The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 963: Meteor volcano, this is your funeral

 “Come on, dad, crush them and fight all the way to Ace!”

Upon seeing this, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted with joy.

They have never thought about what they would do if Whitebeard could not do anything with this surrounding wall!

The majestic cracking force was released, and under the horrified gaze of the navy, they came into close contact with the surrounding wall!


The earth trembled violently, and the surrounding walls also rang with metal and iron, and even dented in.

 But until the power of Whitebeard's attack was exhausted, the surrounding wall was not broken!


Seeing this, all the navy members couldn't help but feel relieved!

 “The next step is **** for you!”

Akainu took a step forward, and then pointed his arms toward the sky, continuously firing fists of hot molten metal.

 This move is called the Meteor Volcano!

 Having a terrifying force comparable to that of a meteorite, and the terrifying temperature of the molten lava, it is almost impossible to escape.

 “What on earth is he going to do!”

 The pirates don’t know what Akainu is playing with!

“Wait a minute, it will be a very beautiful firework!”

 Xia Muyang suddenly appeared next to Warring States Period, so he had some time to talk.

 “You…know what the consequences will be if you come here!”

 Sengoku was uncharacteristically looking at Natsume Yang with a very serious expression.

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Sengoku, I have no intention of taking the opportunity to rescue Ace!"

"To be honest, if I have this idea, you may not be able to stop me!"

Xia Muyang touched his nose and said.

 "You...!" As soon as these words came out, it wasn't just Sengoku's expression that changed.

 The three generals, even the nearby naval vice-admiral, and even all the people in front of the screen could not help but show horrified expressions.

"Mr. Sengoku, I seem to smell a breath that does not belong to the navy or pirates. Why, the world government wants to kill me!"

Xia Muyang looked at Warring States, wanting to get an answer from him.

"No, how could it be possible? Don't think about it!" Warring States' expression changed and he pretended to be calm.

 “Haha, when the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden. Is that so? Just let me wait!”

"Mr. Warring States, I don't want it to be like that, but if it is really like that, then there is nothing I can do!"

 After saying that, Natsume Yang left.

If he hadn't suddenly sensed the murderous intention of the World Government killer CP0 towards him, he might have really kept watching the good show!

 But, now? That’s not necessarily the case!

"How can this kid be so sharp? I just got the news and he noticed it!"

"If you don't get involved with the historical guide stone, maybe I can intercede for you!"

“But that kind of thing can easily lead to chaos in the world, so I’m sorry!”

 A cold light flashed in Sengoku's eyes.

 “Something seems to have fallen from the sky!”

At this moment, a pirate suddenly noticed a roaring sound coming from the sky at extremely high speeds, and dense red dots appeared.

“It’s those molten fists just now!!”

 When they got closer, the pirates finally knew what it was, and their expressions suddenly changed.

 What a joke, they can't handle this kind of attack.

A blow that was originally no more than the size of a normal fist was now as big as a millstone and fell from such a high altitude in the sky.

 Even if there is not a thousand jun, there are still nine hundred and ninety-nine jun!

 This is completely beyond the scope of what ordinary people can deal with.

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