"Fart! We have the master of the island, and are afraid of his general? Come one to kill one, two to kill a pair."

"What a **** Chen Bo, six swords hang. What a **** coalition, it is just as vulnerable!"

The morale of Shu Jiajun was pushed to the peak limit in an instant, and howling eagerly, many people shivered. Chu Yun's six knives were cut neatly, and it was so cool!

"The morale is like rainbow, the military heart is usable! Attack, attack!" Shu Tianhao's eyes flashed a violent divine light, which is not to be seen. With his order, the whole army assaulted, and there was a fire in the Shu family soldiers, which was ignited by Chu Yun's hearty battle. The blood is surging and the fighting spirit is raging!

"Welcoming the enemy! Welcoming the enemy!" The coalition men's faces were pale and hardened, urging the army to meet the Shu family's fleet.

The largest sea battle in the Star Islands in a century has suddenly started in the vast sea.

At the same time, on another battlefield.

Huang Xiao's fleet collided head-on with Tie Ao's main fleet.

"The general, the Tie family is powerful, and should avoid its edge and engage in entanglement." You will suggest Huang Xiaodao.

"Although the opponent's strength and warships are more than twice that of ours, our army has a huge advantage that they do not have. Don't be afraid of them and face the battle!" Huang Xiao said with a smile.

"I don't know what the general's advantage is." The following people glanced at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

"It's me!" Huang Xiao was decisive, his tone was firm, and strong confidence flooded his body.

After an hour and a half.

"The elite of my iron family was defeated! Obviously twice as much military power!" Tie Ao stared at the battlefield stunnedly, feeling a sense of powerless frustration deep into the bone marrow.

Against Huang Xiao, he felt that he was not fighting a fleet, but fighting a world and nature!

Manpower is sometimes exhausted, but naturally boundless.

Huang Xiao's command of battleships has risen to an artistic level. The whole process, like the antelope hanging on the horn, the sky and the sky is empty, there is no trace of the law. The entire fleet seems to have life, forming an inseparable whole.

Half an hour ago ~ ~ The iron family's military power was more than doubled. An hour ago, the military strength of the Tie family was equal to that of the Shu family. Now after an hour and a half, the Shu family's remaining military power is double that of the Tie family, and the gap is still widening!

What is the art of battleship command!

"If I can recruit this person, why fear the Shu family? Why worry about the domineering industry?" Tie Ao thought of his initiative to give up, and such a talent lost his arm, his heart desperately wanted to vomit blood.

He finally realized that there was an incomparable correctness in the tips. But he was wrong, and he was wrong.

But now Huang Xiao has become the general of the Shu family, and all three of his tips have been used up.

"What should I do?" Tie Ao asked himself, he had never thought this would be the case. Before reaching the Shujia waters, the main fleet he had high hopes on was destroyed.

Among the plans he made, there were very good plans for the combat against Deng 6 Shujia Island. It is now a pile of waste paper.

The cruel and ruthless facts are like drinking at the head, so how can he feel so bad!

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