The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 625: They're all acquaintances

 “Water escape? Water formation wall!”

Fifteen water escape team ninjas formed seals at the same time, forming a large water formation wall of nearly fifty meters. The moment it collided with the flames, it violently churned and turned into a hot, humid and suffocating mist, covering Nara Shikaku and the others. Got in.

 “Thunder Escape? Flying Wings Kill!”

 But this is what Bai Ling wants. As Natsume Yang's psychic beast, he is also good at speed.


They saw a sudden flash of lightning in the mist, and then, many ninjas suddenly grabbed their necks, their eyes widened, but they couldn't stop the blood spurting out, and they fell to the ground.


"so close!"

Even Nara Shikaku managed to escape with the help of his super intuition and Yamanaka Kaiichi.

"Just a psychic beast is already so powerful, Natsume Yang, how scary is it now?" Nara Shikaku had to ask himself in his heart.

 Natsume Yang is here.

"Fire Release...!" A group of Fire Release ninjas seized the opportunity and were about to release their ninjutsu to attack Natsume Yang, trying to force him into their encirclement. When Natsume Yang suddenly jumped up, he clenched his fists: "Ice Escape? Ice forest comes!"


The next moment, under the horrified gazes of all the Konoha ninjas, everything within a mile was frozen instantly.

Then, ice branches as thick as water jars rose from the ground, spiraled and roared, and then, like sweeping garbage, they tore through the air and swept towards the crowd.

Who can withstand this?


Even the Three-Tails had no way to break free. These Konoha ninjas didn't think they could withstand it. They were like ants. After they were swept away screaming, they froze into pieces of ice sculptures in the air. After they fell to the ground, they were frozen. It shattered into pieces of ice on the ground.

Those who were not hit were not happy either. In the scope of the ice forest, after the extremely cold power entered the body, it was like a shackle, locking up all their ability to move.

In less than two seconds, it was frozen into an ice sculpture, and then shattered into pieces by the ice branches.

Furthermore, as the power of extreme cold continued to spread, the scope of the ice forest was also expanding. Seeing this, the surrounding ninjas dared not show any signs of neglect and retreated in horror.

 “Fire Escape? Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!”

When he went to bed, Koharu felt that if he didn't take action, he might not have a role in his role. A fire dragon flame bomb that was a few blocks worse than the Third Hokage hit the ice tree branch that was shooting towards him.

 He originally thought that fire defeated ice, and the fire dragon's flame bullets should be enough to destroy the ice branch.

However, the reality may be cruel. The fire dragon flame bullet did not cause any damage to the ice branch at all. It was directly penetrated and torn apart. With a look of horror on his face, he was rolled up and frozen into an ice sculpture, and then hung up. .

 “Bagua…empty palm!”

 “Fire escape? The art of divine fire!”

However, at this moment, two voices came together. The ice branch first received a chakra impact full of attacks, causing a crack. Then, it was hit by an extremely solid flame, and it was broken into half in an instant.

“What a familiar feeling, everything seems like a lifetime ago. I didn’t expect to meet again in such an identity, Ye Yu and Jing Lan!”

Xia Muyang sat on the ice branch, looking at the two young people in front of him, his mouth full of emotion.

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