“Yeah, we didn’t expect that you would actually have so many spies around us in Daming Mansion!”

“When I think about it now, it’s really ridiculous. We actually naively wanted to achieve a coup through external force under your nose and under your supervision. Hahaha, it’s really ridiculous!”

Minister Zuo didn't care at all. This time, they lost completely. In other words, they had never won against the person in front of them.

God knows how shocked and desperate they were after knowing the outcome of this battle.

The Leaf Village, which is the number one ninja village, and the Kirigakure Village, which is also one of the top five ninja villages, actually failed to defeat a new ninja village that had just been established for more than three years, and they paid such a heavy price.

"What about you! Don't you care anymore? Who gave you the courage to rebel against me? It's all because of me that you are where you are today. Why, after you succeed, everyone wants to pick peaches and kill them. Donkey!"

“I’m just getting my things back. Since you want to stop me, I have no choice but to get rid of you too!”

 “Spare your life!”

 “Spare your life!”

 “We know we were wrong!”

 “I really know I was wrong!”

 “Let us go this time!”

 But not everyone can be as open-minded as Minister Zuo. Suddenly, there was a cry for mercy in the secret room.

"Haha, now you know how to beg for mercy. Why did you go there earlier? Dare to take action. Sirs, we are all adults. Don't be so embarrassed!"

Natsume Yang had no intention of letting these people go from the beginning. Naturally, no matter how much they begged for mercy, it was impossible to let them go.

  "Take him down, and tomorrow he will be publicly executed for treason under the Ming Shenmen!"

Xia Muyang glanced at the featureless middle-aged man behind him and gave instructions lazily.

 “Yes, sir!”

This man gave Xia Muyang a feverish look, then winked at all the men in black, and all the ministers were dragged out like mud.

"You are a bad person. It's a lie to execute these people, but it's true that you want to cause harm!"

Suddenly, Kanyue Qianxia’s pretty face suddenly turned crimson, and her body almost fell limp in Natsume Yang’s arms.

“Isn’t it normal to have food and sex?”

 Xia Muyang hugged Kanyue Qianxia and whispered in her ear.

 “Bad guy…ugh!”

Kuanyue Qianxia's eyes suddenly widened, and then she was completely lost, and her eyes were full of eyes.

This battle was called the Battle of the Rise of Yangyin Village by later generations, and was regarded as an unprecedented and unparalleled battle.

Because no one expected that a Yangyin Village could defeat the five great ninja villages of Konoha and Kirigakure at the cost of only over a thousand casualties.

According to the words of Terumi Mei, the person involved: "Only by actually fighting with them can we know how strong the foundation of Yangyin Village is. They have terrifying combat power that is completely beyond our expectations!"

 Unfortunately, Hinata Hizu from Konoha Village also said the same thing.

After this battle, Yangyin Village, a ninja village that was only established for more than three years, has become the sixth great ninja village, equal to the other five great ninja villages, regardless of whether the other five great ninja villages admit it or not.

The Kingdom of the Yang has naturally become the sixth largest country, successfully rising to the top of the world and entering the top ranks of power.

And the name of the first generation Sun Shadow Natsume Yang also spread throughout the entire ninja world with this battle, and became completely famous in the ninja world.

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