
I saw Kakashi's right arm frozen instantly. Kakashi screamed and fell weakly to the ground.

 “Wood Escape? Thorns Assassination Technique!”

Seeing this, Tianzang formed another seal, and a thorn filled with barbs flew out of his hand, and rushed in front of Xia Muyang, about to pierce Xia Muyang's body.

 “The art of partial doubling!”

 Akimichi Dingza doubled directly. After catching Kakashi, the black stick flew straight at Natsume Yang in the air.

 “Ice Escape? Frozen Eyes!”

Xia Muyang whispered again. As far as his eyes could see, ice-cold power spurted out. The black sticks and thorns were all frozen and stopped in front of him. Then, he heard Xia Muyang whisper: "Explode!"


I saw the frozen thorns and black sticks turning into ice crystals all over the sky with a bang, shooting towards the surrounding Konoha ninjas.


Seeing this scene, Akimichi Dingzuo couldn't help but shouted in panic and shouted a reminder.

 “Water escape? Kirigakure’s art!”

 “Heart, liver, throat, brain, lungs, which one do you choose!”

When Natsume Yang showed off his power, Zabuza also joined the battlefield. From the beginning, it was his exclusive killing fog field.


 The ninjas who were caught in this mist felt like everything around them was cut off from them. The only thing left in his ears was Zabuza's ethereal voice, which he had no idea where it would appear from.

“Is this the S-class rebel ninja from Kirigakure Village, Zabuza, known as Kijin? He’s so strong!”

Moonlight Hayate was also there, with a solemn look on his face, "But don't think that we Konoha Village ninjas are easy to bully!"

 As he spoke, he entered stealth mode and disappeared from the spot!

“Has it disappeared? Haha, that’s interesting!”

Seeing this, Zabuza couldn't help but smile. Then, he quickly formed a seal to create a water avatar to control the mist. He raised his sword to block it.

 In an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and Moonlight Hayate appeared and looked at Zabuza in disbelief: "Why can you see me!"

“Hahaha, kid, the murderous aura in you seems to me like you are as conspicuous as a light bulb, why can’t I find you!”

 Speaking, the beheading sword slid to the left, and the body of Moonlight Gale was pressed to the right.

  "Wow!" He immediately raised his right foot and struck the top of his knee **** Moonlight Gale's abdomen, sending him flying away.


Zabu slashed and shot out three kunai, all of which pierced into Moonlight Hayate's chest.

 “Next, it’s you!”

Zabuza entered the mist. Before the ninja in the mist could figure it out, he heard the sound of falling to the ground suddenly in his ears, and blood splashed!


Before he could finish saying the word 'be careful', the man's eyes widened and he fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

"Puff puff!"

 Killing is what Zabuza is best at.

  Let’s talk about the white spirit in the sky.

 “Thunder escape? Bai Lei!”

White Spirit was surrounded by extremely manic thunder and lightning, and then he directly unfolded his huge body and wreaked havoc among the ninjas. Wherever he passed, the Konoha ninjas suffered heavy casualties, leaving only a charred human form.

 But if you think he only knows thunder escape and ninjutsu, you would be underestimating him.

Just when Nara Shikaku was about to use the shadow imitation technique to restrain his movements, he took off into the air one step earlier.

Then, he opened his big mouth and a wave of fire was ejected that was no less powerful than the Third Hokage's Fire Dragon Flame Bomb. Nara Shikaku and hundreds of ninjas, including Yamanaka Kaiichi, couldn't help but change their expressions, and quickly retreated. Yin releases water escape to fight.

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