The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 3 Chapter 94: : Fighting general!

Section 94: Fighting General!

"Don't the 25 coalition forces, do you have the guts? Who dares to fight me!" Wu Datou rode a big monster on the 1ang horse and shouted at the enemy. At this moment, he was a bit handsome, and Yuyu Xuanang was a bit handsome.

Good guys play on the battlefield. Wu Datou felt that he had never been so enthusiastic at this moment.

Allied troops frowned. Their eyes were not focused on Wu Datou's body, but they looked forward. There, Chu Yun and Shu Tianhao rebelled against the flagship.

"Wu Datou is a character, but he is worried that Chu Yun will take action next." Someone frowned.

"Look, the demon soldier with a spear in his hand is familiar to him." Some people wondered and saw the demon soldier in Wu Datou's hand.

"That's the Iron-line Dragon Rifle, Tie Ao's previous weapon. He failed to attack Shujia Island, and the demon soldiers in his hand were taken away."

"Who can **** the weapon out of Tie Ao's hands?" The person who asked was surprised.

"Who else besides Overlord?"


The brains inhaled suddenly.

"It seems that the coalition forces are nothing more than a group of gangsters. No one dared to fight against me!" Wu Datou laughed and rode on the 1ang horse, running around in front of the enemy.

"This foolish and powerful guy ..."

"It's really uncomfortable. Why didn't the generals order?"

Many generals in the coalition forces were gradually ignited. One by one stared fiercely at Wu Da, and his fists squeezed. Are waiting for the military order to attack.

"Military heart ..."

"Go on like this, I'm afraid the morale will drop."

The coalition brains are not waste materials, and many people have rich experience in leading troops. Knowing that you can't hesitate anymore, if you hesitate anymore, the morale will be hit, which will have a great impact on the combat effectiveness.

"Chu Yun is not invincible, don't be timid without a fight. If Chu Yun ends, this general will be enough to resist him." It was Chen Bo, one of the three generals of the coalition. He is eight feet long, extremely sturdy, red-faced and red-eared, and sits like a wild bear.

His words lifted the brains.

"General Chen Bo said well."

"Chu Yun is just a person, not a god."

"Strike, fight!"

Just as soon as the coalition army ordered, a general could not wait to control the mount and pat the horse out.

"Wu Na General, Hugh was rampant. I Ye Xiaolai beheaded you!" As he said, he waved the demon soldier's sword in his hand, fighting with Wu Datou.

You come and go between the two sides, half a catty to eight two, the level is equivalent, so stalemate.

"Hahaha, this Ye Xiao, who has been famous for a long time, is a famous general. Wu Datou can actually tie him. It seems that my children's guidance these days has not been in vain." The heroic laughter shows confidence to win.

This is the style of the stars and tigers. Even if the enemy is strong, they are not afraid. The more severe the situation, the more talkative and funny.

The generals standing around him heard the laughter, and the tension in their hearts suddenly dissipated. A pride rises from ng.

Wu Datou has big demon beasts and big demon soldiers. He is straight and straight, and has a deliberate love. Now it is already a general series. This is not the past, it is a loyal and loyal general.

"Ah, my Admiral Dongye Xiang, who dares to come out and be the ghost under my sword?" At this moment, another admiral flew out of the coalition. Riding the blast wolf, holding a horse-cutting demon sword, awe-inspiring.

"Dongye Xiang, he is also a long-known general. Who dares to play?" Shu Tianhao asked.

"Island Master, let the old man cut off his dog's head and make his first contribution!" The old red gun shook his white beard, his fighting intentions were high, and he asked for help first.

Shu Tianhao sighed: "The old general is always strong and ambitious. It's just that the other party is just in his prime. When the old general comes into battle, he must take care of his body.

The old red gun suddenly glared, and had a strong and competing heart: "The island owner looked at me too! I won't cut this person, and I won't be named Hong in the future!"

After he finished speaking, he mounted a big demon, armed with a red tassel, and ran to Dong Yexiang.

what! what! what!

The old red guns were fierce, and the red tassels turned like Jiang Jiaolong. Every time Dao Fa attacked, he shouted at the same time, and his momentum was very fierce.

For a time, the army's sight was suddenly transferred to him.

"I rely on, who is this veteran? So fierce!" Someone in the enemy immediately exclaimed.

Dong Yexiang is also miserable, he did not expect the old red gun offensive so fierce. Suddenly he lost his first move and was firmly suppressed in the downwind.

"This old red gun, what did you eat? Why is it so fierce? Dong Yexiang can't stand it!" Many soldiers in the enemy's army straightened their eyes. Old Red Gun's performance greatly exceeded their expectations.

"In recent years, the Shu family ransacked the Wei family, Ning family, annexed the Yan family, and obtained the Xinghai dragon palace secret possession. There are too many good monsters, even the characters like the old red gun are equipped with one. A big monster, a big monster. It's no wonder that Dongye Xiang was caught off guard and underestimated his opponent, leading to the current situation. "Some people sighed.

