
This molten armor actually had no effect at all. It was instantly broken through by the Hyouxuanwan and imprinted on the body. In an instant, Lao Zi felt as if there were countless ice knives tearing his body apart. pain.

Moreover, the power of extreme cold continued to rage inside his body, stripping him of his consciousness bit by bit.

But Lao Zi is Lao Zi after all. Under such a disadvantage, he still relied on his strong willpower and shouted to the four-tailed Sun Wukong in his body: "Help me, Sun!" After that, he instantly mobilized chakra throughout his body, Launched the strongest attack.

 “Melting Escape? Huaguo Mountain!”

He stretched out his four tails and stopped, then slapped his hands heavily on the ground. In an instant, the magma rolled and turned into a huge wave that hit the sky and spread across a hundred meters in all directions.

The entire forest howled violently, like a natural disaster, shooting down towards Natsume Yang.

If it was Natsume Yang's previous Great Waterfall Technique that only dealt physical damage with tremendous force, then the giant wave of magma in front of Natsume Yang's eyes was a terrifying move with double physical and magic damage.

Xia Muyang's vision was blurry. He felt like he was on the edge of the sun. His body was about to burn. He was dehydrated rapidly. He couldn't open his eyes at all. There was a horrible burning pain that spread throughout his body.

“After all, he is a four-tailed jinchūriki with a combat power of 90,000. If he hadn’t met the pervert Inigaki Kisame in the original work, he probably wouldn’t have been defeated so easily!”

Faced with the huge wave of molten lava, Xia Muyang took a long breath of heat, and then, the extremely cold breath burst out, and an ice storm spurted out that almost froze the space.




The molten magma that was raging and arrogant one second was frozen without any resistance the next second. There was really no resistance at all, and it was frozen in one second.

 The surrounding forest instantly turned into a world of ice crystals, shining brightly in the sunlight, causing the surrounding temperature to reach several degrees below zero in an instant.

“Is it impossible to deal with such an attack? Moreover, he seems to be careless. How strong is he now!”

 Lao Zi fell to the ground helplessly and exited Mode 2. In this mode, although his strength became extremely powerful, it also placed a heavy load on his body.

 “Tell me your answer!”

 Xia Muyang sheathed the Ice Spirit Sword and strolled to Lao Zi, waiting for his answer.

“Let me see how far you can lead Yangyin Village to develop. I hope it won’t be like when I left Yanyin Village!”

 Lao Zi stood up from the ground and told Natsume Yang his answer.

“Don’t worry, you will never regret joining Yangyin Village. This will be a very interesting place.”

 After getting Lao Zi’s affirmative answer, Xia Muyang said with a smile.

“Hahaha, if I had known that I would become your subordinate now, I should have tried my best to impress you, so that I wouldn’t be no match for you now!”

Lao Zi suddenly laughed, but Xia Muyang couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. Lao Zi looked at a very serious person, how could he be so funny.

If the addition of the Three-Tailed Jinchuriki shocked the ninja world and frightened the restless people in the Country of Sun, then the addition of the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki made them start to wonder whether Natsume Yang had discovered their little tricks. .

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