However, they were anxious but did not wait for Natsume Yang to take further action. Yangyin Village just settled down. If there was any other activity, it would be the talent recruitment conference held every six months!

 But this is a normal thing. After all, Yangyin Village has held such activities several times. This time, both the scale and the number of people recruited are within the normal range.

"Perhaps he didn't realize it. We are too sensitive. However, we still need to make relevant preparations quickly. Time waits for no one. The sooner we take back the power, the sooner we can breathe a sigh of relief!" The people of Yang Country thought in their hearts.

“Konoha Village, Kirigakure Village, come on, let me tell you what despair brought by strength is!”

 Natsume Yang sat in the only secret place in Yangyin Village, in the ice and snow mountain plains, with an expectant expression.

“After I win this war, no one will covet Yangyin Village anymore!”

 Successfully capturing the three tails increased his experience points by 20,000, and successfully invited Lao Zi to join him, which increased his experience points by 30,000. Even if he did not enter immortal mode, his strength would be close to that of Pain's Six Paths.

 In the data given by the system, the peak combat power value of Payne's Six Paths is 45w.

Yangyin Village is still developing steadily and appears harmonious.

“How are the preparations going? Is there any movement in Konoha Village and Kirigakure Village?”

In a secret room, the lights were bright, and Minister Zuo was sitting at the head, looking at a tall and thin old man present, asking about the progress of the matter.

"They are all ready. As soon as our signal comes out, they can immediately send troops, cooperate with us inside and outside, and successfully descend on Yangyin Village!"

The man replied calmly and confidently, obviously already prepared.

"Well, now that you are ready, let's give the signal. I can't stand such dark days for a day anymore. The sooner we have a coup, the sooner we can regain our freedom!" Minister Zuo made the final decision.

 Konoha Village!

"Hiruzhan, this time, don't be soft-hearted. You should know how big a threat Natsume Yang poses now. Just take this opportunity to eradicate him in one fell swoop. If he doesn't die for a day, I don't think the entire ninja world will feel at ease." !”

“You don’t need to remind me about this, I know it already!”

 The three fire shadows glanced at Danzo and said somewhat dissatisfied.

 Immediately, he walked towards the square on the top floor.

"Grandpa Third Generation, why are you going to war with Brother Natsumeyo? What bad things has Brother Natsumeyo done? You want to destroy him! He is obviously so approachable, but why did he still leave Konoha? Now you are going to fight him!"

At this moment, Naruto stood in front of the third generation, with an innocent, curious, and pleading expression on his face.

"Naruto, you don't understand now. We all have our own positions. It has nothing to do with whether we have done bad things. Be good, this is not something you should be asking about now, you know?"

 Sandai touched Naruto's head and smiled kindly.


"There are no buts. He chose this path himself, and he is mentally prepared for the final result!"

The Third Hokage stopped Naruto from saying anything else, and then appeared in front of a group of Konoha ninjas who had already gathered, and said: "You should all know who the enemy is in this battle, and I have nothing to say!"

“When we meet again, we are all enemies. Just because you are soft-hearted does not mean that he will be soft-hearted, so I don’t need to say more about what to do. Let’s go!”

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