"Old Red Gun had already been retired. I thought he would die in the horns. I did n’t expect to jump up again. Alas, the key is that there is a branch of Lishan Longan in the hand of the king, which can improve physical fitness. Otherwise, , How can he have the performance today with his old red gun? "

"One person has the way, the dog is ascending to heaven. It has been incredible for more than a year. With Chu Yun's violent rise, even the entire forces of Shujia Island have changed qualitatively. Overlord is really terrible.

The more you think about it, the heavier the brains of the coalition forces will be. The name Chu Yun is like a heavy boulder pressed against their hearts.

"Hub wounded my elder brother!" Seeing that Dong Yexiang was going to be killed, his younger brother Dong Yekong couldn't hold back anymore, yelling, riding a big monster, and stepping onto the battlefield.

"Huh! I actually want to attack my red-gun brother!" The old fish king glared, riding the big monster sea spider, blocking Dong Yekong.

"Oops, you can't let him cut General Dong Yexiang, otherwise the morale will drop!"

"The other party's generals are not as many as us. We have a number of advantages!"

The coalition forces were impatient and sent eight generals in a row.

Shu Tianhao frowned, immediately responded, and also spotted 8 men to take over. All of a sudden, the remaining generals on the flagship became sparse.

At this time, on the wide sea, the two armies confronted each other, and countless warships were sinking and floating in Haitao. The sky is blue, the shouts and cheers shone across the ocean.

11 pairs of generals, catch and fight. All kinds of Taoism are colorful and splendid. Seeing people boiling blood.

"Die!" Suddenly, the old red gun screamed, and suddenly used a dragon gun soaring. The red gun suddenly turned into a red dragon, and the dragon ng wore Dongyexiang's ng bore.

Dong Yexiang screamed and fell down. Smashed into the sea, thumped, blood hún together 1anghua splashed.


Su Jiajun's morale suddenly soared, and the shouts of cheering suddenly doubled. Suddenly overwhelmed the large number of coalition forces. The soldiers shouted loudly, blushing and ears red, all roaring and yelling.

On the other hand, in the coalition, the cheering stagnation inevitably reduced morale. Everyone has a dignified look in his eyes.

"No, it was topped by the other party!"

Worried things have become reality. The coalition brains were all sinking.

The house leaked in the middle of the night rain, and Dongye Xiang died, his brother Dongye Kong suddenly lost his mind and grief. The old and strong old fish king caught the flaw and was also stabbed to death.

Suddenly, the coalition lost two men in a row. The Shu family prevailed, and morale increased.

"Okay, okay." Chu Yun looked in his eyes and was more happy than he had won. This represents the growth of the Shu family's strength. In the future, he will be more at ease when he goes on an expedition.

"Actually killed by the old guy, the two brothers of Dongye are a pair of waste!" General Chen Bo couldn't sit still. Originally he wanted Chu Yun to come on stage, he shot again to intercept. Today's situation is extremely bad, and a general is needed to bring it back.

"If I don't shoot, I'll make you proud for a while. The two old generals, who don't care for the elderly at home, will have to run to the battlefield. Being the dead soul under my stick, I can't blame others." Beast Chi practiced a two-winged snake, holding a spirit demon soldier split sky stick in his hand, and debuted.

Old Red Gun snorted coldly, even if the opponent is a general, and there is a spirit demon in hand, he is not afraid. Waving the red tassel, he ran to the past.

At the same time, the sea spider under the crotch of the old fish king stepped on the sea 1ang, brandishing a steel fork, with bravery and strength, to help the old red gun.

"Thousands of blows!" Chen Bo's arm flicked, grabbing one end of the split sky stick, and swept out.


With a loud noise, the demon soldiers collided, and the two veteran generals retreated and were almost bombarded by their mounts.

"A lot of strength!" Their tigers' mouths were all cracked and bleeding. Even the ears were buzzing, and my head was dizzy.

"This is the absolute strength gap. Ahahaha." Chen Bo laughed wildly ~ ~ caught up again, and the sky-split stick waved like a wind. Old Red Gun and Old Fish King tried their best to resist, but they couldn't help but retreat.

Chen Bo was the general general of Chen Jiadao. He was originally a fragile white-faced scholar, but was lucky enough to get the Tiantian stick. Nourished and reformed by the spirit of splitting the heavenly stick, he became a red-skinned strong man. Others are tall and powerful, like a bear.

The sky-cracker in his hand is made of fire copper. Chi practice two-winged snake under the hips, blood red. With the golden red armor, the whole person is a blazing flame. Brings a scorching fierce, irresistible feeling.

"General Chen is mighty !!"

"General Chen Weiwei !!"

Allied forces witnessed the occupation, morale picked up, and the shouts rang loudly.

"Two old things, I'm going to smash you into the mud." Chen Bo an an mouth net, a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes. The killer was about to hurt, and suddenly felt a sigh of heart, suddenly slowed down by half a beat, so that the two old generals would settle down and then retreat.

Chen Bo followed the feeling and looked forward. I saw Chu Yun riding a sky fox and was flying towards himself.

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