The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 964: Overlord color, Luffy’s qualifications as king




 For a time, the entire surrounding wall completely became a purgatory on earth.

 The fiery red lava and scorching temperature suddenly made the already pitted ice layer even more pitted.

 The sea is almost boiling.

 Many pirates were only wiped and half of their bodies were completely gone!

Even if you escape the attack of the lava fist, if you accidentally fall into a pit of boiling water, when you take it out, you will be burned beyond recognition and half dead!

 What’s even more serious is the pirate ships that are constantly being burned.

The wooden one was returned to the pirate ship, and it ignited when it encountered fire. The wood chips flew into the sky, and the flames shot up into the sky, turning the sky red for half the sky!

There were explosions everywhere, how could it be so tragic!

 “Kulala, you really don’t show any mercy at all!”

Whitebeard looked at all this, neither sad nor happy!

 “Na na na, what a beautiful firework!”

Xia Muyang smacked his lips and said with narrowed eyes.

No one knows what he is thinking!

“Whitebeard, I’m quite satisfied with the lava funeral I prepared for you!”

Akainu looked at the white beard not far away and said provocatively.

 “Kulala, at this level, you can only be used as a candle!”

Whitebeard Congyunqie grabbed a piece of lava coming towards him and completely blew it away with one strong breath!

 “It really cost us a lot!”

Whitebeard grinned, and then, with a heavy step, he joined the battlefield.

“But your plan still has an accident. Little Oz is our breakthrough!”

 At this point, Whitebeard's eyes lit up, "You guys, step on Little Oz's body and charge!"


  A group of pirates immediately responded with wild shouts, and then they all rushed towards the gap opened by Little Oz.

 “How could I let you succeed!”

Of course the navy went to stop it immediately. What a joke, if this was broken through, it would be really urgent.

The execution platform is right in front of us. If their army breaks through, what will they do?

At the same time, outside the iron wall, across the naval wall, Luffy and his group were also preparing to break through the naval wall.

Luffy really couldn't wait any longer. Every second he waited meant one second more danger for Ace.

He has even got the key now, how could he be willing to stop like this?

Of course, with the help of Evakov, Luffy, Jinbe and the others broke through.

 They also re-entered the sight of the navy and others.

 “Fufufu, this turbulent world is so interesting!”

 Doflamingo was lamenting about life again and had no intention of taking action.

Hawkeye, on the other hand, actually drew his sword and joined the battlefield. Looking in his direction, he actually sniped Luffy and flew away.

Luffy, a stupid young man, rushed towards Ace as soon as he entered the main battlefield.

 “Now, execution!”

But who would have expected that the Warring States Period actually issued an execution order!

 “Give! Me! Stop! Hands!”

Seeing that Ace was about to be executed, and even Whitebeard was shocked and had no time to rescue him, Luffy's kingly qualifications that shocked the world - Overlord Haki finally broke out.

The whole place was silent. Most of the majors fell down. Even the captain was trembling.

“Hey, hey, hey, this is incredible, this little guy actually has such a terrifying qualification!”

Even Kizaru, who had always been lazy, rarely became serious.

 “Quick, let the substitute executioner come on stage!”

 This change was beyond the Warring States Period's expectations, and he made a decision immediately!

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