“Why, do you still want to continue fighting? Everyone!”

Seeing the angry person looking at him with a wary look on his face, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile, confident and calm.

"Mito Gate Flame, do you think that if you continue to fight, Konoha will collapse like this? Give up, or should you continue to try again?"

"Oh, by the way, I should go to Konoha now. You are all empty. Such a good opportunity should not be missed!" With that, Natsume Yang was about to turn around and leave.


Mito Kadoyan opened his mouth and stopped Natsume Yang.

 “Why, what’s your advice, Lord Mito Monobu!”

 Natsume Yang turned around and looked at the somewhat sultry Mito Kadoyan, and asked with a smile.

 “We... admit defeat!”

Mito Katoyan clenched his fists and spat out these words with a face full of struggle. After finishing speaking, he fell directly to the ground, as if these words had drained all his strength.

"Haha, time will prove that this will be a very correct decision. Take your remaining defeated soldiers and leave here. In a week, come to Yangyin Village to sign an armistice agreement! Together with Wuyin Village!"

Xia Muyang sat down on the ice dragon head and looked down at the few people. Although he was smiling, there was no smile in his tone.

"You have changed so much. You are really nothing like the Natsume Yang you were before!"

Before leaving, Nara Shikaku glanced at the smiling Natsume Yo and said this.

"Yes, everything has changed. Who could have thought before that we would be on opposite sides!" Xia Muyang responded immediately.

 The battle between Konoha Village and Yangyin Village ended with Konoha's disastrous defeat.

 The opponents are just two people and a psychic beast!

 In Konoha, there were only four thousand ninjas who survived in the end, and the rest were all killed!

  After learning such data, Mito Menyan was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted.

 The loss is too great.

 This is completely beyond their scope of acceptance.

"After this battle, Yangyin Village will really become famous in the ninja world!"

After Natsume Yang handled the armistice affairs in Konoha, on the battlefield of Kirigakure Village, Jiuyan, with the help of Lao Zi and Reiko, reached a negotiation on the armistice affairs with Terumi Mei.

  In Kirigakure Village, there were ten thousand ninjas when they came, but when they left, there were only three thousand people left. There were no survivors under the tailed beast.

 “Then, the next step is to clean up the door!”

 After watching the Konoha team leave Yangyin Village completely, Natsume Yang also embarked on the road back.

 “You’re back, you’re not hurt!”

When Natsume Yang returned to Yangyin Village, Kanyue Qianxia jumped directly into Natsume Yang's arms and carefully checked whether he was injured. Behind her were a dozen ANBU, these were the last remaining defense forces of Yangyin Village.

"How could I be injured? Have you forgotten what my physique is? Come on, I'll take you to Daming Mansion. There's a good show waiting for us!"

Xia Muyang completely ignored the gazes of everyone, hugged Princess Kanyue Qianxia from the waist, and then rushed out in a few quick steps.

  Daming Mansion, in the brightly lit secret room.

“Speaking of which, I wouldn’t know it until I saw it, but I was shocked when I saw it. I didn’t expect so many people to oppose me. It really surprised me!”

Xia Muyang sat at the top of the table with a big horse and a golden sword. Kanyue Qianxia sat next to him, looking at the controlled ministers, showing a rather interesting expression.

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