After taking the chunin exam and becoming a chunin, Uchiha Itachi will immediately join the ANBU under the arrangement of his family, become Uchiha Shisui's assistant, and begin to perform tasks as an ANBU.

 After that, he and Natsume Yang may never interact again. Moreover, most of the people in their tribe are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the top management of Konoha, and the conflicts are intensifying step by step.

It seems that the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Leaf Village can no longer be reconciled. Within the family, the voice of wanting to seize power through revolution became louder and louder, and only he and Uchiha Shisui disagreed.

The opposition of the two of them has no effect, just a drop in the bucket, just like two small pebbles thrown into the sea, making no waves.

Moreover, their objections made them gradually isolated by most of the tribe. If it weren't for the concern that Uchiha Itachi was the son of Uchiha Fugaku, many people might have already criticized him verbally and writtenly. .

"Is there really no way to resolve this contradiction? Do we have to use such an extreme method to deal with this matter?"

"If we are strong enough, we can still plan a little bit, but the key point is that the current power in the village and the power of our family are not at the same level at all. How can our plan be successful?"

“Besides, even if we succeed, who can guarantee that our Uchiha clan will be recognized by other families!”

“Teacher Natsume Yang is right, it’s not that you can get everyone’s recognition by becoming Hokage, but you can become Hokage by getting everyone’s recognition.”

“It seems that with the reputation of our Uchiha clan, we cannot do this!”


After leaving a sigh, Uchiha Itachi shook his head and left.

 After returning to the family, as expected by Itachi Uchiha, there was another conspiracy meeting gathered together.

For such a meaningless meeting, Uchiha Itachi just wanted to say, you should give up. This revolution is impossible to succeed. Not to mention Mr. Hokage, you can't even pass the test of Mr. Natsume Yang.

But no matter how much Uchiha Itachi resisted, he still couldn't save these clansmen who had fallen into madness. After all, he was not the head of the Uchiha clan and could not dominate these people. Moreover, he had no interests with them.

 After a meaningless meeting, Uchiha Itachi was left alone by Uchiha Fugaku.

  "The day after tomorrow is your chuunin exam, you should know what this means!"

"With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to cope with such an exam. After you pass it, you will join the ANBU and become a spy placed in the ANBU by our Uchiha clan. We will provide real-time information about Konoha to our Uchiha clan. Do you understand?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Itachi with a serious face, and his tone was full of doubts.

"Yes, I understand!"

 Uchiha Itachi nodded obediently without saying any words of rejection. Uchiha Fugaku nodded. He was very satisfied with this son. He was powerful, talented, and most importantly, he was very obedient.

“This is my son, Uchiha Fugaku, go ahead and prepare for the exam!”

 Uchiha Fugaku patted Uchiha Itachi on the shoulder, and then left with satisfaction.

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